Flow123d  JS_before_hm-2-g912b55d
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*!
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  *
14  * @file output_mesh.cc
15  * @brief Classes for auxiliary output mesh.
16  */
18 #include "output_mesh.hh"
19 #include "output_element.hh"
20 #include "mesh/mesh.h"
21 #include "mesh/ref_element.hh"
22 #include "mesh/long_idx.hh"
23 #include "mesh/accessors.hh"
24 #include "mesh/node_accessor.hh"
25 #include "mesh/range_wrapper.hh"
26 #include "la/distribution.hh"
29 namespace IT=Input::Type;
32  return IT::Record("OutputMesh", "Parameters of the refined output mesh. [Not impemented]")
33  .declare_key("max_level", IT::Integer(1,20),IT::Default("3"),
34  "Maximal level of refinement of the output mesh.")
35  .declare_key("refine_by_error", IT::Bool(), IT::Default("false"),
36  "Set true for using ``error_control_field``. Set false for global uniform refinement to max_level.")
37  .declare_key("error_control_field",IT::String(), IT::Default::optional(),
38  "Name of an output field, according to which the output mesh will be refined. The field must be a SCALAR one.")
39  .declare_key("refinement_error_tolerance",IT::Double(0.0), IT::Default("0.01"),
40  "Tolerance for element refinement by error. If tolerance is reached, refinement is stopped."
41  "Relative difference between error control field and its linear approximation on element is computed"
42  "and compared with tolerance.")
43  .close();
44 }
47 :
48  orig_mesh_(&mesh),
49  max_level_(0),
50  refine_by_error_(false),
52  el_ds_(nullptr),
53  node_ds_(nullptr)
54 {
55 }
59 :
60  input_record_(in_rec),
61  orig_mesh_(&mesh),
62  max_level_(input_record_.val<int>("max_level")),
63  refine_by_error_(input_record_.val<bool>("refine_by_error")),
64  refinement_error_tolerance_(input_record_.val<double>("refinement_error_tolerance")),
65  el_ds_(nullptr),
66  node_ds_(nullptr)
67 {
68 }
71 {
72  // Refined mesh creates own special distributions and local to global maps and needs destroy these objects.
73  if ( (el_ds_!=nullptr) && (mesh_type_ == MeshType::refined)) {
74  delete[] el_4_loc_;
75  delete[] node_4_loc_;
76  delete el_ds_;
77  delete node_ds_;
78  }
79 }
82 {
84 // ASSERT_DBG(offsets_->n_values() > 0);
85  return OutputElementIterator(OutputElement(0, shared_from_this()));
86 }
89 {
91 // ASSERT_DBG(offsets_->n_values() > 0);
92  return OutputElementIterator(OutputElement(offsets_->n_values(), shared_from_this()));
93 }
97 {
98  error_control_field_func_ = error_control_field_func;
99 }
102 {
104  return offsets_->n_values();
105 }
108 {
110  return nodes_->n_values();
111 }
114 {
115  unsigned int elm_idx[1];
116  unsigned int node_idx[1];
117  unsigned int region_idx[1];
118  int partition[1];
119  elem_ids_ = std::make_shared< ElementDataCache<unsigned int> >("elements_ids", (unsigned int)1, this->n_elements());
120  node_ids_ = std::make_shared< ElementDataCache<unsigned int> >("node_ids", (unsigned int)1, this->n_nodes());
121  region_ids_ = std::make_shared< ElementDataCache<unsigned int> >("region_ids", (unsigned int)1, this->n_elements());
122  partitions_ = std::make_shared< ElementDataCache<int> >("partitions", (unsigned int)1, this->n_elements());
123  OutputElementIterator it = this->begin();
124  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->n_elements(); ++i, ++it) {
125  if (mesh_type_ == MeshType::orig) elm_idx[0] = orig_mesh_->find_elem_id(it->idx());
126  else elm_idx[0] = it->idx();
127  elem_ids_->store_value( i, elm_idx );
129  region_idx[0] = orig_mesh_->element_accessor(it->idx()).region().id();
130  region_ids_->store_value( i, region_idx );
132  partition[0] = orig_mesh_->element_accessor(it->idx())->pid();
133  partitions_->store_value( i, partition );
135  std::vector< unsigned int > node_list = it->node_list();
136  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < it->n_nodes(); ++j) {
137  if (mesh_type_ == MeshType::orig) node_idx[0] = orig_mesh_->find_node_id(node_list[j]);
138  else node_idx[0] = node_list[j];
139  node_ids_->store_value( node_list[j], node_idx );
140  }
141  }
142 }
146 {
147  return (nodes_ && connectivity_ && offsets_);
148 }
152 {
153  ASSERT( !is_created() ).error("Multiple initialization of OutputMesh!\n");
155  DebugOut() << "Create output submesh containing only local elements.";
157  unsigned int ele_id = 0,
158  offset = 0, // offset of node indices of element in node vector
159  coord_id = 0, // coordinate id in node vector
160  conn_id = 0; // index to connectivity vector
161  ElementAccessor<3> elm;
169  const unsigned int n_local_elements = el_ds_->lsize();
