Flow123d  release_3.0.0-959-g7b476d2
Classes | Macros | Functions | Variables
mpi.c File Reference
#include <system/mpiuni/mpi.h>
#include <stdio.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  MPI_Attr


#define MPI_SUCCESS   0
#define MPI_FAILURE   1
#define MAX_ATTR   128
#define mpi_init_   mpi_init
#define mpi_finalize_   mpi_finalize
#define mpi_comm_size_   mpi_comm_size
#define mpi_comm_rank_   mpi_comm_rank
#define mpi_abort_   mpi_abort
#define mpi_reduce_   mpi_reduce
#define mpi_allreduce_   mpi_allreduce
#define mpi_barrier_   mpi_barrier
#define mpi_bcast_   mpi_bcast
#define mpi_gather_   mpi_gather
#define mpi_allgather_   mpi_allgather
#define mpi_comm_split_   mpi_comm_split
#define mpi_scan_   mpi_scan
#define mpi_send_   mpi_send
#define mpi_recv_   mpi_recv
#define mpi_reduce_scatter_   mpi_reduce_scatter
#define mpi_irecv_   mpi_irecv
#define mpi_isend_   mpi_isend
#define mpi_sendrecv_   mpi_sendrecv
#define mpi_test_   mpi_test
#define mpi_waitall_   mpi_waitall
#define mpi_waitany_   mpi_waitany
#define mpi_allgatherv_   mpi_allgatherv
#define mpi_alltoallv_   mpi_alltoallv
#define mpi_comm_create_   mpi_comm_create
#define mpi_address_   mpi_address
#define mpi_pack_   mpi_pack
#define mpi_unpack_   mpi_unpack
#define mpi_pack_size_   mpi_pack_size
#define mpi_type_struct_   mpi_type_struct
#define mpi_type_commit_   mpi_type_commit
#define mpi_wtime_   mpi_wtime
#define mpi_cancel_   mpi_cancel
#define mpi_comm_dup_   mpi_comm_dup
#define mpi_comm_free_   mpi_comm_free
#define mpi_get_count_   mpi_get_count
#define mpi_get_processor_name_   mpi_get_processor_name
#define mpi_initialized_   mpi_initialized
#define mpi_iprobe_   mpi_iprobe
#define mpi_probe_   mpi_probe
#define mpi_request_free_   mpi_request_free
#define mpi_ssend_   mpi_ssend
#define mpi_wait_   mpi_wait
#define mpi_comm_group_   mpi_comm_group
#define mpi_exscan_   mpi_exscan
#define PETSC_MIXED_LEN(len)
#define PETSC_END_LEN(len)   ,int len


