CInput::AbstractRecord | Accessor to the polymorphic input data of a type given by an AbstracRecord object |
Cinternal::AccessTypeDispatch< ET > | |
Cinternal::AccessTypeDispatch< unsigned int > | |
CAdaptiveSimpson | Static class implementing integration using Simpson's rule |
CInput::Address | |
CInput::Address::AddressData | |
CHC_ExplicitSequential::AdvectionData | |
►CAdvectionDiffusionModel | |
CConcentrationTransportModel | |
CHeatTransferModel | |
►CAllocator | |
Cfmt::internal::MemoryBuffer< T, SIZE, Allocator > | |
Cfmt::internal::MemoryBuffer< Char, internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE, Allocator > | |
►CApplicationBase | |
CApplication | |
Cfmt::internal::ArgArray< N, bool > | |
Cfmt::internal::ArgArray< N, false > | |
Cfmt::internal::ArgArray< N, true > | |
Cfmt::ArgList | |
Cfmt::internal::ArgMap< Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::ArgType | |
Cfmt::ArgVisitor< Impl, Result > | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< ArgConverter< T >, void > | |
Cfmt::internal::ArgConverter< T > | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< ArgFormatter< Char >, void > | |
►Cfmt::internal::ArgFormatterBase< ArgFormatter< Char >, Char > | |
►Cfmt::BasicArgFormatter< ArgFormatter< Char >, Char > | |
Cfmt::ArgFormatter< Char > | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< CharConverter, void > | |
Cfmt::internal::CharConverter | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< Impl, void > | |
►Cfmt::internal::ArgFormatterBase< Impl, Char > | |
Cfmt::BasicArgFormatter< Impl, Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::BasicPrintfArgFormatter< Impl, Char > | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< IsZeroInt, bool > | |
Cfmt::internal::IsZeroInt | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< PrecisionHandler, int > | |
Cfmt::internal::PrecisionHandler | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< PrintfArgFormatter< Char >, void > | |
►Cfmt::internal::ArgFormatterBase< PrintfArgFormatter< Char >, Char > | |
►Cfmt::internal::BasicPrintfArgFormatter< PrintfArgFormatter< Char >, Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::PrintfArgFormatter< Char > | |
►Cfmt::ArgVisitor< WidthHandler, unsigned > | |
Cfmt::internal::WidthHandler | |
CInput::Array | Accessor to input data conforming to declared Array |
CInput::Type::Array::ArrayData | Actual data of the Array |
CAssembler | |
►CAssemblyBase | |
►CAssemblyMH< dim > | |
CAssemblyLMH< dim > | |
►CAssemblyGroupInterface | |
CAssemblyGroupBase< ImplAL > | |
►CAssemblyGroupBase< SomeEqAssembly< Dim > > | |
CFlowLMHAssembly< Dim > | |
CFlowMHAssembly< Dim > | |
Cfeal::Assert | Class defining debugging messages |
Cfeal::AssertNull | |
CInput::Type::Attribute | Class with static methods provided common attributes of Input::Type objects |
Cfadbad::B< T > | |
CBalance | |
►Cbasic_streambuf | |
Cfmt::internal::FormatBuf< Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::BasicCharTraits< Char > | |
►Cfmt::internal::BasicCharTraits< char > | |
Cfmt::internal::CharTraits< char > | |
►Cfmt::internal::BasicCharTraits< wchar_t > | |
Cfmt::internal::CharTraits< wchar_t > | |
Cfmt::BasicCStringRef< Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::BasicData< T > | |
Cfmt::BasicStringRef< Char > | |
Cfmt::BasicStringRef< char > | |
►Cfmt::BasicWriter< Char > | |
Cfmt::BasicArrayWriter< Char > | |
Cfmt::BasicMemoryWriter< Char, Allocator > | |
Cla::BddcmlWrapper | Multilevel BDDC based linear system solver |
CBIHNode | |
CBIHTree | Class for O(log N) lookup for intersections with a set of bounding boxes |
►Cbinary_function | |
Cla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >::TripleLessThan_ | Returns true if the index pair of the first entry is smaller than of the second entry |
Cla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >::TripleRowLessThan_ | Returns true if the first entry has smaller ROW index than the second one |
CBoundary | |
CBoundarySegment | |
CBoundingBox | Bounding box in 3d ambient space |
►Cfmt::Buffer< T > | |