170  unsigned int n_nodes = node_ds_->end( node_ds_->np()-1 );
171  std::vector<unsigned int> local_nodes_map(n_nodes, Mesh::undef_idx); // map global to local ids of nodes
172  for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_local_nodes_; ++i) local_nodes_map[ node_4_loc_[i] ] = i;
174  orig_element_indices_ = std::make_shared<std::vector<unsigned int>>(n_local_elements);
175  offsets_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("offsets", (unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR, n_local_elements);
176  auto &offset_vec = *( offsets_->get_component_data(0).get() );
178  for (unsigned int loc_el = 0; loc_el < n_local_elements; loc_el++) {
179  elm = orig_mesh_->element_accessor( el_4_loc_[loc_el] );
180  // increase offset by number of nodes of the simplicial element
181  offset += elm->dim() + 1;
182  offset_vec[ele_id] = offset;
183  (*orig_element_indices_)[ele_id] = el_4_loc_[loc_el];
184  ele_id++;
185  }
187  connectivity_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("connectivity", (unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR,
188  offset_vec[offset_vec.size()-1]);
189  auto &connectivity_vec = *( connectivity_->get_component_data(0).get() );
190  for (unsigned int loc_el = 0; loc_el < n_local_elements; loc_el++) {
191  elm = orig_mesh_->element_accessor( el_4_loc_[loc_el] );
192  for (unsigned int li=0; li<elm->n_nodes(); li++) {
193  ASSERT_DBG(local_nodes_map[ elm.node_accessor(li).idx() ] != Mesh::undef_idx)(elm.node_accessor(li).idx()).error("Undefined global to local node index!");
194  connectivity_vec[conn_id++] = local_nodes_map[ elm.node_accessor(li).idx() ];
195  }
196  }
198  // set coords of nodes
199  nodes_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<double>>("", (unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR, n_local_nodes_);
200  auto &node_vec = *( nodes_->get_component_data(0).get() );
201  NodeAccessor<3> node;
202  for(unsigned int i_node=0; i_node<local_nodes_map.size(); ++i_node) {
203  if (local_nodes_map[i_node]==Mesh::undef_idx) continue; // skip element if it is not local
204  node = orig_mesh_->node_accessor(i_node);
205  coord_id = 3*local_nodes_map[i_node]; // id of first coordinates in node_vec
206  node_vec[coord_id++] = node->getX();
207  node_vec[coord_id++] = node->getY();
208  node_vec[coord_id] = node->getZ();
209  }
210 }
215 {
216  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> global_offsets; // needs for creating serial nodes and connectivity caches on zero process
217  auto elems_n_nodes = get_elems_n_nodes(); // collects number of nodes on each elements (for fill master_mesh_->offsets_)
218  int rank = el_ds_->myp();
220  if (rank==0) {
221  // create serial output mesh, fill offsets cache and orig_element_indices vector
222  unsigned int n_elems = el_ds_->end( el_ds_->np()-1 );
223  master_mesh_ = this->construct_mesh();
224  master_mesh_->orig_element_indices_ = std::make_shared<std::vector<unsigned int>>(n_elems);
225  master_mesh_->offsets_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("offsets", ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR, n_elems);
226  auto &offsets_vec = *( master_mesh_->offsets_->get_component_data(0).get() );
227  auto &elems_n_nodes_vec = *( elems_n_nodes->get_component_data(0).get() );
228  unsigned int offset=0;
229  for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_elems; ++i) {
230  offset += elems_n_nodes_vec[i];
231  offsets_vec[i] = offset;
232  (*master_mesh_->orig_element_indices_)[i] = i;
233  }
234  global_offsets = master_mesh_->offsets_;
235  }
237  // collects serial caches
238  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<double>> serial_nodes_cache = make_serial_nodes_cache(global_offsets);
239  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> serial_connectivity_cache = make_serial_connectivity_cache(global_offsets);
241  if (rank==0) {
242  // set serial output mesh caches
243  master_mesh_->connectivity_ = serial_connectivity_cache;
244  master_mesh_->nodes_ = serial_nodes_cache;
246  master_mesh_->mesh_type_ = this->mesh_type_;
247  }
248 }
251 std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> OutputMeshBase::get_elems_n_nodes()
252 {
253  // Compute (locally) number of nodes of each elements
254  ElementDataCache<unsigned int> local_elems_n_nodes("elems_n_nodes", ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR, offsets_->n_values());
255  auto &local_elems_n_nodes_vec = *( local_elems_n_nodes.get_component_data(0).get() );
256  auto &offset_vec = *( offsets_->get_component_data(0).get() );
257  for (unsigned int i=offset_vec.size()-1; i>0; --i) local_elems_n_nodes_vec[i] = offset_vec[i] - offset_vec[i-1];
