Flow123d  release_3.0.0-959-g7b476d2
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * equation_output.cc
3  *
4  * Created on: Jul 8, 2016
5  * Author: jb
6  */
8 #include "tools/time_marks.hh"
9 #include "input/input_type.hh"
10 #include "input/accessors.hh"
12 #include "fields/field.hh"
13 #include "io/output_time_set.hh"
15 #include <memory>
18 namespace IT = Input::Type;
24  static const IT::Selection &interpolation_sel =
25  IT::Selection("Discrete_output", "Discrete type of output. Determines type of output data (element, node, native etc).")
26  .add_value(OutputTime::NODE_DATA, "P1_average", "Node data / point data.")
27  .add_value(OutputTime::CORNER_DATA, "D1_value", "Corner data.")
28  .add_value(OutputTime::ELEM_DATA, "P0_value", "Element data / cell data.")
29  .add_value(OutputTime::NATIVE_DATA, "Native", "Native data (Flow123D data).")
30  .close();
32  static const IT::Record &field_output_setting =
33  IT::Record("FieldOutputSetting", "Setting of the field output. The field name, output times, output interpolation (future).")
34  .allow_auto_conversion("field")
35  .declare_key("field", IT::Parameter("output_field_selection"), IT::Default::obligatory(),
36  "The field name (from selection).")
38  "Output times specific to particular field.")
39  .declare_key("interpolation", interpolation_sel, IT::Default::read_time("Interpolation type of output data."),
40  "Optional value. Implicit value is given by field and can be changed.")
41  .close();
43  return IT::Record("EquationOutput",
44  "Output of the equation's fields."
45  "The output is done through the output stream of the associated balance law equation."
46  "The stream defines output format for the full space information in selected times and "
47  "observe points for the full time information. The key 'fields' select the fields for the full spatial output."
48  "The set of output times may be specified per field otherwise common time set 'times' is used. If even this is not provided"
49  "the time set of the output_stream is used. The initial time of the equation is automatically added "
50  "to the time set of every selected field. The end time of the equation is automatically added "
51  "to the common output time set.")
54  "Output times used for the output fields without is own time series specification.")
55  .declare_key("add_input_times", IT::Bool(), IT::Default("false"),
56  "Add all input time points of the equation, mentioned in the 'input_fields' list, also as the output points.")
57  .declare_key("fields", IT::Array(field_output_setting), IT::Default("[]"),
58  "Array of output fields and their individual output settings.")
59  .declare_key("observe_fields", IT::Array( IT::Parameter("output_field_selection")), IT::Default("[]"),
60  "Array of the fields evaluated in the observe points of the associated output stream.")
61  .close();
62 }
67  const string &additional_description)
68 {
69  string selection_name = equation_name + ":OutputFields";
70  string description = "Selection of output fields for the " + equation_name + " model.\n" + additional_description;
71  IT::Selection sel(selection_name, description );
72  int i=0;
73  // add value for each field excluding boundary fields
74  for( FieldCommon * field : field_list)
75  {
76  //DebugOut().fmt("type for field: {}\n", field->name());
77  if ( !field->is_bc() && field->flags().match( FieldFlag::allow_output) )
78  {
79  string desc = "(($[" + field->units().format_latex()+"]$)) "; + "Output of: the field " + field->name() + " ";
81  desc += "Input field: ";
82  if (field->description().length() > 0)
83  desc += field->description();
85  i++;
86  }
87  }
89  return sel.close();
90 }
92 const IT::Instance &EquationOutput::make_output_type(const string &equation_name, const string &additional_description)
93 {
94  return make_output_type_from_record(get_input_type(), equation_name, additional_description);
95 }
98  const string &equation_name,
99  const string &additional_description)
100 {
101  const IT::Selection &output_field_selection = create_output_field_selection(equation_name, additional_description);
104  param_vec.push_back( std::make_pair("output_field_selection", std::make_shared< IT::Selection >(output_field_selection) ) );
105  return IT::Instance(in_rec, param_vec).close();
106 }
109 void EquationOutput::initialize(std::shared_ptr<OutputTime> stream, Mesh *mesh, Input::Record in_rec, const TimeGovernor & tg)