int MPIUNI_Memcpy (void *a, const void *b, int n)
static int Keyval_setup (void)
int MPI_Keyval_create (MPI_Copy_function *copy_fn, MPI_Delete_function *delete_fn, int *keyval, void *extra_state)
int MPI_Keyval_free (int *keyval)
int MPI_Attr_put (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val)
int MPI_Attr_delete (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval)
int MPI_Attr_get (MPI_Comm comm, int keyval, void *attribute_val, int *flag)
int MPI_Comm_create (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Group group, MPI_Comm *newcomm)
int MPI_Comm_dup (MPI_Comm comm, MPI_Comm *out)
int MPI_Comm_free (MPI_Comm *comm)
int MPI_Comm_size (MPI_Comm comm, int *size)
int MPI_Comm_rank (MPI_Comm comm, int *rank)
int MPI_Abort (MPI_Comm comm, int errorcode)
int MPI_Init (int *argc, char ***argv)
int MPI_Finalize (void)
int MPI_Initialized (int *flag)
int MPI_Finalized (int *flag)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_init_ (int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_finalize_ (int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_size_ (MPI_Comm *comm, int *size, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_rank_ (MPI_Comm *comm, int *rank, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_split_ (MPI_Comm *comm, int *color, int *key, MPI_Comm *newcomm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_abort_ (MPI_Comm *comm, int *errorcode, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_reduce_ (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int *count, int *datatype, int *op, int *root, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allreduce_ (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int *count, int *datatype, int *op, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_barrier_ (MPI_Comm *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_bcast_ (void *buf, int *count, int *datatype, int *root, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_gather_ (void *sendbuf, int *scount, int *sdatatype, void *recvbuf, int *rcount, int *rdatatype, int *root, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allgather_ (void *sendbuf, int *scount, int *sdatatype, void *recvbuf, int *rcount, int *rdatatype, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_scan_ (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int *count, int *datatype, int *op, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_send_ (void *buf, int *count, int *datatype, int *dest, int *tag, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_recv_ (void *buf, int *count, int *datatype, int *source, int *tag, int *comm, int status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_reduce_scatter_ (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *datatype, int *op, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_irecv_ (void *buf, int *count, int *datatype, int *source, int *tag, int *comm, int *request, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_isend_ (void *buf, int *count, int *datatype, int *dest, int *tag, int *comm, int *request, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_sendrecv_ (void *sendbuf, int *sendcount, int *sendtype, int *dest, int *sendtag, void *recvbuf, int *recvcount, int *recvtype, int *source, int *recvtag, int *comm, int *status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_test_ (int *request, int *flag, int *status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_waitall_ (int *count, int *array_of_requests, int *array_of_statuses, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_waitany_ (int *count, int *array_of_requests, int *index, int *status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allgatherv_ (void *sendbuf, int *sendcount, int *sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *displs, int *recvtype, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_alltoallv_ (void *sendbuf, int *sendcounts, int *sdispls, int *sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcounts, int *rdispls, int *recvtype, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_create_ (int *comm, int *group, int *newcomm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_address_ (void *location, MPIUNI_INTPTR *address, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_pack_ (void *inbuf, int *incount, int *datatype, void *outbuf, int *outsize, int *position, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_unpack_ (void *inbuf, int *insize, int *position, void *outbuf, int *outcount, int *datatype, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_pack_size_ (int *incount, int *datatype, int *comm, int *size, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_type_struct_ (int *count, int *array_of_blocklengths, int *array_of_displaments, int *array_of_types, int *newtype, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_type_commit_ (int *datatype, int *ierr)
double PETSC_STDCALL mpi_wtime_ (void)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_cancel_ (int *request, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_dup_ (int *comm, int *out, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_free_ (int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_get_count_ (int *status, int *datatype, int *count, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_get_processor_name_ (char *name PETSC_MIXED_LEN(len), int *result_len, int *ierr PETSC_END_LEN(len))
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_initialized_ (int *flag, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_iprobe_ (int *source, int *tag, int *comm, int *glag, int *status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_probe_ (int *source, int *tag, int *comm, int *flag, int *status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_request_free_ (int *request, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_ssend_ (void *buf, int *count, int *datatype, int *dest, int *tag, int *comm, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_wait_ (int *request, int *status, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_group_ (int *comm, int *group, int *ierr)
void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_exscan_ (void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int *count, int *datatype, int *op, int *comm, int *ierr)


void * MPIUNI_TMP = 0
int MPIUNI_DATASIZE [10] = {sizeof(int),sizeof(float),sizeof(double),2*sizeof(double),sizeof(char),2*sizeof(int),4*sizeof(double),4,8,2*sizeof(double)}
static MPI_Attr attr [MAX_ATTR]
static int num_attr = 1
static int mpi_tag_ub = 100000000
static int dups = 0
static int MPI_was_initialized = 0
static int MPI_was_finalized = 0

Macro Definition Documentation

#define MAX_ATTR   128

Definition at line 24 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_abort_   mpi_abort

Definition at line 236 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_address_   mpi_address

Definition at line 257 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_allgather_   mpi_allgather

Definition at line 242 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_allgatherv_   mpi_allgatherv

Definition at line 254 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_allreduce_   mpi_allreduce

Definition at line 238 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_alltoallv_   mpi_alltoallv

Definition at line 255 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_barrier_   mpi_barrier

Definition at line 239 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_bcast_   mpi_bcast

Definition at line 240 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_cancel_   mpi_cancel

Definition at line 264 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_create_   mpi_comm_create

Definition at line 256 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_dup_   mpi_comm_dup

Definition at line 265 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_free_   mpi_comm_free

Definition at line 266 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_group_   mpi_comm_group

Definition at line 275 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_rank_   mpi_comm_rank

Definition at line 235 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_size_   mpi_comm_size

Definition at line 234 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_comm_split_   mpi_comm_split

Definition at line 243 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_exscan_   mpi_exscan

Definition at line 276 of file mpi.c.

