Flow123d  JS_before_hm-1820-g636551b33
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NInputAbstract linear system class
 NnlohmannNamespace for Niels Lohmann
 CAdaptiveSimpsonStatic class implementing integration using Simpson's rule
 CAssemblyIntegralsSet of all used integral necessary in assemblation
 CBasicFactorsHelper class. Defines basic factors of SI, non-SI and derived units
 CBCMeshClass represents boundary part of mesh
 CBidirectionalMapBidirectional map templated by <T, unsigned int>
 CBIHTreeClass for O(log N) lookup for intersections with a set of bounding boxes
 CBoundaryPointPoint accessor allow iterate over quadrature points of given side defined in local element coordinates
 CBoundingBoxBounding box in 3d ambient space
 CBulkPointBase point accessor class
 CCacheMapElementNumberAuxiliary data class holds number of elements in cache and allow to set this value explicitly (e.g. as input parameter)
 CComputeIntersection< 1, 2 >Class for 1D-2D intersections
 CComputeIntersection< 1, 3 >
 CComputeIntersection< 2, 2 >Class for 2D-2D intersections
 CComputeIntersection< 2, 3 >Class for 2D-2D intersections
 CCouplingPointPoint accessor allow iterate over quadrature points of given side defined in local element coordinates
 CDarcyLMHMixed-hybrid model of linear Darcy flow, possibly unsteady
 CDarcyMHMixed-hybrid model of linear Darcy flow, possibly unsteady
 CDHCellAccessorCell accessor allow iterate over DOF handler cells
 CDHCellSideSide accessor allows to iterate over sides of DOF handler cell
 CDHEdgeSideClass allows to iterate over sides of edge
 CDHNeighbSideClass allows to iterate over sides of neighbour
 CDOFHandlerMultiDimProvides the numbering of the finite element degrees of freedom on the computational mesh
 CDualPorosityClass representing dual porosity model in transport
 CEdgePointPoint accessor allow iterate over quadrature points of given side defined in local element coordinates
 CElementCacheMapDirecting class of FieldValueCache
 CElementDataClass ElementData holds the arrays of data computed by Mapping
 CElementValuesClass for computation of data on cell and side
 CEvalPointsClass holds local coordinations of evaluating points (bulk and sides) specified by element dimension
 CExceptionBaseBase of exceptions used in Flow123d
 CFactorStore structure given by parser
 CFE_CRCrouzeix-Raviart finite element on dim dimensional simplex
 CFE_CR_discDiscontinuos Crouzeix-Raviart finite element on dim dimensional simplex
 CFE_PConforming Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex
 CFE_P_discDiscontinuous Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex
 CFE_RT0Raviart-Thomas element of order 0
 CFE_RT0_discDiscontinuous Raviart-Thomas element of order 0
 CFEShapeHandler< 0, spacedim, Value >Partial template specialization of FEShapeHandler for scalar fields
 CFEShapeHandler< 1, spacedim, Value >Partial template specialization of FEShapeHandler for vector fields
 CFEShapeHandler< 2, spacedim, Value >Partial template specialization of FEShapeHandler for tensor fields
 CFESystemCompound finite element on dim dimensional simplex
 CFEValueHandler< 0, spacedim, Value >
 CFEValueInitDataInitialization structure of FEValueHandler class
 CFEValuesCalculates finite element data on the actual cell
 CFieldClass template representing a field with values dependent on: point, element, and region
 Cfield_value_scalar_resolution< std::false_type >
 Cfield_value_scalar_resolution< std::true_type >
 CFieldAlgoBaseInitDataHelper struct stores data for initizalize descentants of FieldAlgorithmBase
 CFieldCommonCommon abstract parent of all Field<...> classes
 CFieldSetContainer for various descendants of FieldCommonBase
 CFieldValue_< 0, 1, ET >
 CFieldValue_< 1, 1, ET >
 CFieldValue_< NRows, 1, ET >
 CFilePathDedicated class for storing path to input and output files
 CFiniteElementAbstract class for the description of a general finite element on a reference simplex in dim dimensions
 CFirstOrderReactionClass implements the linear reactions
 CFirstOrderReactionBaseBase class for linear reactions and decay chain
 CFlagArrayStd::bitset with generalized mask mechanism
 CFlowAttributeClass with static methods provided special attributes of Flow123D application
 CFunctorBaseAbstract templated explicit functor class
 CFunctorCommonClass provides common functionality for functors
 CGenericAssemblyGeneric class of assemblation
 CHC_ExplicitSequentialClass for solution of steady or unsteady flow with sequentially coupled explicit transport
 CHM_IterativeClass for solution of fully coupled flow and mechanics using fixed-stress iterative splitting
 CIFunctorBaseAbstract templated implicit functor class
 CInspectElementsAlgorithmClass implements algorithm for dim-dimensional intersections with 3D elements
 CInspectElementsAlgorithm12Implements algorithm for finding 1D-2D intersections
