arma | |
  vec3 | |
  mat33 | |
 boost | |
  iostreams | |
   detail | |
    finite_state_filter_impl | |
     process_event_impl | |
     process_event_impl< Last, Last > | |
   finite_state_machine_base | |
    is_any | |
   finite_state_machine_base_ex | |
    is | |
   finite_state_machine | |
    row | |
   finite_state_filter | |
    category | |
 flow | |
  FullIterator | Iterator that keeps also reference to its container. Safer and provides indexes |
  VectorId | Small extension of Vector<T> container with support to Id numbers |
  FullIteratorId | |
  Vector | Envelop over std::vector, use enhanced iterators |
 Input | |
  internal | |
   TD | |
   TypeDispatch | |
   TD< char > | |
   TD< unsigned char > | |
   TD< short int > | |
   TD< unsigned short int > | |
   TD< int > | |
   TD< unsigned int > | |
   TD< float > | |
   TD< double > | |
   TypeDispatch< Enum > | |
   TypeDispatch< FullEnum > | |
   TypeDispatch< int > | |
   TypeDispatch< bool > | |
   TypeDispatch< double > | |
   TypeDispatch< string > | |
   TypeDispatch< AbstractRecord > | |
   TypeDispatch< Record > | |
   TypeDispatch< Array > | |
   TypeDispatch< FilePath > | |
  Type | |
   internal | |
    output_filter | |
   TypeBase | Base of classes for declaring structure of the input data |
   Array | Class for declaration of inputs sequences |
    ArrayData | |
   Scalar | Base of all scalar types |
   Bool | Class for declaration of the input of type Bool |
   Integer | Class for declaration of the integral input data |
   Double | Class for declaration of the input data that are floating point numbers |
   String | |
   FileName | Class for declaration of the input data that are file names |
   OutputBase | Base abstract class for output description of the Input::Type tree |
    ProcessedTypes | Internal data class. Contains flags of written Input::Types objects and functionality of regular expression filter of Input::Types full names |
     Key | |
   OutputText | Class for create text documentation |
   OutputJSONTemplate | Class for create and JSON template documentation |
   OutputLatex | Class for create documentation in Latex format using particular macros |
   OutputJSONMachine | Class for create JSON machine readable documentation |
   Default | Class Input::Type::Default specifies default value of keys of a Input::Type::Record |
   Record | Record type proxy class |
    Key | |
    RecordData | |
   AbstractRecord | Class for declaration of polymorphic Record |
    ChildData | |
   AdHocAbstractRecord | |
   Selection | Template for classes storing finite set of named values |
    Key | |
    SelectionData | |
  Exception | Base of exceptions due to user input |
  Enum | |
  FullEnum | |
  Iterator | |
  Address | |
   AddressData | |
  Record | Accessor to the data with type Type::Record |
  AbstractRecord | Accessor to the polymorphic input data of a type given by an AbstracRecord object |
  Array | Accessor to input data conforming to declared Array |
  IteratorBase | |
  uncommenting_fsm | |
  JSONPath | Class used by JSONToStorage class to iterate over the JSON tree provided by json_spirit library |
  JSONToStorage | Reader for (slightly) modified JSON files |
  StorageBase | Base class for nodes of a data storage tree |
  StorageArray | |
  StorageBool | |
  StorageInt | |
  StorageDouble | |
  StorageString | |
  StorageNull | |
  StorageTranspose | |
 internal | |
  InputType | |
  InputType< int > | |
  InputType< std::string > | |
  InputType< FieldEnum > | |
  ReturnType | |
  ReturnType< 1, 1, ET > | |
  ReturnType< 0, 1, ET > | |
  ReturnType< NRows, 1, ET > | |
  ReturnType< NRows, NCols, std::string > | |
  ReturnType< 1, 1, std::string > | |
  ReturnType< 0, 1, std::string > | |
  ReturnType< NRows, 1, std::string > | |
  ReturnType< NRows, NCols, FieldEnum > | |
  ReturnType< 1, 1, FieldEnum > | |
  ReturnType< 0, 1, FieldEnum > | |
  ReturnType< NRows, 1, FieldEnum > | |
  NullOutputEnvelope | |
  ExcStream | |
 json_spirit | |
  internal_ | |
   Type_to_type | |
  Error_position | |
  Semantic_actions | |
  Json_grammer | |
   definition | |
  Multi_pass_iters | |
  Stream_reader | |
  Stream_reader_thrower | |
  Null | |
  Value_impl | |
   Variant_converter_visitor | |
  Pair_impl | |
  Config_map | |
  Generator | |
 la | |
  detail_ | |
  BddcmlWrapper | Multilevel BDDC based linear system solver |
  MatrixCoo | Temporary storage for a sparse matrix |