#define MPI_FAILURE   1

Definition at line 18 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_finalize_   mpi_finalize

Definition at line 233 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_gather_   mpi_gather

Definition at line 241 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_get_count_   mpi_get_count

Definition at line 267 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_get_processor_name_   mpi_get_processor_name

Definition at line 268 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_init_   mpi_init

Definition at line 232 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_initialized_   mpi_initialized

Definition at line 269 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_iprobe_   mpi_iprobe

Definition at line 270 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_irecv_   mpi_irecv

Definition at line 248 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_isend_   mpi_isend

Definition at line 249 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_pack_   mpi_pack

Definition at line 258 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_pack_size_   mpi_pack_size

Definition at line 260 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_probe_   mpi_probe

Definition at line 271 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_recv_   mpi_recv

Definition at line 246 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_reduce_   mpi_reduce

Definition at line 237 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_reduce_scatter_   mpi_reduce_scatter

Definition at line 247 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_request_free_   mpi_request_free

Definition at line 272 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_scan_   mpi_scan

Definition at line 244 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_send_   mpi_send

Definition at line 245 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_sendrecv_   mpi_sendrecv

Definition at line 250 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_ssend_   mpi_ssend

Definition at line 273 of file mpi.c.

#define MPI_SUCCESS   0

Definition at line 17 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_test_   mpi_test

Definition at line 251 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_type_commit_   mpi_type_commit

Definition at line 262 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_type_struct_   mpi_type_struct

Definition at line 261 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_unpack_   mpi_unpack

Definition at line 259 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_wait_   mpi_wait

Definition at line 274 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_waitall_   mpi_waitall

Definition at line 252 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_waitany_   mpi_waitany

Definition at line 253 of file mpi.c.

#define mpi_wtime_   mpi_wtime

Definition at line 263 of file mpi.c.

#define PETSC_END_LEN (   len)    ,int len

Definition at line 533 of file mpi.c.

#define PETSC_MIXED_LEN (   len)

Definition at line 532 of file mpi.c.


Definition at line 10 of file mpi.c.

Function Documentation

static int Keyval_setup ( void  )

Definition at line 55 of file mpi.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int MPI_Abort ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int  errorcode 

Definition at line 144 of file mpi.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_abort_ ( MPI_Comm comm,
int *  errorcode,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 359 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_address_ ( void *  location,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 470 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allgather_ ( void *  sendbuf,
int *  scount,
int *  sdatatype,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  rcount,
int *  rdatatype,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 394 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allgatherv_ ( void *  sendbuf,
int *  sendcount,
int *  sendtype,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  recvcounts,
int *  displs,
int *  recvtype,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 452 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_allreduce_ ( void *  sendbuf,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  op,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 371 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_alltoallv_ ( void *  sendbuf,
int *  sendcounts,
int *  sdispls,
int *  sendtype,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  recvcounts,
int *  rdispls,
int *  recvtype,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 458 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Attr_delete ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int  keyval 

Definition at line 85 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Attr_get ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int  keyval,
void *  attribute_val,
int *  flag 

Definition at line 96 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Attr_put ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int  keyval,
void *  attribute_val 

Definition at line 78 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_barrier_ ( MPI_Comm comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 377 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_bcast_ ( void *  buf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  root,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 382 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_cancel_ ( int *  request,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 506 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Comm_create ( MPI_Comm  comm,
MPI_Group  group,
MPI_Comm newcomm 

Definition at line 104 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_create_ ( int *  comm,
int *  group,
int *  newcomm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 464 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Comm_dup ( MPI_Comm  comm,
MPI_Comm out 

Definition at line 111 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_dup_ ( int *  comm,
int *  out,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 511 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Comm_free ( MPI_Comm comm)

Definition at line 118 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_free_ ( int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 517 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_group_ ( int *  comm,
int *  group,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 574 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Comm_rank ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int *  rank 

Definition at line 138 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_rank_ ( MPI_Comm comm,
int *  rank,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 347 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Comm_size ( MPI_Comm  comm,
int *  size 

Definition at line 132 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_size_ ( MPI_Comm comm,
int *  size,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 341 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_comm_split_ ( MPI_Comm comm,
int *  color,
int *  key,
MPI_Comm newcomm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 353 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_exscan_ ( void *  sendbuf,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  op,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 579 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Finalize ( void  )