Cfmt::internal::MemoryBuffer< T, SIZE, Allocator > | |
►Cfmt::Buffer< Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::FixedBuffer< Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::MemoryBuffer< Char, internal::INLINE_BUFFER_SIZE, Allocator > | |
Cfmt::BufferedFile | |
Cfmt::internal::CharTraits< Char > | |
CInterpolantBase::Check | |
CInput::Type::Abstract::ChildData | Actual data of the abstract record |
►Cclosable_tag | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_filter< FiniteStateMachine >::category | |
CIsotherm::ConcPair | Pair of soluted and adsorbed concentration |
Cfmt::internal::Conditional< B, T, F > | |
Cfmt::internal::Conditional< false, T, F > | |
Cjson_spirit::Config_map< String > | |
Cfmt::internal::ConvertToInt< T > | |
Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl< T, ENABLE_CONVERSION > | |
Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl2< T, ENABLE_CONVERSION > | |
Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl2< T, true > | |
Cfmt::internal::ConvertToIntImpl< T, true > | |
►CCouplingBase | |
CHC_ExplicitSequential | Class for solution of steady or unsteady flow with sequentially coupled explicit transport |
CCrossFunction< Func > | |
Cfmt::internal::Value::CustomValue | |
CDarcyFlowMHOutput | |
CInput::Type::Default | Class Input::Type::Default specifies default value of keys of a Input::Type::Record |
Cjson_spirit::Json_grammer< Value_type, Iter_type >::definition< ScannerT > | |
Cstd::deque< T > | |
CDiffData | |
CRegionDB::DimId | |
CDistribution | |
►CDistributionType | |
CDistributionBlock | |
CDistributionLocalized | |
CDofDistribution< degree, dim > | Distribution of dofs for polynomial finite elements |
►CDOFHandlerBase | |
CDOFHandlerMultiDim | Provides the numbering of the finite element degrees of freedom on the computational mesh |
►Cdual_use | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_filter< FiniteStateMachine >::category | |
Cfmt::internal::DummyInt | |
CSparseGraph::Edge | |
CEdge | |
CElement | |
CElementAccessor< spacedim > | |
►CElementDataCacheBase | |
CElementDataCache< T > | |
►Cfmt::EmptySpec | |
Cfmt::TypeSpec< TYPE > | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
►COutputMeshBase | Base class for Output mesh |
COutputMesh | Class represents output mesh with continuous elements |
COutputMeshDiscontinuous | |
Cfmt::internal::EnableIf< B, T > | |
Cfmt::internal::EnableIf< true, T > | |
CInput::Enum | |
►CEquationBase | |
►CAdvectionProcessBase | |
CHeatTransferModel | |
CTransportNothing | Empty transport class |
CTransportOperatorSplitting | Coupling of a transport model with a reaction model by operator splitting |
►CConcentrationTransportBase | |
CConcentrationTransportModel | |
CConvectionTransport | |
►CDarcyFlowInterface | |
►CDarcyMH | Mixed-hybrid of steady Darcy flow with sources and variable density |
CRichardsLMH | Edge lumped mixed-hybrid solution of unsteady Darcy flow |
CFlowLMHEq | |
CFlowMHEq | |
►CReactionTerm | |
CDualPorosity | Class representing dual porosity model in transport |
►CFirstOrderReactionBase | Base class for linear reactions and decay chain |
CFirstOrderReaction | Class implements the linear reactions |
CRadioactiveDecay | Class implements the radioactive decay chain |
►CSorptionBase | |
►CSorptionDual | Abstract class of sorption model in case dual porosity is considered |
CSorptionImmob | Sorption model in immobile zone in case dual porosity is considered |
CSorptionMob | Sorption model in mobile zone in case dual porosity is considered |
CSorptionSimple | Simple sorption model without dual porosity |
►Cerror_info | |
CEI< Tag, Type > | |
Cjson_spirit::Error_position | |
Cfmt::ErrorCode | |
CErrorNorm | |
CInterpolantBase::EvalStatistics | Structure that keeps statistics of evaluation |
►Cexception | |
►CExceptionBase | Base of exceptions used in Flow123d |
CExcArmadillo | |
Cfeal::Exc_assert | Helper class |
CInput::Exception | Base of exceptions due to user input |
►Cexception | |
CExceptionBase | Base of exceptions used in Flow123d |
CExtrapolation | |
