Flow123d  jenkins-Flow123d-linux-release-multijob-198
Public Attributes | List of all members
TS_prm Struct Reference

#include <che_semchem.h>

Public Attributes

char jmeno_ich [MAXPATH]
int pocet_latek
int pocet_latekvefazi
int celkovy_pocet_reakci
int pocet_reakci_pro_matici
int pocet_rovnovah
int pocet_kinetik
int pocet_pom_kin
int pocet_rozpadu
double T
double TGf
double Afi
double b
double epsilon
double omega
double deltaT
double objem
double splocha
int cas_kroku
int vypisy
int deleni_RK
int skaluj_matici
int abs_norma

Detailed Description

Definition at line 612 of file che_semchem.h.

Member Data Documentation

int TS_prm::abs_norma

Definition at line 636 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::Afi

Definition at line 625 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::b

Definition at line 626 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::cas_kroku

Definition at line 632 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::celkovy_pocet_reakci

Definition at line 617 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::deleni_RK

Definition at line 634 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::deltaT

Definition at line 629 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::epsilon

Definition at line 627 of file che_semchem.h.

char TS_prm::jmeno_ich[MAXPATH]

Definition at line 614 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::objem

Definition at line 630 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::omega

Definition at line 628 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_kinetik

Definition at line 620 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_latek

Definition at line 615 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_latekvefazi

Definition at line 616 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_pom_kin

Definition at line 621 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_reakci_pro_matici

Definition at line 618 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_rovnovah

Definition at line 619 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::pocet_rozpadu

Definition at line 622 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::skaluj_matici

Definition at line 635 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::splocha

Definition at line 631 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::T

Definition at line 623 of file che_semchem.h.

double TS_prm::TGf

Definition at line 624 of file che_semchem.h.

int TS_prm::vypisy

Definition at line 633 of file che_semchem.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: