Flow123d  JS_before_hm-1011-g79d7237
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1 /*!
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  *
14  * @file finite_element.hh
15  * @brief Abstract class for description of finite elements.
16  * @author Jan Stebel
17  */
22 #include <armadillo>
23 #include <stdio.h> // for sprintf
24 #include <string.h> // for memcpy
25 #include <algorithm> // for max, min
27 #include <new> // for operator new[]
28 #include <ostream> // for operator<<
29 #include <string> // for operator<<
30 #include <vector> // for vector
31 #include "fem/update_flags.hh" // for operator&, operator|=
32 #include "system/exceptions.hh" // for ExcAssertMsg::~ExcAsse...
34 template<unsigned int dim> class FESystem;
35 template<unsigned int spacedim> class FEValues;
36 template<unsigned int dim> class FE_P_disc;
42 // Possible types are: value, gradient, cell integral, ...
43 enum DofType { Value = 1 };
45 /**
46  * Class Dof is a general description of functionals (degrees of freedom)
47  * determining the finite element. We assume that the Dof is defined as
48  * a linear combination of components of function value at a given point:
49  *
50  * Dof_value = a_1.f_1(x) + ... + a_n.f_n(x),
51  *
52  * where (a_1, ... , a_n) are given by @p coefs, x is the support point
53  * given by barycentric @p coords and (f_1, ..., f_n) is a generally
54  * vector-valued function. For the simplest Dof, i.e. value of a scalar
55  * function at point p, we set
56  *
57  * @p coords = p, @p coefs = { 1 }.
58  * The member @p dim denotes the affiliation of Dof to n-face:
59  * Nodal dofs have dim = 0,
60  * Dofs on lines: dim = 1,
61  * Dofs on triangles: dim = 2,
62  * Dofs in tetrahedron: dim = 3.
63  * It means that when a node, line or triangle is shared by adjacent cells,
64  * also the Dofs on this n-face are shared by the cells. Therefore
65  * for DG finite elements we set for all dofs the highest possible dimension.
66  *
67  * The class implements the method evaluate() which computes the Dof value
68  * for a basis function from given FunctionSpace.
69  */
70 class Dof {
71 public:
73  Dof(unsigned int dim_,
74  unsigned int n_face_idx_,
75  arma::vec coords_,
76  arma::vec coefs_,
77  DofType type_)
79  : dim(dim_),
80  n_face_idx(n_face_idx_),
81  coords(coords_),
82  coefs(coefs_),
83  type(type_)
84  {}
86  /// Evaulate dof for basis function of given function space.
87  template<class FS>
88  double evaluate(const FS &function_space,
89  unsigned int basis_idx) const;
91  /// Association to n-face of given dimension (point, line, triangle, tetrahedron.
92  unsigned int dim;
94  /// Index of n-face to which the dof is associated.
95  unsigned int n_face_idx;
97  /// Barycentric coordinates.
100  /// Coefficients of linear combination of function value components.
103  /**
104  * Currently we consider only type=Value, possibly we could have Gradient,
105  * CellIntegral, FaceIntegral or other types.
106  */
108 };
111 /**
112  * FunctionSpace is an abstract class that is used to describe finite elements.
113  * It is determined by the dimension of the field of definition (@p space_dim_),
114  * by the dimension of the range (@p n_components_) and by the values and
115  * gradients of a basis functions.
116  *
117  * Combining FunctionSpace with Dof(s), the FiniteElement class constructs the
118  * shape functions, i.e. basis of FunctionSpace for which the Dof(s) attain
119  * the value 0 or 1.
120  */
122 public:
124  FunctionSpace(unsigned int space_dim,
125  unsigned int n_components)
127  : space_dim_(space_dim),
128  n_components_(n_components)
129  {}
132  /**
133  * @brief Value of the @p i th basis function at point @p point.
134  * @param basis_index Index of the basis function.
135  * @param point Point coordinates.
136  * @param comp_index Index of component (>0 for vector-valued functions).
137  */
138  virtual double basis_value(unsigned int basis_index,
139  const arma::vec &point,
140  unsigned int comp_index = 0
141  ) const = 0;
143  /**
144  * @brief Gradient of the @p i th basis function at point @p point.
145  * @param basis_index Index of the basis function.
146  * @param point Point coordinates.
147  * @param comp_index Index of component (>0 for vector-valued functions).
148  */
149  virtual const arma::vec basis_grad(unsigned int basis_index,
150  const arma::vec &point,
151  unsigned int comp_index = 0
152  ) const = 0;
154  /// Dimension of function space (number of basis functions).
155  virtual unsigned int dim() const = 0;
157  /// Getter for space dimension.
158  unsigned int space_dim() const { return space_dim_; }
160  /// Getter for number of components.
161  unsigned int n_components() const { return n_components_; }
163  virtual ~FunctionSpace() {}
165 protected:
167  /// Space dimension of function arguments (i.e. 1, 2 or 3).
