Flow123d  JS_before_hm-2210-gb57a0a528
Public Member Functions | List of all members
BCMultiField< spacedim, Value > Class Template Reference

#include <bc_multi_field.hh>

Inheritance diagram for BCMultiField< spacedim, Value >:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for BCMultiField< spacedim, Value >:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

 BCMultiField ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from MultiField< spacedim, Value >
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_MultiFieldName, const string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_Size, unsigned int)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_ExpectedSize, unsigned int)
 DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION (Exc_InvalidMultiFieldSize,<< "Invalid size "<< EI_Size::val<< "of the MultiField "<< EI_MultiFieldName::qval<< ", expected size: "<< EI_ExpectedSize::val)
 MultiField (bool bc=false)
 MultiField (const MultiField &other)
MultiFieldoperator= (const MultiField &other)
IT::Instance get_input_type () override
IT::Array get_multifield_input_type () override
auto disable_where (const MultiField< spacedim, typename FieldValue< spacedim >::Enum > &control_field, const vector< FieldEnum > &value_list) -> MultiField &
bool set_time (const TimeStep &time, LimitSide limit_side) override
void set_mesh (const Mesh &mesh) override
void copy_from (const FieldCommon &other) override
void field_output (std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream, OutputTime::DiscreteSpace type) override
void observe_output (std::shared_ptr< Observe > observe) override
bool is_constant (Region reg) override
FieldResult field_result (RegionSet region_set) const override
 Indicates special field states. More...
std::string get_value_attribute () const override
virtual ~MultiField ()
unsigned int size () const
 Number of subfields that compose the multi-field. More...
std::vector< const FieldCommon * > set_dependency (FieldSet &field_set, unsigned int i_reg) const override
SubFieldTypeoperator[] (unsigned int idx)
const SubFieldTypeoperator[] (unsigned int idx) const
FieldCommonget_component (unsigned int idx) override
void setup_components ()
void set_input_list (const Input::Array &list, const TimeGovernor &tg) override
void cache_reallocate (const ElementCacheMap &cache_map, unsigned int region_idx) const override
 Implements FieldCommon::cache_reallocate. More...
void cache_update (ElementCacheMap &cache_map, unsigned int region_patch_idx) const override
 Implements FieldCommon::cache_update. More...
void set (std::vector< typename Field< spacedim, Value >::FieldBasePtr > field_vec, double time, std::vector< std::string > region_set_names={"ALL"})
void set (typename Field< spacedim, Value >::FieldBasePtr field, double time, std::vector< std::string > region_set_names={"ALL"})
FieldValueCache< double > * value_cache () override
 Implements FieldCommon::value_cache. More...
const FieldValueCache< double > * value_cache () const override
 Implements FieldCommon::value_cache. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from FieldCommon
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_Time, double)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_Field, std::string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_FieldInputName, std::string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_FieldName, std::string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_RegId, unsigned int)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_RegLabel, std::string)
 DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION (ExcNonascendingTime,<< "Non-ascending time: "<< EI_Time::val<< " for field "<< EI_Field::qval<< ".\n")
 DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION (ExcMissingDomain,<< "Missing domain specification (region or r_id) in the field descriptor:")
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcFieldMeshDifference,<< "Two copies of the field "<< EI_Field::qval<< "call set_mesh with different arguments.\n")
 DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION (ExcMissingFieldValue,<< "Missing value of the input field "<< EI_FieldInputName::qval<< " ("<< EI_FieldName::qval<< ") on region ID: "<< EI_RegId::val<< " label: "<< EI_RegLabel::qval<< ".\n")
FieldCommonname (const string &name)
FieldCommondescription (const string &description)
FieldCommoninput_default (const string &input_default)
FieldCommonunits (const UnitSI &units)
 Set basic units of the field. More...
FieldCommonset_limits (double min, double max=std::numeric_limits< double >::max())
FieldCommoninput_selection (Input::Type::Selection element_selection)
FieldCommonoutput_type (OutputTime::DiscreteSpace rt)
FieldCommonflags (FieldFlag::Flags::Mask mask)
FieldCommonflags_add (FieldFlag::Flags::Mask mask)
void set_components (const std::vector< string > &names)
const std::string & input_name () const
const std::string & name () const
const std::string description () const
const std::string & input_default () const
const UnitSIunits () const
std::pair< double, double > limits () const
OutputTime::DiscreteSpace get_output_type () const
bool is_bc () const
unsigned int n_comp () const
std::string full_comp_name (unsigned int i_comp) const
const Meshmesh () const
FieldFlag::Flagsflags ()
FieldFlag::Flags get_flags () const
double time () const
bool is_jump_time ()
unsigned int input_list_size () const
bool changed () const
void mark_input_times (const TimeGovernor &tg)
void set_component_index (unsigned int idx)
bool is_multifield () const
virtual FieldCommonget_component (FMT_UNUSED unsigned int idx)
virtual void set_output_data_cache (FMT_UNUSED OutputTime::DiscreteSpace space_type, FMT_UNUSED std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream)
 Create and set shared_ptr to ElementDataCache. Used only in descendant Field<>. More...
virtual void fill_data_value (FMT_UNUSED const std::vector< int > &offsets)
 Fill data to ElementDataCache on given patch. More...
virtual ~FieldCommon ()
void set_time_result_changed ()
 Manually mark flag that the field has been changed. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from MultiField< spacedim, Value >
typedef FieldAlgorithmBase< spacedim, ValueSubFieldBaseType
typedef Field< spacedim, ValueSubFieldType
typedef FieldAlgorithmBase< spacedim, Value >::Point Point
typedef FieldValue_< 0, 1, typename Value::element_type > MultiFieldValue
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from FieldCommon
static IT::Record field_descriptor_record (const string &record_name)
static const std::string field_descriptor_record_description (const string &record_name)
static bool print_message_table (ostream &stream, std::string equation_name)
- Public Attributes inherited from FieldCommon
std::vector< uintshape_
- Protected Types inherited from FieldCommon
enum  TimeStatus { TimeStatus::changed, TimeStatus::constant, TimeStatus::changed_forced, TimeStatus::unknown }
- Protected Member Functions inherited from FieldCommon
 FieldCommon ()
 FieldCommon (const FieldCommon &other)
void set_history_changed ()
void set_shape (uint n_rows, uint n_cols)
- Protected Attributes inherited from FieldCommon
std::string name_
std::shared_ptr< SharedDatashared_
TimeStatus set_time_result_
double last_time_ = -numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
LimitSide last_limit_side_ = LimitSide::left
bool is_jump_time_
OutputTime::DiscreteSpace default_output_data_ = OutputTime::ELEM_DATA
unsigned int component_index_
bool multifield_
FieldFlag::Flags flags_ = FieldFlag::declare_input & FieldFlag::equation_input & FieldFlag::allow_output
 Field flags. Default setting is "an equation input field, that can read from user input, and can be written to output". More...
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from FieldCommon
static const unsigned int history_length_limit_ =3
static std::vector< MessageDatamessages_data_ = std::vector<FieldCommon::MessageData>()
 Vector of data of initialization messages. More...

Detailed Description

template<int spacedim, class Value>
class BCMultiField< spacedim, Value >

Same as MultiField<...> but for boundary regions.

Definition at line 29 of file bc_multi_field.hh.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BCMultiField()

template<int spacedim, class Value >
BCMultiField< spacedim, Value >::BCMultiField ( )

Definition at line 31 of file bc_multi_field.hh.

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