CInput::Factory< Type, Arguments > | This class implements more general factory mechanism to construct classes |
►CField< spacedim, Value >::FactoryBase | |
CFieldAddPotential< spacedim, Value >::FieldFactory | |
CMultiField< spacedim, Value >::MultiFieldFactory | |
CFEInternalData | Structure for storing the precomputed finite element data |
CFEObjects | |
CFEValuesData< dim, spacedim > | Class FEValuesData holds the arrays of data computed by Mapping and FiniteElement |
►CFEValuesSpaceBase< spacedim > | Abstract base class with certain methods independent of the template parameter dim |
►CFEValuesBase< dim, spacedim > | Base class for FEValues and FESideValues |
CFESideValues< dim, spacedim > | Calculates finite element data on a side |
CFESideValues< dim, 3 > | |
CFEValues< dim, spacedim > | Calculates finite element data on the actual cell |
CFEValues< dim, 3 > | |
Cfield_value_scalar_resolution< IsScalar > | |
Cfield_value_scalar_resolution< std::false_type > | |
Cfield_value_scalar_resolution< std::true_type > | |
►CFieldAlgorithmBase< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldAddPotential< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldConstant< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldElementwise< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldFE< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldFormula< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldInterpolatedP0< spacedim, Value > | |
CFieldPython< spacedim, Value > | |
►CFieldCommon | Common abstract parent of all Field<...> classes |
►CField< spacedim, Value > | Class template representing a field with values dependent on: point, element, and region |
CBCField< spacedim, Value > | |
CField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Integer > | |
CField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Scalar > | |
CField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::TensorFixed > | |
CField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::VectorFixed > | |
►CField< spacedim, FieldValue< 3 >::Enum > | |
CBCField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Enum > | |
►CField< spacedim, FieldValue< 3 >::Scalar > | |
CBCField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Scalar > | |
►CMultiField< spacedim, Value > | Class for representation of a vector of fields of the same physical quantity |
CBCMultiField< spacedim, Value > | |
CMultiField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Enum > | |
CMultiField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Scalar > | |
►CMultiField< spacedim, FieldValue< 3 >::Enum > | |
CBCMultiField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Enum > | |
►CMultiField< spacedim, FieldValue< 3 >::Scalar > | |
CBCMultiField< 3, FieldValue< 3 >::Scalar > | |
►CFieldFlag | |
►CFieldSet | Container for various descendants of FieldCommonBase |
►CDarcyMH::EqData | |
CRichardsLMH::EqData | |
CDualPorosity::EqData | DualPorosity data |
►CEquationOutput | |
CDarcyFlowMHOutput::OutputFields | |
►CFlowMHData | |
CFlowLMHData | |
CHeatTransferModel::ModelEqData | |
CSorptionBase::EqData | |
►CTransportEqData | |
CConcentrationTransportModel::ModelEqData | |
CConvectionTransport::EqData | |
CFieldValue< spacedim > | |
CFieldValue_< NRows, NCols, ET > | |
CFieldValue_< 0, 1, ET > | |
CFieldValue_< 1, 1, ET > | |
CFieldValue_< NRows, 1, ET > | |
Cfmt::File | |
CFilePath | Dedicated class for storing path to input and output files |
►Cfilter_tag | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_filter< FiniteStateMachine >::category | |
►Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine_base | |
►Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine_base_ex< Ch > | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine< Derived, Ch > | |
►Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine_base_ex< char > | |
►Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine< uncommenting_fsm > | |
CInput::uncommenting_fsm | |
