Files | |
file | compute_intersection.cc [code] |
file | compute_intersection.hh [code] |
Fundamental simplicial intersections. | |
file | inspect_elements_algorithm.cc [code] |
file | inspect_elements_algorithm.hh [code] |
file | intersection_aux.cc [code] |
file | intersection_aux.hh [code] |
Internal class representing intersection object. | |
file | intersection_local.cc [code] |
file | intersection_local.hh [code] |
Classes with algorithms for computation of intersections of meshes. | |
file | intersection_point_aux.cc [code] |
file | intersection_point_aux.hh [code] |
Internal class representing intersection point. | |
file | mixed_mesh_intersections.cc [code] |
file | mixed_mesh_intersections.hh [code] |
file | plucker.cc [code] |
file | plucker.hh [code] |
Plucker coordinates class. | |