258  local_elems_n_nodes_vec[0] = offset_vec[0];
260  // Collect data, set on zero process
261  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> global_elems_n_nodes;
262  auto gather_cache = local_elems_n_nodes.gather(el_ds_, el_4_loc_);
263  if (el_ds_->myp()==0) global_elems_n_nodes = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< ElementDataCache<unsigned int> >(gather_cache);
264  return global_elems_n_nodes;
265 }
269 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
273 : OutputMeshBase(mesh)
274 {
275  this->mesh_type_ = MeshType::orig;
276 }
279 : OutputMeshBase(mesh, in_rec)
280 {
281  this->mesh_type_ = MeshType::orig;
282 }
286 {
287 }
291 {
292  ASSERT(0).error("Not implemented yet.");
293 }
296 {
297  ASSERT(0).error("Not implemented yet.");
298  return false;
299 }
302 std::shared_ptr<OutputMeshBase> OutputMesh::construct_mesh()
303 {
304  return std::make_shared<OutputMesh>(*orig_mesh_);
305 }
308 std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<double>> OutputMesh::make_serial_nodes_cache(FMT_UNUSED std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> global_offsets)
309 {
310  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<double>> serial_nodes_cache;
312  // collects nodes_ data (coordinates)
313  auto serial_nodes = nodes_->gather(node_ds_, node_4_loc_);
315  if (el_ds_->myp()==0) serial_nodes_cache = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< ElementDataCache<double> >(serial_nodes);
316  return serial_nodes_cache;
317 }
320 std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> OutputMesh::make_serial_connectivity_cache(std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> global_offsets)
321 {
322  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> serial_connectivity_cache;
324  // re-number connectivity indices from local to global
325  auto &conn_vec = *( connectivity_->get_component_data(0).get() );
326  ElementDataCache<unsigned int> global_conn("connectivity", (unsigned int)1, conn_vec.size()); // holds global indices of nodes
327  auto &global_conn_vec = *( global_conn.get_component_data(0).get() );
328  for(unsigned int i=0; i<conn_vec.size(); i++) {
329  global_conn_vec[i] = node_4_loc_[ conn_vec[i] ];
330  }
332  // collects global connectivities
333  auto &local_offset_vec = *( offsets_->get_component_data(0).get() );
334  auto global_fix_size_conn = global_conn.element_node_cache_fixed_size(local_offset_vec);
335  auto collective_conn = global_fix_size_conn->gather(el_ds_, el_4_loc_);
337  if (el_ds_->myp()==0) {
338  auto &offset_vec = *( global_offsets->get_component_data(0).get() );
339  serial_connectivity_cache = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< ElementDataCache<unsigned int> >( collective_conn->element_node_cache_optimize_size(offset_vec) );
340  }
341  return serial_connectivity_cache;
342 }
345 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
348 : OutputMeshBase(mesh)
349 {
350  this->mesh_type_ = MeshType::discont;
351 }
354 : OutputMeshBase(mesh, in_rec)
355 {
356  this->mesh_type_ = MeshType::discont;
357 }
361 {
362 }
365 template<int dim>
368  const ElementAccessor<spacedim> &ele_acc)
369 {
370  static const unsigned int n_subelements = 1 << dim; //2^dim
372 // The refinement of elements for the output mesh is done using edge splitting
373 // technique (so called red refinement). Since we use this only for better output
374 // visualization of non-polynomial solutions, we do not care for existence of hanging
375 // nodes.
376 // In 2D case, it is straightforward process: find the midpoints of all sides,
377 // connect them and generate 4 triangles. These triangles are congruent and have
378 // equal surface areas.
379 // On the other hand, the 3D case is more complicated. After splitting the
380 // edges, we obtain 4 tetrahedra at the vertices of the original one. The octahedron
381 // that remains in the middle can be subdivided according to one of its three
382 // diagonals. Only the choice of the shortest octahedron diagonal leads to a regular
383 // tetrahedra decomposition. This algorithm originally comes from Bey.
384 // Bey's algorithm (red refinement of tetrahedron):
385 // p.29 https://www5.in.tum.de/pub/Joshi2016_Thesis.pdf
386 // p.108 http://www.bcamath.org/documentos_public/archivos/publicaciones/sergey_book.pdf
387 // https://www.math.uci.edu/~chenlong/iFEM/doc/html/uniformrefine3doc.html#1
388 // J. Bey. Simplicial grid refinement: on Freudenthal's algorithm and the optimal number of congruence classes.
389 // Numer. Math. 85(1):1--29, 2000. p11 Algorithm: RedRefinement3D.