►CFiniteElement< dim, spacedim > | Abstract class for the description of a general finite element on a reference simplex in dim dimensions |
CFE_P< degree, dim, spacedim > | Conforming Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex |
CFE_P_disc< degree, dim, spacedim > | Discontinuous Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex |
CFE_P_disc< 0, dim, 3 > | |
CFE_P_disc< 1, 1, 3 > | |
CFE_P_disc< 1, 2, 3 > | |
CFE_P_disc< 1, 3, 3 > | |
CFE_RT0< dim, spacedim > | Raviart-Thomas element of order 0 |
CFE_RT0< dim, 3 > | |
CFiniteElement< 1, 3 > | |
CFiniteElement< 2, 3 > | |
CFiniteElement< 3, 3 > | |
►CFiniteStateMachine | |
►Cboost::iostreams::detail::finite_state_filter_impl< FiniteStateMachine > | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_filter< FiniteStateMachine > | |
CFlagArray< Tag, Size > | Std::bitset with generalized mask mechanism |
CFlagArray< FieldFlag > | |
CFlowAttribute | Class with static methods provided special attributes of Flow123D application |
Cfmt::FormatInt | |
►Cfmt::internal::FormatterBase | |
Cfmt::BasicFormatter< Char, ArgFormatter< Char > > | |
Cfmt::BasicFormatter< Char, Impl > | |
Cfmt::BasicFormatter< CharType, ArgFormatter > | |
Cfmt::internal::PrintfFormatter< Char, ArgFormatter > | |
CFreundlich | |
CInput::FullEnum | |
Cflow::FullIterator< Cont > | Iterator that keeps also reference to its container. Safer and provides indexes |
►Cflow::FullIterator< VectorId< T > > | |
Cflow::FullIteratorId< T > | |
►CFunctorCommon< Type > | Class provides common functionality for functors |
►CFunctorBase< Type > | Abstract templated explicit functor class |
CInterpolantImplicit::FuncExplicit< Type > | Class FuncExplicit |
CIFunctorBase< Type > | Abstract templated implicit functor class |
►CFunctorCommon< B< double > > | |
CFunctorBase< B< double > > | |
CIFunctorBase< B< double > > | |
►CFunctorCommon< double > | |
►CFunctorBase< double > | |
CInterpolantImplicit::FuncExplicit< double > | |
CInterpolant::FuncError_lp | |
CInterpolant::FuncError_wp1 | |
CIFunctorBase< double > | |
►CFunctorCommon< T< double > > | |
CFunctorBase< T< double > > | |
CIFunctorBase< T< double > > | |
CGeneral_reaction | |
CGeneralIterator< Object > | General iterator template. Provides iterator over objects in some container |
Cjson_spirit::Generator< Value_type, Ostream_type > | |
CGenericField< spacedim > | |
CGMSH_DataHeader | |
CGmshMeshReader | |
►Cgrammar | |
Cjson_spirit::Json_grammer< Value_type, Iter_type > | |
CIFixVariable | |
CRegionDB::Index | |
CIni_item | |
Cinternal::InputType< ET > | |
Cinternal::InputType< FieldEnum > | |
Cinternal::InputType< int > | |
Cfmt::internal::IntChecker< IsSigned > | |
Cfmt::internal::IntChecker< true > | |
►CInterpolantBase | Base class for interpolation |
CInterpolant | The main class for interpolation of functors |
CInterpolantImplicit | |
CIntersection | |
CIntersectionLocal | |
CIntersectionPoint | |
Cfmt::internal::IntTraits< T > | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine_base_ex< Ch >::is< C > | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine_base::is_any | |
Cfmt::internal::is_same< T, U > | |
Cfmt::internal::is_same< T, T > | |
CIsotherm | |
►CInput::IteratorBase | |
CInput::Iterator< T > | |
CInput::Type::Record::Key | Structure for description of one key in record |
CInput::Type::Selection::Key | Structure for description of one key in selection |
CRegionDB::Label | |
CLangmuir | |
CLazyDependency | |
Cfmt::internal::LConvCheck< T, T > | |
CLinear | |
►CLinearODESolverBase | Base class for linear ODE solver |
CLinearODESolver< Method > | Template class of the linear ODE solver |
►CLinearODESolver< LinearODEAnalytic > | |
CLinearODEAnalytic | This class implements the analytic solution of a system of linear ODEs with constant matrix |
►CLinearODESolver< PadeApproximant > | |
CPadeApproximant | This class implements the Pade approximation of exponential function |
►CLinSys | Abstract linear system class |
CLinSys_BDDC | |
►CLinSys_PETSC | |
CSchurComplement | |
Cstd::list< T > | |
Cstd::list< std::pair< LazyDependency &, unsigned int > > | |