168  unsigned int space_dim_;
170  /// Number of components of function values.
171  unsigned int n_components_;
172 };
175 /**
176  * Types of FiniteElement: scalar, vector-valued, tensor-valued or mixed system.
177  *
178  * The type also indicates how the shape functions and their gradients are transformed
179  * from reference element to arbitrary element. In particular:
180  *
182  * -----------------------------------------------------------
183  * FEScalar, FEVector, value ref_value
184  * FETensor grad J^{-T} * ref_grad
185  * -----------------------------------------------------------
186  * FEVectorContravariant value J * ref_value
187  * grad J^{-T} * ref_grad * J^T
188  * -----------------------------------------------------------
189  * FEVectorPiola value J * ref_value / |J|
190  * grad J^{-T} * ref_grad * J^T / |J|
191  * -----------------------------------------------------------
192  * FEMixedSystem value depends on sub-elements
193  * grad depends on sub-elements
194  *
195  * The transformation itself is done in FEValuesBase::fill_..._data() methods.
196  *
197  * Note that we use columnwise gradients, i.e. gradient of each component is a column vector.
198  */
199 enum FEType {
200  FEScalar = 0,
201  FEVector = 1,
204  FETensor = 4,
206 };
210 /**
211  * @brief Abstract class for the description of a general finite element on
212  * a reference simplex in @p dim dimensions.
213  *
214  * The finite element is determined by a @p function_space_ and a set
215  * of @p dofs_. Further it must be set whether the finite element
216  * @p is_primitive_, which means that even if the functions in
217  * @p function_space_ are vector-valued, the basis functions have
218  * only one nonzero component (this is typical for tensor-product FE,
219  * e.g. vector-valued polynomial FE, but not for Raviart-Thomas FE).
220  *
221  * Description of dofs:
222  *
223  * The reference cell consists of lower dimensional entities (points,
224  * lines, triangles). Each dof is associated to one of these
225  * entities. If the entity is shared by 2 or more neighbouring cells
226  * in the mesh then this dof is shared by the finite elements on all
227  * of these cells. If a dof is associated to the cell itself then it
228  * is not shared with neighbouring cells.
229  *
230  *
231  * Shape functions:
232  *
233  * Sometimes it is convenient to describe the function space using
234  * a basis (called the raw basis) that is different from the set of
235  * shape functions for the finite element (the actual basis). For
236  * this reason we define the support points which play the role of
237  * nodal functionals associated to the particular dofs. To convert
238  * between the two bases one can use the @p node_matrix, which is
239  * constructed by the method compute_node_matrix(). In the case of
240  * non-Lagrangean finite elements the dofs are not associated to
241  * nodal functionals but e.g. to derivatives or averages. For that
242  * reason we distinguish between the unit support points which are
243  * uniquely associated to the dofs and the generalized support
244  * points that are auxiliary for the calculation of the dof
245  * functionals.
246  *
247  *
248  */
249 template<unsigned int dim>
250 class FiniteElement {
251 public:
253  /**
254  * @brief Constructor.
255  */
256  FiniteElement();
258  /**
259  * @brief Returns the number of degrees of freedom needed by the finite
260  * element.
261  */
262  inline unsigned int n_dofs() const
263  { return dofs_.size(); }
265  /**
266  * @brief Calculates the value of the @p comp-th component of
267  * the @p i-th shape function at the
268  * point @p p on the reference element.
269  *
270  * @param i Number of the shape function.
271  * @param p Point of evaluation.
272  * @param comp Number of vector component.
273  */
274  double shape_value(const unsigned int i,
275  const arma::vec::fixed<dim> &p,
276  const unsigned int comp = 0) const;
278  /**
279  * @brief Calculates the @p comp-th component of the gradient
280  * of the @p i-th shape function at the point @p p on the
281  * reference element.
282  *
283  * @param i Number of the shape function.
284  * @param p Point of evaluation.
285  * @param comp Number of vector component.
286  */
287  arma::vec::fixed<dim> shape_grad(const unsigned int i,
288  const arma::vec::fixed<dim> &p,
289  const unsigned int comp = 0) const;
291  /// Returns numer of components of the basis function.
292  inline unsigned int n_components() const
293  { return function_space_->n_components(); }
295  /// Returns @p i -th degree of freedom.
296  inline const Dof &dof(unsigned int i) const
297  { return dofs_[i]; }
299  /// Number of components of FE in a mapped space with dimension @p spacedim.
300  unsigned int n_space_components(unsigned int spacedim);
302  /// Get barycentric coordinates of the points on the reference element associated with the dofs.
303  /// Used in BDDC for unknown reason.
304  virtual std::vector< arma::vec::fixed<dim+1> > dof_points() const;
306  /**
307  * @brief Destructor.
308  */
309  virtual ~FiniteElement() {};
311 protected:
313  /**
314  * @brief Clears all internal structures.
315  */
316  void init(bool primitive = true,
317  FEType type = FEScalar);
319  /**
320  * @brief Initialize vectors with information about components of basis functions.