390 // p.4 http://www.vis.uni-stuttgart.de/uploads/tx_vispublications/vis97-grosso.pdf
392  // connectivity of refined element
393  // these arrays are hardwired to the current reference element
394  static const std::vector<unsigned int> conn[] = {
395  {}, //0D
397  //1D:
398  // 0,1 original nodes, 2 is in the middle
399  // get 2 elements
400  {0, 2,
401  2, 1},
403  //2D:
404  // 0,1,2 original nodes
405  // 3,4,5 nodes are in the middle of sides 0,1,2 in the respective order
406  // get 4 elements
407  {0, 3, 4,
408  3, 1, 5,
409  4, 5, 2,
410  3, 5, 4},
412  //3D:
413  // 0,1,2,3 original nodes
414  // 4,5,6,7,8,9 are nodes in the middle of edges 0,1,2,3,4,5 in the respective order
415  // first 4 tetrahedra are at the original nodes
416  // next 4 tetrahedra are from the inner octahedron - 4 choices according to the diagonal
417  {1, 7, 4, 8,
418  7, 2, 5, 9,
419  4, 5, 0, 6,
420  8, 9, 6, 3,
421  7, 4, 8, 9, // 4-9 octahedron diagonal
422  7, 4, 5, 9,
423  4, 8, 9, 6,
424  4, 5, 9, 6},
426  {1, 7, 4, 8,
427  7, 2, 5, 9,
428  4, 5, 0, 6,
429  8, 9, 6, 3,
430  8, 5, 4, 6, // 5-8 octahedron diagonal
431  5, 8, 9, 6,
432  5, 8, 4, 7,
433  8, 5, 9, 7},
435  {1, 7, 4, 8,
436  7, 2, 5, 9,
437  4, 5, 0, 6,
438  8, 9, 6, 3,
439  6, 8, 7, 9, // 6-7 octahedron diagonal
440  8, 6, 7, 4,
441  6, 5, 7, 4,
442  5, 6, 7, 9}
443  };
444 // DBGMSG("level = %d, %d\n", aux_element.level, max_refinement_level_);
446  ASSERT_DBG(dim == aux_element.nodes.size()-1);
448  // if not refining any further, push into final vector
449  if( ! refinement_criterion(aux_element, ele_acc) ) {
450  refinement.push_back(aux_element);
451  return;
452  }
454  std::vector<AuxElement> subelements(n_subelements);
456  const unsigned int n_old_nodes = RefElement<dim>::n_nodes,
457  n_new_nodes = RefElement<dim>::n_lines; // new points are in the center of lines
459  // auxiliary vectors
460  std::vector<Space<spacedim>::Point> nodes = aux_element.nodes;
462  nodes.reserve(n_old_nodes+n_new_nodes);
464  // create new points in the element
465  for(unsigned int e=0; e < n_new_nodes; e++)
466  {
469  nodes.push_back( p / 2.0);
470  //nodes.back().print();
471  }
473  unsigned int diagonal = 0;
474  // find shortest diagonal: [0]:4-9, [1]:5-8 or [2]:6-7
475  if(dim == 3){
476  double min_diagonal = arma::norm(nodes[4]-nodes[9],2);
477  double d = arma::norm(nodes[5]-nodes[8],2);
478  if(d < min_diagonal){
479  min_diagonal = d;
480  diagonal = 1;
481  }
482  d = arma::norm(nodes[6]-nodes[7],2);
483  if(d < min_diagonal){
484  min_diagonal = d;
485  diagonal = 2;
486  }
487  }
489  for(unsigned int i=0; i < n_subelements; i++)
490  {
491  AuxElement& sub_ele = subelements[i];
492  sub_ele.nodes.resize(n_old_nodes);
493  sub_ele.level = aux_element.level+1;
495  // over nodes
496  for(unsigned int j=0; j < n_old_nodes; j++)
497  {
498  unsigned int conn_id = (n_old_nodes)*i + j;
499  sub_ele.nodes[j] = nodes[conn[dim+diagonal][conn_id]];
500  }
501  refine_aux_element<dim>(sub_ele, refinement, ele_acc);
502  }
503 }
507 template void OutputMeshDiscontinuous::refine_aux_element<1>(const OutputMeshDiscontinuous::AuxElement&,std::vector< OutputMeshDiscontinuous::AuxElement >&, const ElementAccessor<spacedim> &);
508 template void OutputMeshDiscontinuous::refine_aux_element<2>(const OutputMeshDiscontinuous::AuxElement&,std::vector< OutputMeshDiscontinuous::AuxElement >&, const ElementAccessor<spacedim> &);
509 template void OutputMeshDiscontinuous::refine_aux_element<3>(const OutputMeshDiscontinuous::AuxElement&,std::vector< OutputMeshDiscontinuous::AuxElement >&, const ElementAccessor<spacedim> &);
513  const ElementAccessor<spacedim> &ele_acc)
514 {
515  // check refinement criteria:
517  //first check max. level
518  bool refine = refinement_criterion_uniform(aux_ele);
520  //if max. level not reached and refinement by error is set
521  if(refine && refine_by_error_)
522  {
523  // compute centre of aux element
524  Space<spacedim>::Point centre({0,0,0});
525  for(auto& v : aux_ele.nodes ) centre += v;
526  centre = centre/aux_ele.nodes.size();
527  return refinement_criterion_error(aux_ele, centre, ele_acc);
528  }
530  return refine;
531 }
534 {
535  return (ele.level < max_level_);
536 }
539  const Space<spacedim>::Point &centre,
540  const ElementAccessor<spacedim> &ele_acc
541  )
542 {
543  ASSERT_DBG(error_control_field_func_).error("Error control field not set!");
545  // evaluate at nodes and center in a single call
546  std::vector<double> val_list(ele.nodes.size()+1);
548  point_list.push_back(centre);