Definition at line 163 of file mpi.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_finalize_ ( int *  ierr)

Definition at line 336 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Finalized ( int *  flag)

Definition at line 177 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_gather_ ( void *  sendbuf,
int *  scount,
int *  sdatatype,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  rcount,
int *  rdatatype,
int *  root,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 388 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_get_count_ ( int *  status,
int *  datatype,
int *  count,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 522 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_get_processor_name_ ( char *name   PETSC_MIXED_LENlen,
int *  result_len,
int *ierr   PETSC_END_LENlen 

Definition at line 536 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Init ( int *  argc,
char ***  argv 

Definition at line 155 of file mpi.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_init_ ( int *  ierr)

Definition at line 331 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Initialized ( int *  flag)

Definition at line 171 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_initialized_ ( int *  flag,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 543 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_iprobe_ ( int *  source,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int *  glag,
int *  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 549 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_irecv_ ( void *  buf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  source,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int *  request,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 421 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_isend_ ( void *  buf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  dest,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int *  request,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 426 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Keyval_create ( MPI_Copy_function copy_fn,
MPI_Delete_function delete_fn,
int *  keyval,
void *  extra_state 

Definition at line 62 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_Keyval_free ( int *  keyval)

Definition at line 72 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_pack_ ( void *  inbuf,
int *  incount,
int *  datatype,
void *  outbuf,
int *  outsize,
int *  position,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 476 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_pack_size_ ( int *  incount,
int *  datatype,
int *  comm,
int *  size,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 486 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_probe_ ( int *  source,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int *  flag,
int *  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 554 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_recv_ ( void *  buf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  source,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 411 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_reduce_ ( void *  sendbuf,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  op,
int *  root,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 365 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_reduce_scatter_ ( void *  sendbuf,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  recvcounts,
int *  datatype,
int *  op,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 416 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_request_free_ ( int *  request,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 559 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_scan_ ( void *  sendbuf,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  op,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 400 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_send_ ( void *  buf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  dest,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 406 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_sendrecv_ ( void *  sendbuf,
int *  sendcount,
int *  sendtype,
int *  dest,
int *  sendtag,
void *  recvbuf,
int *  recvcount,
int *  recvtype,
int *  source,
int *  recvtag,
int *  comm,
int *  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 431 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_ssend_ ( void *  buf,
int *  count,
int *  datatype,
int *  dest,
int *  tag,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 564 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_test_ ( int *  request,
int *  flag,
int *  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 437 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_type_commit_ ( int *  datatype,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 496 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_type_struct_ ( int *  count,
int *  array_of_blocklengths,
int *  array_of_displaments,
int *  array_of_types,
int *  newtype,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 491 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_unpack_ ( void *  inbuf,
int *  insize,
int *  position,
void *  outbuf,
int *  outcount,
int *  datatype,
int *  comm,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 481 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_wait_ ( int *  request,
int *  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 569 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_waitall_ ( int *  count,
int *  array_of_requests,
int *  array_of_statuses,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 442 of file mpi.c.

void PETSC_STDCALL mpi_waitany_ ( int *  count,
int *  array_of_requests,
int *  index,
int *  status,
int *  ierr 

Definition at line 447 of file mpi.c.

double PETSC_STDCALL mpi_wtime_ ( void  )

Definition at line 501 of file mpi.c.

int MPIUNI_Memcpy ( void *  a,
const void *  b,
int  n 

Definition at line 43 of file mpi.c.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

MPI_Attr attr[MAX_ATTR]

Definition at line 33 of file mpi.c.

int dups = 0

Definition at line 110 of file mpi.c.

int mpi_tag_ub = 100000000

Definition at line 34 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_was_finalized = 0

Definition at line 153 of file mpi.c.

int MPI_was_initialized = 0

Definition at line 152 of file mpi.c.

int MPIUNI_DATASIZE[10] = {sizeof(int),sizeof(float),sizeof(double),2*sizeof(double),sizeof(char),2*sizeof(int),4*sizeof(double),4,8,2*sizeof(double)}

Definition at line 20 of file mpi.c.

void* MPIUNI_TMP = 0

Definition at line 19 of file mpi.c.

int num_attr = 1

Definition at line 34 of file mpi.c.