Files | |
file | bddcml_wrapper.hpp [code] |
file | distribution.cc [code] |
Objects and functions for mesh partitioning. | |
file | distribution.hh [code] |
Support classes for parallel programing. | |
file | la_linsys_new.hh [code] |
file | linsys.cc [code] |
Wrappers for linear systems based on MPIAIJ and MATIS format. | |
file | linsys.hh [code] |
Wrappers for linear systems based on MPIAIJ and MATIS format. | |
file | linsys_BDDC.cc [code] |
Solver based on Multilevel BDDC - using corresponding class of OpenFTL package. | |
file | linsys_BDDC.hh [code] |
Solver based on Multilevel BDDC - using corresponding class of OpenFTL package. | |
file | linsys_PETSC.cc [code] |
Solver based on the original PETSc solver using MPIAIJ matrix and succesive Schur complement construction. | |
file | linsys_PETSC.hh [code] |
Solver based on the original PETSc solver using MPIAIJ matrix and succesive Schur complement construction. | |
file | local_system.cc [code] |
file | local_system.hh [code] |
file | local_to_global_map.cc [code] |
file | local_to_global_map.hh [code] |
file | matrix_coo.hpp [code] |
file | schur.cc [code] |
Assembly explicit Schur complement for the given linear system. Provides method for resolution of the full original vector of unknowns. | |
file | schur.hh [code] |
Assembly explicit Schur complement for the given linear system. Provides method for resolution of the full original vector of unknowns. | |
file | sparse_graph.cc [code] |
Construction and partitioning of a sparse graph. | |
file | sparse_graph.hh [code] |
Distributed sparse graphs, partitioning. | |
file | vector_mpi.hh [code] |