►CLocalElementAccessorBase< spacedim > | |
CLocalElementAccessor< spacedim, dim > | |
►Clocalizable_tag | |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_filter< FiniteStateMachine >::category | |
CLocalToGlobalMap | Class to manage local indices on sub-domain to global indices on domain |
CLoggerOptions | |
Cfmt::internal::MakeUnsigned< T > | |
Cstd::map< Key, Data > | |
Cstd::map< FILE *, XFILE * > | |
Cstd::map< int, unsigned int > | |
Cstd::map< KeyHash, unsigned int > | |
Cstd::map< std::string, json_string > | |
Cstd::map< std::string, RegionSet > | |
Cstd::map< std::string, std::vector< GMSH_DataHeader > > | |
Cstd::map< std::string, TypeHash > | |
Cstd::map< string, boost::any > | |
Cstd::map< string, OutputDataPtr > | |
Cstd::map< string, std::shared_ptr< GmshMeshReader > > | |
Cstd::map< string, string > | |
Cstd::map< Type::TypeBase::TypeHash, boost::shared_ptr< T > > | |
Cstd::map< unsigned int, unsigned int > | |
Cstd::map< unsigned, unsigned > | |
►CMapping< dim, spacedim > | Abstract class for the mapping between reference and actual cell |
CMappingP1< dim, spacedim > | Affine mapping between reference and actual cell |
CMappingP1< 1, 3 > | |
CMappingP1< 2, 3 > | |
CMappingP1< 3, 3 > | |
CMappingP1< dim, 3 > | |
CMapping< 0, 3 > | |
CMapping< 1, 3 > | |
CMapping< 2, 3 > | |
CMapping< 3, 3 > | |
CMappingInternalData | Mapping data that can be precomputed on the actual cell |
CFlagArray< Tag, Size >::Mask | |
Carma::mat33 | |
CMatrixArray | |
Cla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT > | Temporary storage for a sparse matrix |
Cla::MatrixCoo< int, double > | |
CMatrixSimple | |
CMatrixSizes< dim > | |
CMatrixSizes< 0 > | |
CMesh | |
CMH_DofHandler | |
►CModel | |
CTransportDG< Model > | Transport with dispersion implemented using discontinuous Galerkin method |
►CModelEqData | |
CTransportDG< Model >::EqData | |
CMPI_Attr | |
CMPI_Functions | |
CMPI_Status | |
Cjson_spirit::Multi_pass_iters< Istream_type > | |
CNeighbour | |
CNode | |
CNone | |
Cfmt::internal::Not< bool > | |
Cfmt::internal::Not< false > | |
Cfmt::internal::NoThousandsSep | |
Cjson_spirit::Null | |
Cfmt::internal::Null< T > | |
Cinternal::NullOutputEnvelope< Type > | |
►Cnumeric_limits | |
Cstd::numeric_limits< fmt::internal::DummyInt > | |
CObserve | |
CObservePoint | |
CRegionDB::OnlyID | |
►Costream | |
Cfmt::internal::DummyStream | |
Cinternal::ExcStream | |
CLogger | Class for storing logger messages |
►CInput::Type::OutputBase | Base abstract class for output description of the Input::Type tree |
CInput::Type::OutputJSONMachine | Class for create JSON machine readable documentation |
CInput::Type::OutputText | Class for create text documentation |
►COutputDataBase | Common parent class for templated OutputData |
CDummyOutputData | |
CMeshData< T > | |
COutputData< Value > | This class is used for storing data that are copied from field |
COutputElement | Represents an element of the output mesh. Provides element access on the data of the output mesh (nodes, connectivity, offsets etc.) |
CUnitSI::OutputFormat | Variable parts of output format. Used in the format method |
►COutputTime | The class for outputting data during time |
COutputMSH | This class is used for output data to VTK file format |
COutputVTK | This class is used for output data to VTK file format |
COutputTimeSet | |
CP0_CouplingAssembler | |
CP1_CouplingAssembler | |
Cjson_spirit::Pair_impl< Config > | |
CPartitioning | Class for the mesh partitioning. This should provide: |
►CInput::PathBase | Base abstract class used by ReaderToStorage class to iterate over the input tree |
CInput::PathJSON | Class used by ReaderToStorage class to iterate over the JSON tree provided by json_spirit library |
CInput::PathYAML | Class used by ReaderToStorage class to iterate over the YAML tree provided by yaml-cpp library |
CPolynomialSpace< degree, dim > | Space of polynomial functions |
Cboost::iostreams::detail::finite_state_filter_impl< FiniteStateMachine >::process_event_impl< First, Last > | |
Cboost::iostreams::detail::finite_state_filter_impl< FiniteStateMachine >::process_event_impl< Last, Last > | |