110 {
111  stream_ = stream;
112  mesh_ = mesh;
115  read_from_input(in_rec, tg);
116 }
121 {
122  ASSERT(stream_).error("The 'set_stream' method must be called before the 'read_from_input'.");
123  auto &marks = TimeGovernor::marks();
125  Input::Array times_array;
126  if (in_rec.opt_val("times", times_array) ) {
127  common_output_times_.read_from_input(times_array, tg);
128  } else {
129  // take times from the output_stream if key times is missing
130  auto times_array_it = stream_->get_time_set_array();
131  if (times_array_it) {
132  common_output_times_.read_from_input(*times_array_it, tg);
133  }
134  }
135  // always add the end time
138  if (in_rec.val<bool>("add_input_times")) {
139  // copy time marks in order to prevent invalidation of the iterator
140  TimeMarks marks_copy = TimeGovernor::marks();
141  for(auto time_mark_it = marks_copy.begin(equation_type_ | marks.type_input());
142  time_mark_it != marks_copy.end(equation_type_ | marks.type_input());
143  ++time_mark_it) {
144  common_output_times_.add(time_mark_it->time(), equation_fixed_type_);
145  }
146  }
147  auto fields_array = in_rec.val<Input::Array>("fields");
148  for(auto it = fields_array.begin<Input::Record>(); it != fields_array.end(); ++it) {
149  string field_name = it -> val< Input::FullEnum >("field");
150  FieldCommon *found_field = field(field_name);
151  OutputTime::DiscreteSpace interpolation = it->val<OutputTime::DiscreteSpace>("interpolation", OutputTime::UNDEFINED);
152  found_field->output_type(interpolation);
153  Input::Array field_times_array;
154  if (it->opt_val("times", field_times_array)) {
155  OutputTimeSet field_times;
156  field_times.read_from_input(field_times_array, tg);
157  field_output_times_[field_name] = field_times;
158  } else {
160  }
161  // Add init time as the output time for every output field.
162  field_output_times_[field_name].add(tg.init_time(), equation_fixed_type_);
163  }
164  auto observe_fields_array = in_rec.val<Input::Array>("observe_fields");
165  for(auto it = observe_fields_array.begin<Input::FullEnum>(); it != observe_fields_array.end(); ++it) {
166  observe_fields_.insert(string(*it));
167  }
169  // register interpolation type of fields to OutputStream
170  for(FieldCommon * field : this->field_list) {
172  }
173 }
176 {
177  auto &marks = TimeGovernor::marks();
178  auto field_times_it = field_output_times_.find(field.name());
179  if (field_times_it == field_output_times_.end()) return false;
180  ASSERT( step.eq(field.time()) )(step.end())(field.time())(field.name()).error("Field is not set to the output time.");
181  auto current_mark_it = marks.current(step, equation_type_ | marks.type_output() );
182  if (current_mark_it == marks.end(equation_type_ | marks.type_output()) ) return false;
183  return (field_times_it->second.contains(*current_mark_it) );
184 }
188 {
189  ASSERT_PTR(mesh_).error();
191  // make observe points if not already done
192  auto observe_ptr = stream_->observe(mesh_);
194  this->make_output_mesh( stream_->is_parallel() );
196  for(FieldCommon * field : this->field_list) {
198  if ( field->flags().match( FieldFlag::allow_output) ) {
199  if (is_field_output_time(*field, step)) {
201  }
202  // observe output
203  if (observe_fields_.find(field->name()) != observe_fields_.end()) {
204  field->observe_output( observe_ptr );
205  }
206  }
207  }
209  // complete information about dummy fields
210  stream_->add_dummy_fields();
211 }
214 void EquationOutput::add_output_times(double begin, double step, double end)
215 {
216  common_output_times_.add(begin,step, end, equation_fixed_type_ );
217 }
221 {
222  // already computed
223  if (stream_->is_output_data_caches_init()) return;
225  // Read optional error control field name
226  bool need_refinment = stream_->get_output_mesh_record();
228  if(need_refinment) {
229  if(stream_->enable_refinement()) {
230  // create output meshes from input record
231  output_mesh_ = std::make_shared<OutputMeshDiscontinuous>(*mesh_, *stream_->get_output_mesh_record());
233  // possibly set error control field for refinement
234  auto ecf = select_error_control_field();
235  output_mesh_->set_error_control_field(ecf);
237  // actually compute refined mesh
238  output_mesh_->create_refined_sub_mesh();
239  output_mesh_->make_serial_master_mesh();
241  stream_->set_output_data_caches(output_mesh_);
