Flow123d  JS_before_hm-1716-g9144da4bf
Here is a list of all modules:
 Input Classes
 Input Accessors
 Input TypesThe purpose of the classes in the Input::Type namespace is to declare structure of the input data. There are few basic data types (scalar types), further there is Array type to declare sequences of data of common type. Similarly to C++ struct type, we provide type Record which is set of data of possibly different types indexed by string keys. Finally, we introduce kind of polymorphism through AbstractRecord type that mimics abstract classes
 System moduleSystem module contains general support classes for: debugging, error handling, profiling. There are also Vector and VectorId classes with their iterators
 OutputThis module should contain most of output classes in particular writers for particular file formats. In particular output into GMSH and VTK data formats
 Linear AlgebraThis module should contain various classes for linear algebra calculations. For small vectors and matrices we would like to use Armadillo library, but meanwhile we have such functionality in math_fce.cc Class LinSys is meant as C++ wrapper for PETSC and possibly for Trilinos. Class SchurComplement provides parallel computation of Schur complements using PETSC library
 MeshThis module should contain classes to maintain and access multidimensional mesh with information about coincidence between elements of the meshes. More general we can think about several meshes (even with same dimension) with information about coincidence
 AdvectionThis module is for advection model. Currently we have only Finite volume implementation without diffusion/dispersion
 Darcy flowThis module contains Mixed-Hybrid and Lumped mixed-hybird discretization of Darcy flow equation for steady and unsteady case. It also contains particular postprocessing functionality as interpolation into continuous finite element space
 Chemical Reactions and Decays