file | dual_porosity.cc [code] |
file | dual_porosity.hh [code] |
| Class Dual_por_exchange implements the model of dual porosity.
file | first_order_reaction.cc [code] |
file | first_order_reaction.hh [code] |
file | first_order_reaction_base.cc [code] |
file | first_order_reaction_base.hh [code] |
file | isotherm.cc [code] |
file | isotherm.hh [code] |
file | linear_ode_solver.cc [code] |
file | linear_ode_solver.hh [code] |
file | radioactive_decay.cc [code] |
file | radioactive_decay.hh [code] |
file | reaction_term.cc [code] |
file | reaction_term.hh [code] |
| Class ReactionTerm is an abstract class representing reaction term in transport.
file | sorption.cc [code] |
file | sorption.hh [code] |
| This file contains classes representing sorption model. Sorption model can be computed both in case the dual porosity is considered or not.
file | sorption_base.cc [code] |
file | sorption_base.hh [code] |
| Class SorptionBase is abstract class representing model of sorption in transport.