   TripleDiagEntry_ | Returns true if the entry is on diagonal, i.e. row == column |
   TripleLessThan_ | Returns true if the index pair of the first entry is smaller than of the second entry |
   TripleRowIndexLessThan_ | Returns true if the row of an entry is smaller than a prescribed index |
   TripleRowLessThan_ | Returns true if the first entry has smaller ROW index than the second one |
 mathfce | |
 ngh | |
 std | |
  vector | |
  deque | |
  list | |
  slist | |
  map | |
 AccessTypeDispatch | |
 AccessTypeDispatch< unsigned int > | |
 AdaptiveSimpson | Static class implementing integration using Simpson's rule |
 AdvectionDiffusionModel | |
 AdvectionProcessBase | |
 Application | |
 ApplicationBase | |
 Balance | |
  Quantity | |
 BCField | |
 BIHNode | |
 BIHTree | Class for O(log N) lookup for intersections with a set of bounding boxes |
 Boundary | |
 BoundarySegment | |
 BoundingBox | Bounding box in 3d ambient space |
 ConcentrationTransportModel | |
  ModelEqData | |
 ConvectionTransport | |
  EqData | |
 CouplingBase | |
 CrossFunction | |
 DarcyFlowLMH_Unsteady | Edge lumped mixed-hybrid solution of unsteady Darcy flow |
 DarcyFlowMH | Mixed-hybrid model of linear Darcy flow, possibly unsteady |
  EqData | Data for Darcy flow equation |
 DarcyFlowMH_Steady | Mixed-hybrid of steady Darcy flow with sources and variable density |
  EqData | |
 DarcyFlowMH_Unsteady | Mixed-hybrid solution of unsteady Darcy flow |
 DarcyFlowMHOutput | |
  OutputFields | |
 DiffData | |
 Distribution | |
 DistributionBlock | |
 DistributionLocalized | |
 DistributionType | |
 DofDistribution | Distribution of dofs for polynomial finite elements |
 DOFHandlerBase | |
 DOFHandlerMultiDim | Provides the numbering of the finite element degrees of freedom on the computational mesh |
 DualPorosity | Class representing dual porosity model in transport |
  EqData | DualPorosity data |
 Edge | |
 EI | |
 Element | |
 ElementAccessor | |
 ElementDataCache | |
 ElementDataCacheBase | |
 EquationBase | |
 ErrorNorm | |
 ExceptionBase | Base of exceptions used in Flow123d |
 Extrapolation | |
 FE_P | Conforming Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex |
 FE_P_disc | Discontinuous Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex |
 FE_RT0 | Raviart-Thomas element of order 0 |
 FEInternalData | Structure for storing the precomputed finite element data |
 FEObjects | |
 FESideValues | Calculates finite element data on a side |
 FEValues | Calculates finite element data on the actual cell |
 FEValuesBase | Base class for FEValues and FESideValues |
 FEValuesData | Class FEValuesData holds the arrays of data computed by Mapping and FiniteElement |
 FEValuesSpaceBase | Abstract base class with certain methods independent of the template parameter dim |
 Field | Class template representing a field with values dependent on: point, element, and region |
  FactoryBase | |
  SharedData | |
 FieldAddPotential | |
  FieldFactory | |
 FieldAlgorithmBase | |
 FieldCommon | Common abstract parent of all Field<...> classes |
  SharedData | |
 FieldConstant | |
 FieldElementwise | |
 FieldFE | |
 FieldFlag | |
 FieldFormula | |
 FieldInterpolatedP0 | |
 FieldPython | |
 FieldSet | Container for various descendants of FieldCommonBase |
 FieldValue | |
 FieldValue_ | |
 FieldValue_< 0, 1, ET > | |
 FieldValue_< 1, 1, ET > | |
 FieldValue_< NRows, 1, ET > | |
 FilePath | Dedicated class for storing path to input and output files |
 FiniteElement | Abstract class for the description of a general finite element on a reference simplex in dim dimensions |
 FirstOrderReaction | Class implements the linear reactions |
 FirstOrderReactionBase | Base class for linear reactions and decay chain |
 FlagArray | Std::bitset with generalized mask mechanism |
  Mask | |
 Freundlich | |
 FunctorBase | Abstract templated explicit functor class |
 FunctorCommon | Class provides common functionality for functors |
 General_reaction | |
 GenericField | |
 GMSH_DataHeader | |
 GmshMeshReader | |
 HC_ExplicitSequential | Class for solution of steady or unsteady flow with sequentially coupled explicit transport |
 HeatTransferModel | |
  ModelEqData | |
 IFixVariable | |
 IFunctorBase | Abstract templated implicit functor class |
 Ini_item | |
 Interpolant | The main class for interpolation of functors |
  FuncError_lp | |
  FuncError_wp1 | |
 InterpolantBase | Base class for interpolation |
  Check | |
  EvalStatistics | Structure that keeps statistics of evaluation |
 InterpolantImplicit | |