321  */
322  void setup_components();
324  /**
325  * @brief Decides which additional quantities have to be computed
326  * for each cell.
327  *
328  * @param flags Computed update flags.
329  */
330  virtual UpdateFlags update_each(UpdateFlags flags);
332  /**
333  * @brief Initializes the @p node_matrix for computing the coefficients
334  * of the shape functions in the raw basis of @p functions_space_.
335  * This is done by evaluating the @p dofs_ for the basis function
336  * and by inverting the resulting matrix.
337  */
338  virtual void compute_node_matrix();
340  /**
341  * @brief Indicates whether the basis functions have one or more
342  * nonzero components (scalar FE spaces are always primitive).
343  */
344  inline bool is_primitive() const
345  { return is_primitive_; }
347  /**
348  * @brief Returns the component index for vector valued finite elements.
349  * @param sys_idx Index of shape function.
350  */
351  inline unsigned int system_to_component_index(unsigned sys_idx) const
352  { return component_indices_[sys_idx]; }
354  /**
355  * @brief Returns the mask of nonzero components for given basis function.
356  * @param sys_idx Index of basis function.
357  */
358  inline const std::vector<bool> &get_nonzero_components(unsigned int sys_idx) const
359  { return nonzero_components_[sys_idx]; }
363  /// Type of FiniteElement.
366  /**
367  * @brief Primitive FE is using componentwise shape functions,
368  * i.e. only one component is nonzero for each shape function.
369  */
372  /// Indices of nonzero components of shape functions (for primitive FE).
375  /// Footprints of nonzero components of shape functions.
378  /**
379  * @brief Matrix that determines the coefficients of the raw basis
380  * functions from the values at the support points.
381  */
384  /// Function space defining the FE.
385  std::shared_ptr<FunctionSpace> function_space_;
387  /// Set of degrees of freedom (functionals) defining the FE.
391  friend class FESystem<dim>;
392  friend class FEValues<3>;
393  friend class FE_P_disc<dim>;
394  friend class SubDOFHandlerMultiDim;
395 };
400 #endif /* FINITE_ELEMENT_HH_ */
Enum type UpdateFlags indicates which quantities are to be recomputed on each finite element cell...
Definition: update_flags.hh:67
unsigned int n_dofs() const
Returns the number of degrees of freedom needed by the finite element.
arma::vec coords
Barycentric coordinates.
ArmaVec< double, N > vec
Definition: armor.hh:861
DofType type
FunctionSpace(unsigned int space_dim, unsigned int n_components)
arma::mat node_matrix
Matrix that determines the coefficients of the raw basis functions from the values at the support poi...
unsigned int n_components_
Number of components of function values.
bool is_primitive_
Primitive FE is using componentwise shape functions, i.e. only one component is nonzero for each shap...
unsigned int dim
Association to n-face of given dimension (point, line, triangle, tetrahedron.
std::vector< std::vector< bool > > nonzero_components_
Footprints of nonzero components of shape functions.
Enum type UpdateFlags indicates which quantities are to be recomputed on each finite element cell...
virtual ~FiniteElement()
unsigned int n_face_idx
Index of n-face to which the dof is associated.
unsigned int space_dim() const
Getter for space dimension.
Discontinuous Lagrangean finite element on dim dimensional simplex.
Definition: fe_p.hh:108
ArmaMat< double, N, M > mat
Definition: armor.hh:864
Compound finite element on dim dimensional simplex.
Definition: fe_system.hh:101
std::vector< Dof > dofs_
Set of degrees of freedom (functionals) defining the FE.
unsigned int n_components() const
Getter for number of components.
unsigned int n_components() const
Returns numer of components of the basis function.
bool is_primitive() const
Indicates whether the basis functions have one or more nonzero components (scalar FE spaces are alway...
unsigned int system_to_component_index(unsigned sys_idx) const
Returns the component index for vector valued finite elements.
std::shared_ptr< FunctionSpace > function_space_
Function space defining the FE.
const Dof & dof(unsigned int i) const
Returns i -th degree of freedom.
double evaluate(const FS &function_space, unsigned int basis_idx) const
Evaulate dof for basis function of given function space.
Calculates finite element data on the actual cell.
Definition: fe_values.hh:59
Dof(unsigned int dim_, unsigned int n_face_idx_, arma::vec coords_, arma::vec coefs_, DofType type_)
unsigned int space_dim_
Space dimension of function arguments (i.e. 1, 2 or 3).
Abstract class for the description of a general finite element on a reference simplex in dim dimensio...
arma::vec coefs
Coefficients of linear combination of function value components.
std::vector< unsigned int > component_indices_
Indices of nonzero components of shape functions (for primitive FE).
const std::vector< bool > & get_nonzero_components(unsigned int sys_idx) const
Returns the mask of nonzero components for given basis function.
FEType type_
Type of FiniteElement.
virtual ~FunctionSpace()