242  return;
243  }
244  else
245  {
246  // skip creation of output mesh (use computational one)
247  WarningOut() << "Ignoring output mesh record.\n Output in GMSH format available only on computational mesh!";
248  }
249  }
251  // create output mesh identical with the computational one
252  bool discont = need_refinment | (used_interpolations_.find(OutputTime::CORNER_DATA) != used_interpolations_.end());
253  //discont |= parallel;
254  if (discont) {
255  output_mesh_ = std::make_shared<OutputMeshDiscontinuous>(*mesh_);
256  } else {
257  output_mesh_ = std::make_shared<OutputMesh>(*mesh_);
258  }
259  output_mesh_->create_sub_mesh();
260  if (!parallel) {
261  output_mesh_->make_serial_master_mesh();
262  } else {
263  output_mesh_->make_parallel_master_mesh();
264  }
265  stream_->set_output_data_caches(output_mesh_);
266 }
270 {
271  std::string error_control_field_name = "";
272  // Read optional error control field name
273  auto it = stream_->get_output_mesh_record()->find<std::string>("error_control_field");
274  if(it) error_control_field_name = *it;
276  if(error_control_field_name!="")
277  {
278  FieldCommon* field = this->field(error_control_field_name);
279  // throw input exception if the field is unknown
280  if(field == nullptr){
281  THROW(FieldSet::ExcUnknownField()
282  << FieldCommon::EI_Field(error_control_field_name));
283  }
285  // throw input exception if the field is not scalar
286  if( typeid(*field) == typeid(Field<3,FieldValue<3>::Scalar>) ) {
288  Field<3,FieldValue<3>::Scalar>* error_control_field = static_cast<Field<3,FieldValue<3>::Scalar>*>(field);
289  DebugOut() << "Error control field for output mesh set: " << error_control_field_name << ".";
290  auto lambda_function =
291  [error_control_field](const std::vector< Space<OutputMeshBase::spacedim>::Point > &point_list, const ElementAccessor<OutputMeshBase::spacedim> &elm, std::vector<double> &value_list)->void
292  { error_control_field->value_list(point_list, elm, value_list); };
294  OutputMeshBase::ErrorControlFieldFunc func = lambda_function;
295  return func;
297  }
298  else{
299  THROW(ExcFieldNotScalar()
300  << FieldCommon::EI_Field(error_control_field_name));
301  }
302  }
304 }
virtual void field_output(std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream)=0
std::vector< FieldCommon * > field_list
List of all fields.
Definition: field_set.hh:241
void add_output_times(double begin, double step, double end)
Common abstract parent of all Field<...> classes.
Definition: field_common.hh:73
std::unordered_set< string > observe_fields_
Set of observed fields. The observe points are given within the observe stream.
Accessor to input data conforming to declared Array.
Definition: accessors.hh:567
double end_time() const
End time.
static constexpr Mask allow_output
The field can output. Is part of generated output selection. (default on)
Definition: field_flag.hh:37
std::function< void(const std::vector< Space< spacedim >::Point > &, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &, std::vector< double > &)> ErrorControlFieldFunc
Definition: output_mesh.hh:74
Class Input::Type::Default specifies default value of keys of a Input::Type::Record.
Definition: type_record.hh:61
Class for declaration of the input of type Bool.
Definition: type_base.hh:459
const Input::Type::Selection & create_output_field_selection(const string &equation_name, const string &additional_description)
OutputTime::DiscreteSpace get_output_type() const
void output(TimeStep step)
const Input::Type::Instance & make_output_type_from_record(Input::Type::Record &in_rec, const string &equation_name, const string &aditional_description="")
Class template representing a field with values dependent on: point, element, and region...
Definition: field.hh:83
const Instance & close() const
Used for set Instance to TypeRepository.
TimeMarks::iterator begin(TimeMark::Type mask) const
Iterator for the begin mimics container-like of TimeMarks.
Definition: time_marks.cc:192
static Default obligatory()
The factory function to make an empty default value which is obligatory.
Definition: type_record.hh:110
virtual std::string get_value_attribute() const =0
Class for representing parametric types in IST.
Definition: type_generic.hh:53
Definition: mesh.h:76
TimeMark::Type equation_fixed_type_
The fixed time mark type of the equation.
Helper class that stores data of generic types.