  FuncExplicit | Class FuncExplicit |
 Intersection | |
 IntersectionLocal | |
 IntersectionPoint | |
 Isotherm | |
  ConcPair | Pair of soluted and adsorbed concentration |
 Langmuir | |
 LazyDependency | |
 Linear | |
 LinearODEAnalytic | This class implements the analytic solution of a system of linear ODEs with constant matrix |
 LinearODESolver | Template class of the linear ODE solver |
 LinearODESolverBase | Base class for linear ODE solver |
 LinSys | Abstract linear system class |
 LinSys_BDDC | |
 LinSys_PETSC | |
  PetscScalar2Double_ | |
 LocalToGlobalMap | Class to manage local indices on sub-domain to global indices on domain |
 Mapping | Abstract class for the mapping between reference and actual cell |
 MappingInternalData | Mapping data that can be precomputed on the actual cell |
 MappingP1 | Affine mapping between reference and actual cell |
 MatrixArray | |
 MatrixSimple | |
 MatrixSizes | |
 MatrixSizes< 0 > | |
 Mesh | |
 MH_DofHandler | |
 MHFEValues | |
 MPI_Attr | |
 MPI_Functions | |
 MPI_Status | |
 MultiField | Class for representation of a vector of fields of the same physical quantity |
  MultiFieldFactory | |
 Neighbour | |
 Node | |
 None | |
 OldBcdInput | Old BC setting system for backward compatibility |
  FieldFactory | |
 OutputData | This class is used for storing data that are copied from field |
 OutputDataBase | Common parent class for templated OutputData |
 OutputMSH | This class is used for output data to VTK file format |
 OutputTime | The class for outputting data during time |
 OutputVTK | This class is used for output data to VTK file format |
 P0_CouplingAssembler | |
 P1_CouplingAssembler | |
 PadeApproximant | This class implements the Pade approximation of exponential function |
 Partitioning | Class for the mesh partitioning. This should provide: |
 PolynomialSpace | Space of polynomial functions |
 Profiler | |
 QGauss | Symmetric Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae on simplices |
 QUAD_ | |
 Quadrature | Base class for quadrature rules on simplices in arbitrary dimensions |
 RadioactiveDecay | Class implements the radioactive decay chain |
 ReactionTerm | |
 Read_ini | |
 ReaderInstances | |
 RefElement | |
 Region | |
 RegionDB | |
  DimId | |
  Index | |
  Label | |
  OnlyID | |
  RegionItem | One item in region database |
 RegionIdx | |
 S_ctr | |
 S_dpor | |
 S_elm | |
 S_glp | |
 S_hpo | |
 S_matr | |
 S_melm | |
 S_muzl | |
 S_oke | |
 S_pvr | |
 S_rpo | |
 S_sez | |
 S_smume | |
 S_uzl | |
 S_vod | |
 SchurComplement | |
 Semchem_interface | |
 Side | |
 SideIter | |
 SorptionBase | |
  EqData | |
  SorptionRecord | |
 SorptionDual | Abstract class of sorption model in case dual porosity is considered |
 SorptionImmob | Sorption model in immobile zone in case dual porosity is considered |
 SorptionMob | Sorption model in mobile zone in case dual porosity is considered |
 SorptionSimple | Simple sorption model without dual porosity |
 Space | |
 SparseGraph | Virtual class for construction and partitioning of a distributed sparse graph |
  Edge | |
 SparseGraphMETIS | |
 SparseGraphPETSC | |
 Specie | |
 StringTensor | |
 Substance | |
 SubstanceList | |
 SystemInfo | System structure for various global variables |
 TAbscissa | |
 TBisector | |
 TimeGovernor | Basic time management functionality for unsteady (and steady) solvers (class Equation) |
 TimeMark | Class used for marking specified times at which some events occur |
 TimeMarks | This class is a collection of time marks to manage various events occurring during simulation time |
 TimeMarksIterator | Iterator over TimeMark objects in TimeMarks object (database of TimeMark objects) |
 TimeStep | Representation of one time step.\ |
 TMatrix | |
 TMVector | |
 tolerance | |
 TPlain | |
 TPoint | |
 TPolygon | |
 TransportBase | Specification of transport model interface |
  TransportEqData | |
 TransportDG | Transport with dispersion implemented using discontinuous Galerkin method |
  EqData | |
 TransportNothing | Empty transport class |
 TransportOperatorSplitting | Coupling of a transport model with a reaction model by operator splitting |
 TS_che | |
 TS_lat | |
 TS_prm | |
 TTetrahedron | |
 TTriangle | |
 TVector | |
 TVertex | |
 UnitSI | Class for representation SI units of Fields |
  OutputFormat | Variable parts of output format. Used in the format method |
 VectorSeqDouble | |
 xfile | XFILE structure holds additional info to generic FILE |
 Xio | |