549  point_list.insert(point_list.end(), ele.nodes.begin(), ele.nodes.end());
550  error_control_field_func_(point_list, ele_acc, val_list);
552  //TODO: compute L1 or L2 error using standard quadrature
554  //compare average value at nodes with value at center
556  double average_val = 0.0;
557  for(unsigned int i=1; i<ele.nodes.size()+1; ++i)//(double& v: nodes_val)
558  average_val += val_list[i];
559  average_val = average_val / ele.nodes.size();
561  double diff = std::abs((average_val - val_list[0])/val_list[0]);
562 // DebugOut().fmt("diff: {} {} {}\n", diff, average_val, val_list[0]);
563  return ( diff > refinement_error_tolerance_);
565 }
568 std::shared_ptr<OutputMeshBase> OutputMeshDiscontinuous::construct_mesh()
569 {
570  return std::make_shared<OutputMeshDiscontinuous>(*orig_mesh_);
571 }
574 std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<double>> OutputMeshDiscontinuous::make_serial_nodes_cache(std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> global_offsets)
575 {
576  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<double>> serial_nodes_cache;
578  // Create helper cache of discontinuous node data ordering by elements
579  std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache<double> > discont_node_cache = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<double>>("",
580  ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR, this->connectivity_->n_values());
581  auto &discont_node_vec = *( discont_node_cache->get_component_data(0).get() );
582  auto &local_nodes_vec = *( this->nodes_->get_component_data(0).get() );
583  auto &local_conn_vec = *( this->connectivity_->get_component_data(0).get() );
584  auto &local_offset_vec = *( this->offsets_->get_component_data(0).get() );
585  unsigned int i_old, i_new;
586  for (unsigned int i_conn=0; i_conn<this->connectivity_->n_values(); ++i_conn) {
587  i_old = local_conn_vec[i_conn] * ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR;
588  i_new = i_conn * ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR;
589  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR; i++) {
590  discont_node_vec[i_new+i] = local_nodes_vec[i_old+i];
591  }
592  }
593  // Collects node data
594  auto fix_size_node_cache = discont_node_cache->element_node_cache_fixed_size(local_offset_vec);
595  auto collect_fix_size_node_cache = fix_size_node_cache->gather(el_ds_, el_4_loc_);
597  if (el_ds_->myp()==0) {
598  auto &offset_vec = *( global_offsets->get_component_data(0).get() );
599  serial_nodes_cache = std::dynamic_pointer_cast< ElementDataCache<double> >(collect_fix_size_node_cache->element_node_cache_optimize_size(offset_vec));
600  }
601  return serial_nodes_cache;
602 }
605 std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> OutputMeshDiscontinuous::make_serial_connectivity_cache(std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> global_offsets)
606 {
607  std::shared_ptr<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>> serial_connectivity_cache;
609  if (el_ds_->myp()==0) {
610  auto &offset_vec = *( global_offsets->get_component_data(0).get() );
611  serial_connectivity_cache = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("connectivity", (unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR,
612  offset_vec[offset_vec.size()-1]);
613  auto &conn_vec = *( serial_connectivity_cache->get_component_data(0).get() );
614  for (unsigned int i=0; i<conn_vec.size(); ++i) conn_vec[i] = i;
615  }
616  return serial_connectivity_cache;
617 }
621 {
622  ASSERT( !is_created() ).error("Multiple initialization of OutputMesh!\n");
624  DebugOut() << "Create refined discontinuous submesh containing only local elements.";
625  // initial guess of size: n_elements
626  nodes_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<double>>("",(unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR,0);
627  connectivity_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("connectivity",(unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR,0);
628  offsets_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("offsets",(unsigned int)ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR,0);
629  orig_element_indices_ = std::make_shared<std::vector<unsigned int>>();
631  // index of last node added; set at the end of original ones
632  unsigned int last_offset = 0;
634  auto &node_vec = *( nodes_->get_component_data(0).get() );
635  auto &conn_vec = *( connectivity_->get_component_data(0).get() );
636  auto &offset_vec = *( offsets_->get_component_data(0).get() );