Definition: type_generic.hh:89
void read_from_input(Input::Array in_array, const TimeGovernor &tg)
#define ASSERT(expr)
Allow use shorter versions of macro names if these names is not used with external library...
Definition: asserts.hh:346
Basic time management functionality for unsteady (and steady) solvers (class Equation).
FieldCommon & units(const UnitSI &units)
Set basic units of the field.
void make_output_mesh(bool parallel)
virtual void value_list(const std::vector< Point > &point_list, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &elm, std::vector< typename Value::return_type > &value_list) const
Definition: field.hh:403
static TimeMarks & marks()
Record & close() const
Close the Record for further declarations of keys.
Definition: type_record.cc:303
Class for declaration of inputs sequences.
Definition: type_base.hh:346
static Default optional()
The factory function to make an empty default value which is optional.
Definition: type_record.hh:124
double init_time() const
bool opt_val(const string &key, Ret &value) const
void read_from_input(Input::Record in_rec, const TimeGovernor &tg)
double time() const
FieldCommon * field(const std::string &field_name) const
Definition: field_set.cc:140
virtual Record & allow_auto_conversion(const string &from_key)
Allows shorter input of the Record providing only value of the from_key given as the parameter...
Definition: type_record.cc:132
TimeMark::Type equation_fixed_mark_type() const
Accessor to the data with type Type::Record.
Definition: accessors.hh:292
TimeMark::Type equation_mark_type() const
const Ret val(const string &key) const
virtual Record & root_of_generic_subtree()
Definition: type_record.cc:430
OutputMeshBase::ErrorControlFieldFunc select_error_control_field()
Selects the error control field out of output field set according to input record.
Selection & add_value(const int value, const std::string &key, const std::string &description="", TypeBase::attribute_map attributes=TypeBase::attribute_map())
Adds one new value with name given by key to the Selection.
static string field_value_shape()
Record & declare_key(const string &key, std::shared_ptr< TypeBase > type, const Default &default_value, const string &description, TypeBase::attribute_map key_attributes=TypeBase::attribute_map())
Declares a new key of the Record.
Definition: type_record.cc:501
std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream_
output stream (may be shared by more equation)
double end() const
This class is a collection of time marks to manage various events occurring during simulation time...
Definition: time_marks.hh:206
std::unordered_map< string, OutputTimeSet > field_output_times_
Time sets of individual fields.
static Default read_time(const std::string &description)
The factory function to make an default value that will be specified at the time when a key will be r...
Definition: type_record.hh:97
FieldCommon & description(const string &description)
void initialize(std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream, Mesh *mesh, Input::Record in_rec, const TimeGovernor &tg)
#define ASSERT_PTR(ptr)
Definition of assert macro checking non-null pointer (PTR)
Definition: asserts.hh:335
const Selection & close() const
Close the Selection, no more values can be added.
static Input::Type::Record & get_input_type()
static const Input::Type::Array get_input_type()
TimeMarks::iterator end(TimeMark::Type mask) const
Iterator for the end mimics container-like of TimeMarks.
Definition: time_marks.cc:206
#define WarningOut()
Macro defining &#39;warning&#39; record of log.
Definition: logger.hh:246
FieldCommon & name(const string &name)
virtual void observe_output(std::shared_ptr< Observe > observe)=0
Record type proxy class.
Definition: type_record.hh:182
bool is_field_output_time(const FieldCommon &field, TimeStep step) const
const Input::Type::Instance & make_output_type(const string &equation_name, const string &aditional_description="")
FieldCommon & flags(FieldFlag::Flags::Mask mask)
OutputTimeSet common_output_times_
The time set used for the fields without explicit time set.
static constexpr Mask equation_input
The field is data parameter of the owning equation. (default on)
Definition: field_flag.hh:33
bool is_bc() const
#define DebugOut()
Macro defining &#39;debug&#39; record of log.
Definition: logger.hh:252
TimeMark::Type equation_type_
The time mark type of the equation.
#define THROW(whole_exception_expr)
Wrapper for throw. Saves the throwing point.
Definition: exceptions.hh:53
Representation of one time step..
Template for classes storing finite set of named values.
std::shared_ptr< OutputMeshBase > output_mesh_
Output mesh.
std::set< OutputTime::DiscreteSpace > used_interpolations_
bool eq(double other_time) const
void add(double begin, TimeMark::Type mark_type)