| AssemblyObserveOutput (EqFields *eq_fields, const std::unordered_set< string > &observe_fields_list, Observe *observe) |
| Constructor. More...
| ~AssemblyObserveOutput () |
| Destructor. More...
void | initialize (ElementCacheMap *element_cache_map) |
| Initialize auxiliary vectors and other data members. More...
void | assemble_cell_integrals (const RevertableList< GenericAssemblyBase::BulkIntegralData > &bulk_integral_data) |
| Assembles the cell integrals for the given dimension. More...
void | create_observe_integrals (std::shared_ptr< EvalPoints > eval_points, AssemblyIntegrals &integrals) |
| Create bulk integral according to dim. More...
| AssemblyBase (unsigned int quad_order) |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~AssemblyBase () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual void | cell_integral (FMT_UNUSED DHCellAccessor cell, FMT_UNUSED unsigned int element_patch_idx) |
| Assembles the volume integrals on cell. More...
virtual void | boundary_side_integral (FMT_UNUSED DHCellSide cell_side) |
| Assembles the fluxes on the boundary. More...
virtual void | edge_integral (FMT_UNUSED RangeConvert< DHEdgeSide, DHCellSide > edge_side_range) |
| Assembles the fluxes between sides on the edge. More...
virtual void | dimjoin_intergral (FMT_UNUSED DHCellAccessor cell_lower_dim, FMT_UNUSED DHCellSide neighb_side) |
| Assembles the fluxes between elements of different dimensions. More...
virtual void | begin () |
| Method prepares object before assemblation (e.g. balance, ...). More...
virtual void | end () |
| Method finishes object after assemblation (e.g. balance, ...). More...
virtual void | patch_reinit (FMT_UNUSED std::array< PatchElementsList, 4 > &patch_elements) |
int | n_active_integrals () const |
| Getter of active_integrals. More...
void | create_integrals (std::shared_ptr< EvalPoints > eval_points, AssemblyIntegrals &integrals) |
| Create integrals according to dim of assembly object. More...
Range< BulkPoint > | bulk_points (unsigned int element_patch_idx) const |
| Return BulkPoint range of appropriate dimension. More...
Range< EdgePoint > | edge_points (const DHCellSide &cell_side) const |
| Return EdgePoint range of appropriate dimension. More...
Range< CouplingPoint > | coupling_points (const DHCellSide &cell_side) const |
| Return CouplingPoint range of appropriate dimension. More...
Range< BoundaryPoint > | boundary_points (const DHCellSide &cell_side) const |
| Return BoundaryPoint range of appropriate dimension. More...
void | assemble_boundary_side_integrals (const RevertableList< BoundaryIntegralData > &boundary_integral_data) |
| Assembles the boundary side integrals for the given dimension. More...
void | assemble_edge_integrals (const RevertableList< EdgeIntegralData > &edge_integral_data) |
| Assembles the edge integrals for the given dimension. More...
void | assemble_neighbour_integrals (const RevertableList< CouplingIntegralData > &coupling_integral_data) |
| Assembles the neighbours integrals for the given dimension. More...
virtual void | add_patch_bulk_points (FMT_UNUSED const RevertableList< BulkIntegralData > &bulk_integral_data) |
| Register cell points of volume integral. More...
virtual void | add_patch_bdr_side_points (FMT_UNUSED const RevertableList< BoundaryIntegralData > &boundary_integral_data) |
| Register side points of boundary side integral. More...
virtual void | add_patch_edge_points (FMT_UNUSED const RevertableList< EdgeIntegralData > &edge_integral_data) |
| Register side points of edge integral. More...
virtual void | add_patch_coupling_integrals (FMT_UNUSED const RevertableList< CouplingIntegralData > &coupling_integral_data) |
| Register bulk and side points of coupling integral. More...