638  node_vec.reserve(4*orig_mesh_->n_nodes());
639  conn_vec.reserve(4*4*orig_mesh_->n_elements());
640  offset_vec.reserve(4*orig_mesh_->n_elements());
642  LongIdx *el_4_loc = orig_mesh_->get_el_4_loc();
643  const unsigned int n_local_elements = orig_mesh_->get_el_ds()->lsize();
645  for (unsigned int loc_el = 0; loc_el < n_local_elements; loc_el++) {
646  auto ele = orig_mesh_->element_accessor( el_4_loc[loc_el] );
647  const unsigned int
648  dim = ele->dim(),
649  ele_idx = ele.idx();
651  AuxElement aux_ele;
652  aux_ele.nodes.resize(ele->n_nodes());
653  aux_ele.level = 0;
655  unsigned int li;
656  for (li=0; li<ele->n_nodes(); li++) {
657  aux_ele.nodes[li] = ele.node_accessor(li)->point();
658  }
660  std::vector<AuxElement> refinement;
662  switch(dim){
663  case 1: this->refine_aux_element<1>(aux_ele, refinement, ele); break;
664  case 2: this->refine_aux_element<2>(aux_ele, refinement, ele); break;
665  case 3: this->refine_aux_element<3>(aux_ele, refinement, ele); break;
666  default: ASSERT(0 < dim && dim < 4);
667  }
669  //skip unrefined element
670 // if(refinement.size() < 2) continue;
671  unsigned int node_offset = node_vec.size(),
672  con_offset = conn_vec.size();
673  node_vec.resize(node_vec.size() + (refinement.size() * (dim+1))*spacedim);
674  conn_vec.resize(conn_vec.size() + refinement.size()*(dim+1));
675 // orig_element_indices_->resize(orig_element_indices_->size() + refinement.size()*(dim+1));
677 // DebugOut() << "ref size = " << refinement.size() << "\n";
678  //gather coords and connectivity (in a continous way inside element)
679  for(unsigned int i=0; i < refinement.size(); i++)
680  {
681  last_offset += dim+1;
682  offset_vec.push_back(last_offset);
683  (*orig_element_indices_).push_back(ele_idx);
684  for(unsigned int j=0; j < dim+1; j++)
685  {
686  unsigned int con = i*(dim+1) + j;
687  conn_vec[con_offset + con] = con_offset + con;
689  for(unsigned int k=0; k < spacedim; k++) {
690  node_vec[node_offset + con*spacedim + k] = refinement[i].nodes[j][k];
691  }
692  }
693  }
694  }
696  conn_vec.shrink_to_fit();
697  node_vec.shrink_to_fit();
698  offset_vec.shrink_to_fit();
700  connectivity_->set_n_values(conn_vec.size());
701  nodes_->set_n_values(node_vec.size() / spacedim);
702  offsets_->set_n_values(offset_vec.size());
704  // Create special distributions and arrays of local to global indexes of refined mesh
705  el_ds_ = new Distribution(offset_vec.size(), PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
706  node_ds_ = new Distribution(offset_vec[offset_vec.size()-1], PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
707  n_local_nodes_ = node_ds_->lsize();
708  el_4_loc_ = new LongIdx [ el_ds_->lsize() ];
709  LongIdx global_el_idx = el_ds_->begin();
710  for (unsigned int i=0; i<el_ds_->lsize(); ++i, ++global_el_idx) {
711  el_4_loc_[i] = global_el_idx;
712  }
713  node_4_loc_ = new LongIdx [ node_ds_->lsize() ];
714  LongIdx global_node_idx = node_ds_->begin();
715  for (unsigned int i=0; i<node_ds_->lsize(); ++i, ++global_node_idx) {
716  node_4_loc_[i] = global_node_idx;
717  }
719  mesh_type_ = MeshType::refined;
720 }
724 {
725  master_mesh_ = this->construct_mesh();
726  master_mesh_->offsets_ = this->offsets_;
727  master_mesh_->orig_element_indices_ = this->orig_element_indices_;
729  auto &conn_vec = *( this->connectivity_->get_component_data(0).get() );
730  master_mesh_->connectivity_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<unsigned int>>("connectivity", ElementDataCacheBase::N_SCALAR,
731  conn_vec.size());
732  auto &master_conn_vec = *( master_mesh_->connectivity_->get_component_data(0).get() );
733  for (unsigned int i=0; i<master_conn_vec.size(); ++i) master_conn_vec[i] = i;
735  master_mesh_->nodes_ = std::make_shared<ElementDataCache<double>>("", ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR, conn_vec.size());
736  auto &node_vec = *( this->nodes_->get_component_data(0).get() );
737  auto &master_node_vec = *( master_mesh_->nodes_->get_component_data(0).get() );
738  unsigned int i_own, i_master, j;
739  for (unsigned int i=0; i<conn_vec.size(); ++i) {
740  i_own = conn_vec[i]*ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR;
741  i_master = i*ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR;
742  for (j=0; j<ElementDataCacheBase::N_VECTOR; ++j) {
743  master_node_vec[i_master+j] = node_vec[i_own+j];
744  }
745  }
747  master_mesh_->mesh_type_ = this->mesh_type_;
748 }
int LongIdx
Define type that represents indices of large arrays (elements, nodes, dofs etc.)