 CInspectElementsAlgorithm22Implements algorithm for finding 2D-2D intersections
 CInterpolantThe main class for interpolation of functors
 CInterpolantBaseBase class for interpolation
 CIntersectionAuxInternal auxiliary class representing intersection object of simplex<dimA> and simplex<dimB>
 CIntersectionLocalClass represents intersection of two elements
 CIntersectionLocalBaseCommon base for intersection object
 CIntersectionPointClass represents an intersection point of simplex<N> and simplex<M>. It contains barycentric coordinates of the point on both simplices
 CIntersectionPointAuxInternal auxiliary class represents an intersection point of simplex<N> and simplex<M>
 CIterGeneral iterator template. Provides iterator over objects of type Object in some container
 CIterConvertGeneral iterator template. Provides iterator over objects of type ObjectIn in some container. Same as previous but allows conversion of output to type ObjectOut
 CLinearODESolverClass for linear ODE solver
 CLocalToGlobalMapClass to manage local indices on sub-domain to global indices on domain
 CLoggerClass for storing logger messages
 CMapContravariantHelper class allows update values and gradients of FEValues of FEVectorContravariant type
 CMappingP1Affine mapping between reference and actual cell
 CMapPiolaHelper class allows update values and gradients of FEValues of FEVectorPiola type
 CMapScalarHelper class allows update values and gradients of FEValues of FEScalar type
 CMapSystemHelper class allows update values and gradients of FEValues of FEMixedSystem type
 CMapTensorHelper class allows update values and gradients of FEValues of FETensor type
 CMapVectorHelper class allows update values and gradients of FEValues of FEVector type
 CMatrixSizes< 0 >
 CMixed< T, 1 >
 CMixedMeshIntersectionsMain class for computation of intersection of meshes of combined dimensions
 CMixedPtr< T, 1 >
 CMultiFieldClass for representation of a vector of fields of the same physical quantity
 CObservePointAccessorPoint accessor allow iterate over local Observe points
 COutputElementRepresents an element of the output mesh. Provides element access on the data of the output mesh (nodes, connectivity, offsets etc.)
 COutputMeshClass represents output mesh with continuous elements
 COutputMeshBaseBase class for Output mesh
 COutputMeshDiscontinuousClass represents output mesh with discontinuous elements
 COutputMSHThis class is used for output data to VTK file format
 COutputTimeThe class for outputting data during time
 COutputVTKThis class is used for output data to VTK file format
 CPartitioningClass for the mesh partitioning. This should provide:
 CPluckerPlucker coordinates representing line given by points A,B
 CPolynomialSpaceSpace of polynomial functions
 CQGaussSymmetric Gauss-Legendre quadrature formulae on simplices
 CQMidpointClass representing midpoint rule, with uniformly distributed points of the same weight
 CQuadratureBase class for quadrature rules on simplices in arbitrary dimensions
 CRadioactiveDecayClass implements the radioactive decay chain
 CRangeRange helper class
 CRangeConvertRange helper class
 CRefElementDataStructure for storing the precomputed element data
 CRevertableListStruct is a container that encapsulates variable size arrays
 CRichardsLMHEdge lumped mixed-hybrid solution of unsteady Darcy flow
 CSidePointGeneral point a+ side_begin_ + ccessor allow iterate over quadrature points of given side defined in local element coordinates
 CSorptionDualAbstract class of sorption model in case dual porosity is considered
 CSorptionImmobSorption model in immobile zone in case dual porosity is considered
 CSorptionMobSorption model in mobile zone in case dual porosity is considered
 CSorptionSimpleSimple sorption model without dual porosity
 CSparseGraphVirtual class for construction and partitioning of a distributed sparse graph
 CStackTraceClass representing stacktrace of exceptions
 CStreamMaskHelper class, store mask specifying streams
 CStringTensorInput< 1, 1 >
 CStringTensorInput< Nrows, 1 >
 CSystemInfoSystem structure for various global variables
 CTimeGovernorBasic time management functionality for unsteady (and steady) solvers (class Equation)
 CTimeMarkClass used for marking specified times at which some events occur
 CTimeMarksThis class is a collection of time marks to manage various events occurring during simulation time
 CTimeMarksIteratorIterator over TimeMark objects in TimeMarks object (database of TimeMark objects)
 CTimeStepRepresentation of one time step.\
 CTimeUnitConversionHelper class storing unit conversion coefficient and functionality for conversion of units
 CTransportDGTransport with dispersion implemented using discontinuous Galerkin method
 CTransportNothingEmpty transport class
 CTransportOperatorSplittingCoupling of a transport model with a reaction model by operator splitting
 CUnitSIClass for representation SI units of Fields