CProfiler | |
Cfmt::BufferedFile::Proxy | |
Cfmt::File::Proxy | |
CQUAD_ | |
►CQuadrature< dim > | Base class for quadrature rules on simplices in arbitrary dimensions |
CQGauss< dim > | Symmetric Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae on simplices |
CQGauss< dim-1 > | |
CQuadrature< 0 > | |
CQuadrature< 1 > | |
CQuadrature< 2 > | |
CQuadrature< 3 > | |
CQuadrature< dim-1 > | |
CBalance::Quantity | |
CRead_ini | |
CReaderInstances | |
CInput::ReaderToStorage | Reader for (slightly) modified input files |
Cinternal::SimpleAllocator< T >::rebind< U > | |
►CInput::Record | Accessor to the data with type Type::Record |
CInput::Tuple | Accessor to the data with type Type::Tuple |
CInput::Type::Record::RecordData | Internal data class |
CRefElement< dim > | |
CRegionDB | |
►CRegionIdx | |
CRegion | |
CRegionDB::RegionItem | One item in region database |
►CRegionSetBase | |
CRegionSetDifference | |
CRegionSetFromElements | |
CRegionSetFromId | |
CRegionSetFromLabel | |
CRegionSetIntersection | |
CRegionSetUnion | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< NRows, NCols, ET > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< 0, 1, ET > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< 0, 1, FieldEnum > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< 1, 1, ET > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< 1, 1, FieldEnum > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< NRows, 1, ET > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< NRows, 1, FieldEnum > | |
Cinternal::ReturnType< NRows, NCols, FieldEnum > | |
CInput::Type::RevNumData | Stores version of program and other base data of application |
CRichardsSystem | Mixed-hybrid model of linear Darcy flow, possibly unsteady |
Cboost::iostreams::finite_state_machine< Derived, Ch >::row< State, CharacterClass, NextState, Action > | |
►Cruntime_error | |
Cfmt::FormatError | |
►Cfmt::internal::RuntimeError | |
Cfmt::SystemError | |
CS_ctr | |
CS_dpor | |
CS_elm | |
CS_glp | |
CS_hpo | |
CS_matr | |
CS_melm | |
CS_muzl | |
CS_oke | |
CS_pvr | |
CS_rpo | |
CS_sez | |
CS_smume | |
CS_uzl | |
CS_vod | |
CInput::Type::Selection::SelectionData | Internal data class |
Cjson_spirit::Semantic_actions< Value_type, Iter_type > | |
CSemchem_interface | |
CFieldCommon::SharedData | |
CField< spacedim, Value >::SharedData | |
CSide | |
CSideIter | |
Cfmt::internal::SignChecker< IsSigned > | |
Cfmt::internal::SignChecker< false > | |
Cinternal::SimpleAllocator< T > | |
Cstd::slist< T > | |
CSoilData | |
►CSoilModelBase | |
CSoilModelImplBase< Model > | |
CSpace< spacedim > | |
CSpace< dimension > | |
►CSparseGraph | Virtual class for construction and partitioning of a distributed sparse graph |
CSparseGraphMETIS | |
CSparseGraphPETSC | |
CSpecie | |
►CSpecT | |
Cfmt::IntFormatSpec< T, SpecT, Char > | |
CStackTrace | Class representing stacktrace of exceptions |
►Cstatic_visitor | |
Cjson_spirit::Value_impl< Config >::Variant_converter_visitor | |
►CInput::StorageBase | Base class for nodes of a data storage tree |
CInput::StorageArray | |
CInput::StorageBool | |
CInput::StorageDouble | |
CInput::StorageInt | |
CInput::StorageNull | |
CInput::StorageString | |
Cjson_spirit::Stream_reader< Istream_type, Value_type > | |
Cjson_spirit::Stream_reader_thrower< Istream_type, Value_type > | |
CStreamMask | Helper class, store mask specifying streams |
►Cstringbuf | |
CArmaStreamBuf | |
CStringTensor | |
CStringTensorInput< NRows, NCols > | |
CStringTensorInput< 1, 1 > | |
CStringTensorInput< Nrows, 1 > | |
Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< char > | |
Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< signed char > | |
Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< unsigned char > | |
Cfmt::internal::Value::StringValue< wchar_t > | |
CSubstance | |
CSubstanceList | |
CSystemInfo | System structure for various global variables |
►CTBisector | |
CTAbscissa | |
Cfmt::internal::ThousandsSep | |