Definition: long_idx.hh:22
Classes for auxiliary output mesh.
static const unsigned int spacedim
Shortcut instead of spacedim template. We suppose only spacedim=3 at the moment.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:73
unsigned int n_nodes() const
Definition: elements.h:128
Iter< OutputElement > OutputElementIterator
Definition: output_mesh.hh:36
Base class for Output mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:69
Distribution * el_ds_
Parallel distribution of elements.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:218
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< double > > make_serial_nodes_cache(std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int >> global_offsets) override
Implements OutputMeshBase::make_serial_nodes_cache.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:574
double getY() const
Definition: nodes.hh:58
NodeAccessor< 3 > node_accessor(unsigned int ni) const
Definition: accessors.hh:202
std::function< void(const std::vector< Space< spacedim >::Point > &, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &, std::vector< double > &)> ErrorControlFieldFunc
Definition: output_mesh.hh:76
bool refinement_criterion_error(const AuxElement &ele, const Space< spacedim >::Point &centre, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &ele_acc)
Refinement flag - measures discretisation error according to error control field. ...
Definition: output_mesh.cc:538
unsigned int n_elements()
Returns number of element.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:101
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< double > > make_serial_nodes_cache(std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int >> global_offsets) override
Implements OutputMeshBase::make_serial_nodes_cache.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:308
Mesh * orig_mesh_
Pointer to the computational mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:173
LongIdx * get_node_4_loc() const
Definition: mesh.h:174
Class Input::Type::Default specifies default value of keys of a Input::Type::Record.
Definition: type_record.hh:61
Class for declaration of the input of type Bool.
Definition: type_base.hh:459
static const unsigned int undef_idx
Definition: mesh.h:102
NodeAccessor< 3 > node_accessor(unsigned int idx) const
Create and return NodeAccessor to node of given idx.
Definition: mesh.cc:747
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > make_serial_connectivity_cache(std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int >> global_offsets) override
Implements OutputMeshBase::make_serial_connectivity_cache.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:605
static const Input::Type::Record & get_input_type()
The specification of output mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:31
const unsigned int max_level_
Maximal level of refinement.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:176
Definition: mesh.h:76
unsigned int n_local_nodes() const
Definition: mesh.h:177
double refinement_error_tolerance_
Tolerance for error criterion refinement.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:183
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > connectivity_
Vector maps the nodes to their coordinates in vector nodes_.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:191
bool refinement_criterion(const AuxElement &ele, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &ele_acc)
Collects different refinement criteria results.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:512
#define ASSERT(expr)
Allow use shorter versions of macro names if these names is not used with external library...
Definition: asserts.hh:347
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const
Definition: mesh.h:124
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > node_ids_
Vector gets ids of nodes. Data is used in GMSH output.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:196
Class for declaration of the integral input data.
Definition: type_base.hh:490
virtual std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< double > > make_serial_nodes_cache(std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int >> global_offsets)=0
Distribution * node_ds_
Parallel distribution of nodes. Depends on elements distribution.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:220
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > offsets_
Vector of offsets of node indices of elements. Maps elements to their nodes in connectivity_.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:193
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > make_serial_connectivity_cache(std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int >> global_offsets) override
Implements OutputMeshBase::make_serial_connectivity_cache.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:320
Record & close() const
Close the Record for further declarations of keys.
Definition: type_record.cc:304
unsigned int n_nodes()
Returns number of nodes.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:107
virtual ElementAccessor< 3 > element_accessor(unsigned int idx) const
Create and return ElementAccessor to element of given idx.
Definition: mesh.cc:741
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< double > > nodes_
Vector of node coordinates. [spacedim x n_nodes].
Definition: output_mesh.hh:189
OutputMesh(Mesh &mesh)
Definition: output_mesh.cc:272
double getZ() const
Definition: nodes.hh:60
unsigned int dim() const
Definition: elements.h:123
static Default optional()
The factory function to make an empty default value which is optional.
Definition: type_record.hh:124
#define FMT_UNUSED
Definition: posix.h:75
Class for declaration of the input data that are floating point numbers.
Definition: type_base.hh:541
int find_elem_id(unsigned int pos) const
Return element id (in GMSH file) of element of given position in element vector.
Definition: mesh.h:359
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCacheBase > gather(Distribution *distr, LongIdx *local_to_global) override
Implements ElementDataCacheBase::gather.
ErrorControlFieldFunc error_control_field_func_
Refinement error control field function (hold value_list function of field).
Definition: output_mesh.hh:179
arma::vec::fixed< spacedim > Point
Definition: point.hh:42
std::shared_ptr< OutputMeshBase > construct_mesh() override
Implements OutputMeshBase::construct_mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:568
unsigned int begin(int proc) const
get starting local index
Accessor to the data with type Type::Record.
