Go to the documentation of this file.
53 #include "mesh/ngh/include/intersectionLocal.h"
const Element * master_iter() const
ElementAccessor< 3 > slave
ElementAccessor< 3 > master
arma::Mat< double > master_map
matrix part of linear transform from reference element of intersection to reference element of master...
void intersection_point_to_vectors(const IntersectionPoint *point, arma::vec &vec1, arma::vec &vec2)
unsigned int dim
dimenze pruniku
double intersection_true_size() const
unsigned int slave_dim()
dimension of the slave element
arma::vec master_shift
shift vector of the linear transform
unsigned int master_dim()
dimension of the master element
arma::vec map_to_master(const arma::vec &point) const
Class represents intersection of two elements.
Class represents an intersection point of simplex<N> and simplex<M>. It contains barycentric coordina...
arma::vec map_to_slave(const arma::vec &point) const
arma::Mat< double > slave_map
Intersection(ElementAccessor< 3 > ele_master, ElementAccessor< 3 > ele_slave, const IntersectionLocal *isec)
const Element * slave_iter() const