CTimeGovernor | Basic time management functionality for unsteady (and steady) solvers (class Equation) |
CTimeMark | Class used for marking specified times at which some events occur |
CTimeMarks | This class is a collection of time marks to manage various events occurring during simulation time |
CTimeMarksIterator | Iterator over TimeMark objects in TimeMarks object (database of TimeMark objects) |
CTimePoint | |
CTimeStep | Representation of one time step.\ |
CTMatrix | |
CTMVector | |
Ctolerance< T > | |
CTPlain | |
CTPoint | |
CTPolygon | |
Cla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >::TripleDiagEntry_ | Returns true if the entry is on diagonal, i.e. row == column |
Cla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >::TripleRowIndexLessThan_ | Returns true if the row of an entry is smaller than a prescribed index |
CTS_che | |
CTS_lat | |
CTS_prm | |
CTTetrahedron | |
CTTriangle | |
CTVector | |
CTVertex | |
Cjson_spirit::internal_::Type_to_type< T > | |
►CInput::Type::TypeBase | Base of classes for declaring structure of the input data |
►CInput::Type::Abstract | Class for declaration of polymorphic Record |
CInput::Type::AdHocAbstract | Class for declaration of polymorphic Record |
CInput::Type::Array | Class for declaration of inputs sequences |
CInput::Type::Instance | Helper class that stores data of generic types |
CInput::Type::Parameter | Class for representing parametric types in IST |
►CInput::Type::Record | Record type proxy class |
CInput::Type::Tuple | Tuple type proxy class |
►CInput::Type::Scalar | Base of all scalar types |
CInput::Type::Bool | Class for declaration of the input of type Bool |
CInput::Type::Double | Class for declaration of the input data that are floating point numbers |
CInput::Type::Integer | Class for declaration of the integral input data |
CInput::Type::Selection | Template for classes storing finite set of named values |
►CInput::Type::String | Class for declaration of the input data that are in string format |
CInput::Type::FileName | Class for declaration of the input data that are file names |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< T, Enable > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< AbstractRecord > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< Array > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< bool > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< DispatchType > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< Enum > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< FilePath > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< FullEnum > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< Record > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< string > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< T, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_enum< T > >::type > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< T, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_float< T > >::type > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< T, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_integral< T > >::type > | |
CInput::internal::TypeDispatch< Tuple > | |
CInput::TypeRepository< T > | The Singleton class TypeRepository serves for handling the lazy-evaluated input types, derived from the base class Type::TypeBase |
Cfmt::internal::TypeSelector< FitsIn32Bits > | |
Cfmt::internal::TypeSelector< false > | |
►Cunary_function | |
CLinSys_PETSC::PetscScalar2Double_ | |
CTimeMarkHash | |
CUnitSI | Class for representation SI units of Fields |
►Cfmt::internal::Value | |
►Cfmt::internal::Arg | |
Cfmt::internal::MakeArg< Formatter > | |
Cfmt::internal::MakeValue< Formatter > | |
Cfmt::internal::NamedArg< Char > | |
Cjson_spirit::Value_impl< Config > | |
►Cinternal::VanGenuchten | |
Cinternal::Irmay | |
Carma::vec3 | |
Cflow::Vector< T > | Envelop over std::vector, use enhanced iterators |