Definition: accessors.hh:292
static const IdxVector< (InDim >OutDim?InDim+1:dim-InDim) > interact(TInteraction< OutDim, InDim > interaction)
double getX() const
Definition: nodes.hh:56
void create_sub_mesh()
Definition: output_mesh.cc:151
Auxiliary structure defining element of refined output mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:277
void make_parallel_master_mesh() override
Overrides OutputMeshBase::make_parallel_master_mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:723
void refine_aux_element(const AuxElement &aux_element, std::vector< AuxElement > &refinement, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &ele_acc)
Performs the actual refinement of AuxElement. Recurrent.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:366
void set_error_control_field(ErrorControlFieldFunc error_control_field_func)
Selects the error control field computing function of output field set according to input record...
Definition: output_mesh.cc:96
void create_refined_sub_mesh() override
Implements OutputMeshBase::create_refined_sub_mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:620
void make_serial_master_mesh()
Synchronize parallel data and create serial COLECTIVE output mesh on zero process.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:214
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > region_ids_
Vector gets ids of regions. Data is used in GMSH output.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:200
Record & declare_key(const string &key, std::shared_ptr< TypeBase > type, const Default &default_value, const string &description, TypeBase::attribute_map key_attributes=TypeBase::attribute_map())
Declares a new key of the Record.
Definition: type_record.cc:503
bool refinement_criterion()
Definition: output_mesh.cc:295
virtual ~OutputMeshBase()
Definition: output_mesh.cc:70
unsigned int np() const
get num of processors
Distribution * get_el_ds() const
Definition: mesh.h:162
LongIdx * node_4_loc_
Index set assigning to local node index its global index.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:219
OutputMeshDiscontinuous(Mesh &mesh)
Definition: output_mesh.cc:347
Input::Record input_record_
Input record for output mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:170
virtual std::shared_ptr< OutputMeshBase > construct_mesh()=0
bool refinement_criterion_uniform(const AuxElement &ele)
Refinement flag - checks only maximal level of refinement.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:533
OutputElementIterator end()
Gives iterator to the LAST element of the output mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:88
unsigned int myp() const
get my processor
unsigned int end(int proc) const
get last local index +1
Support classes for parallel programing.
friend class OutputElement
Friend provides access to vectors for element accessor class.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:224
virtual unsigned int n_elements(bool boundary=false) const
Returns count of boundary or bulk elements.
Definition: mesh.h:344
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< int > > partitions_
Vector gets partitions of elements. Data is used in GMSH output.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:202
std::shared_ptr< OutputMeshBase > master_mesh_
Definition: output_mesh.hh:210
#define ASSERT_PTR(ptr)
Definition of assert macro checking non-null pointer (PTR)
Definition: asserts.hh:336
void create_refined_sub_mesh() override
Implements OutputMeshBase::create_refined_sub_mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:290
virtual std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > make_serial_connectivity_cache(std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int >> global_offsets)=0
bool refine_by_error_
True, if output mesh is to be refined by error criterion.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:182
Class OutputElement and its iterator OutputElementIterator on the output mesh.
#define ASSERT_DBG(expr)
Class RefElement defines numbering of vertices, sides, calculation of normal vectors etc...
MeshType mesh_type_
Type of OutputMesh.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:181
Record type proxy class.
Definition: type_record.hh:182
LongIdx * el_4_loc_
Index set assigning to local element index its global index.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:217
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > get_elems_n_nodes()
Compute and return number of nodes for each elements (compute from offsets)
Definition: output_mesh.cc:251
std::vector< Space< spacedim >::Point > nodes
Definition: output_mesh.hh:278
void create_id_caches()
Create nodes and elements data caches.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:113
bool is_created()
Check if nodes_, connectivity_ and offsets_ data caches are created.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:145
Distribution * get_node_ds() const
Definition: mesh.h:171
std::shared_ptr< ElementDataCache< unsigned int > > elem_ids_
Vector gets ids of elements. Data is used in GMSH output.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:198
#define DebugOut()
Macro defining &#39;debug&#39; record of log.
Definition: logger.hh:252
#define ASSERT_PTR_DBG(ptr)
Definition of assert macro checking non-null pointer (PTR) only for debug mode.
Definition: asserts.hh:340
Class for declaration of the input data that are in string format.
Definition: type_base.hh:589
LongIdx * get_el_4_loc() const
Definition: mesh.h:168
General iterator template. Provides iterator over objects of type ObjectIn in some container...
Implementation of range helper class.
unsigned int n_local_nodes_
Hold number of local nodes (own + ghost), value is equal with size of node_4_loc array.
Definition: output_mesh.hh:221
std::shared_ptr< std::vector< unsigned int > > orig_element_indices_
Vector of element indices in the computational mesh. (Important when refining.)
Definition: output_mesh.hh:186
std::shared_ptr< OutputMeshBase > construct_mesh() override
Implements OutputMeshBase::construct_mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:302
OutputElementIterator begin()
Gives iterator to the FIRST element of the output mesh.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:81
int find_node_id(unsigned int pos) const
Return node id (in GMSH file) of node of given position in node vector.
Definition: mesh.h:371
OutputMeshBase(Mesh &mesh)
Constructor. Takes computational mesh as a parameter.
Definition: output_mesh.cc:46
unsigned int lsize(int proc) const
get local size