Cstd::vector< T > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::mat > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::mat::fixed< dim, spacedim > > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::mat::fixed< spacedim, dim > > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::uvec::fixed< dim > > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::vec > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::vec::fixed< dim > > | |
Cstd::vector< arma::vec::fixed< spacedim > > | |
Cstd::vector< Balance::Quantity > | |
Cstd::vector< BIHNode > | |
Cstd::vector< bool > | |
Cstd::vector< Boundary > | |
Cstd::vector< BoundingBox > | |
Cstd::vector< char > | |
Cstd::vector< ComponentDataPtr > | |
Cstd::vector< const json_spirit::Value_impl * > | |
Cstd::vector< Constraint_ > | |
Cstd::vector< double > | |
Cstd::vector< Edge > | |
Cstd::vector< Element > | |
Cstd::vector< Field > | |
Cstd::vector< FieldBasePtr > | |
Cstd::vector< FieldCommon * > | |
Cstd::vector< FieldEnum > | |
Cstd::vector< GMSH_DataHeader > | |
Cstd::vector< HC_ExplicitSequential::AdvectionData > | |
Cstd::vector< Input::Record > | |
Cstd::vector< Input::StorageBase * > | |
Cstd::vector< Input::Type::Record > | |
Cstd::vector< Input::Type::Selection::Key > | |
Cstd::vector< Input::Type::TypeBase::ParameterPair > | |
Cstd::vector< int > | |
Cstd::vector< Intersection > | |
Cstd::vector< IntersectionPoint * > | |
Cstd::vector< IsecList > | |
Cstd::vector< Neighbour > | |
Cstd::vector< Node > | |
Cstd::vector< ObservePoint > | |
Cstd::vector< OutputDataPtr > | |
Cstd::vector< Region > | |
Cstd::vector< RegionHistory > | |
Cstd::vector< stack< SparseGraph::Edge > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::pair< fmt::BasicStringRef< Char >, internal::Arg > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::pair< int, std::string > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::shared_ptr< AssemblyGroupInterface > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::shared_ptr< Field::FactoryBase > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::shared_ptr< Input::Type::Abstract > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::string > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< arma::mat > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< arma::mat::fixed< spacedim, spacedim > > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< arma::vec > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< arma::vec::fixed< spacedim > > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< double > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< FunctionParser > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< Isotherm > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< MatrixSimple * > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< OutputDataPtr > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > > | |
Cstd::vector< std::vector< unsigned int > > | |
Cstd::vector< struct Input::Type::Record::Key > | |
Cstd::vector< TimeMark > | |
Cstd::vector< Triple_ > | |
Cstd::vector< TVertex * > | |
Cstd::vector< unsigned int > | |
Cstd::vector< Value_type * > | |
Cstd::vector< Vec > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< arma::mat > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< arma::mat33 > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< arma::vec3 > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< double > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< unsigned int > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< vector< arma::mat33 > > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< vector< arma::vec3 > > > | |
Cstd::vector< vector< vector< unsigned int > > > | |
Cstd::vector< VectorSeqDouble > | |
Cflow::VectorId< T > | Small extension of Vector<T> container with support to Id numbers |
Cflow::VectorId< Element > | |
Cflow::VectorId< Node > | |
Cflow::VectorId< unsigned int > | |
CVectorMPI | |
CVectorSeqDouble | |
Cfmt::internal::WCharHelper< T, Char > | |
Cfmt::internal::WCharHelper< T, wchar_t > | |
►Cfmt::WidthSpec | |
►Cfmt::AlignSpec | |
Cfmt::AlignTypeSpec< TYPE > | |
Cfmt::FormatSpec | |
Cfmt::StrFormatSpec< Char > | |
Cxfile | XFILE structure holds additional info to generic FILE |
CXio | |