Flow123d  master-ae9ffcc
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*!
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  *
14  * @file dofhandler.cc
15  * @brief Declaration of class which handles the ordering of degrees of freedom (dof) and mappings between local and global dofs.
16  * @author Jan Stebel
17  */
19 #include "system/index_types.hh"
20 #include "fem/dofhandler.hh"
21 #include "fem/finite_element.hh"
22 #include "fem/fe_system.hh"
23 #include "fem/dh_cell_accessor.hh"
24 #include "mesh/mesh.h"
25 #include "mesh/duplicate_nodes.h"
26 #include "mesh/partitioning.hh"
27 #include "mesh/accessors.hh"
28 #include "mesh/range_wrapper.hh"
29 #include "mesh/neighbours.h"
30 #include "la/distribution.hh"
36 const int DOFHandlerMultiDim::INVALID_DOF = -1;
42 {}
50  : DOFHandlerBase(_mesh),
51  ds_(nullptr),
52  is_parallel_(true),
53  dh_seq_(nullptr),
54  scatter_to_seq_(nullptr),
55  el_ds_(nullptr)
56 {
57  // Set up flag that ensures that edges are allocated, so that dofs can be distributed on edges.
58  // Currently this works only for Mesh objects, not for BCMesh.
59  if (dynamic_cast<Mesh*>(mesh_) != nullptr) {
60  distribute_edge_dofs = true;
61  } else {
62  distribute_edge_dofs = false;
63  }
65  if (make_elem_part) make_elem_partitioning();
66 }
69 std::shared_ptr<DOFHandlerMultiDim> DOFHandlerMultiDim::sequential()
70 {
72  return dh_seq_;
73 }
76 std::shared_ptr<VecScatter> DOFHandlerMultiDim::sequential_scatter()
77 {
79  return scatter_to_seq_;
80 }
84 {
85  // get number of dofs per element and then set up cell_starts
87  for (auto cell : this->local_range())
88  {
89  cell_starts[cell.local_idx()+1] = cell.n_dofs();
90  max_elem_dofs_ = max( (int)max_elem_dofs_, (int)cell.n_dofs() );
91  }
92  for (unsigned int i=0; i<cell_starts.size()-1; ++i)
93  cell_starts[i+1] += cell_starts[i];
94 }
98  std::vector<LongIdx> &node_dof_starts,
99  std::vector<LongIdx> &edge_dof_starts)
100 {
101  // initialize dofs on nodes
102  // We must separate dofs for dimensions because FE functions
103  // may be discontinuous on nodes shared by different
104  // dimensions.
105  unsigned int n_node_dofs = 0;
106  for (unsigned int nid=0; nid<mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->n_nodes(); nid++)
107  {
108  node_dof_starts.push_back(n_node_dofs);
109  n_node_dofs += ds_->n_node_dofs(nid);
110  }
111  node_dof_starts.push_back(n_node_dofs);
113  unsigned int n_edge_dofs = 0;
114  for (auto edge : mesh_->edge_range())
115  {
116  edge_dof_starts.push_back(n_edge_dofs);
117  n_edge_dofs += ds_->n_edge_dofs(edge);
118  }
119  edge_dof_starts.push_back(n_edge_dofs);
120 }
124  std::vector<short int> &node_status,
125  std::vector<short int> &edge_status)
126 {
127  // mark local dofs
128  for (auto cell : this->own_range())
129  {
130  for (unsigned int n=0; n<cell.dim()+1; n++)
131  {
132  unsigned int nid = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(cell.dim())[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()]].nodes[n];
133  node_status[nid] = VALID_NFACE;
134  }
135  }
137  // unmark dofs on ghost cells from lower procs
138  for (auto cell : this->ghost_range())
139  {
140  if (cell.elm().proc() < el_ds_->myp())
141  {
142  for (unsigned int n=0; n<cell.dim()+1; n++)
143  {
144  unsigned int nid = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(cell.dim())[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()]].nodes[n];
145  node_status[nid] = INVALID_NFACE;
146  }
147  }
148  }
151  {
152  // mark local edges
153  for (auto eid : edg_4_loc)
154  edge_status[eid] = VALID_NFACE;
156  // unmark dofs on ghost cells from lower procs
157  for (auto cell : this->ghost_range())
158  {
159  if (cell.elm().proc() < el_ds_->myp())
160  {
161  for (unsigned int n=0; n<cell.dim()+1; n++)
162  {
163  unsigned int eid = cell.elm().side(n)->edge_idx();
164  edge_status[eid] = INVALID_NFACE;
165  }
166  }
167  }
168  }
169  else
170  {
171  for (auto eid : edg_4_loc)
172  edge_status[eid] = INVALID_NFACE;
173  }
175 }
179 {
180  // send number of elements required from the other processor
181  unsigned int n_elems = ghost_proc_el[proc].size();
182  MPI_Send(&n_elems, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
184  // send indices of elements required
185  MPI_Send(&(ghost_proc_el[proc][0]), n_elems, MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
187  // receive numbers of dofs on required elements
188  vector<unsigned int> n_dofs(n_elems);
189  MPI_Recv(&(n_dofs[0]), n_elems, MPI_UNSIGNED, proc, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
191  // receive dofs on required elements
192  unsigned int n_dofs_sum = 0;
193  for (auto nd : n_dofs) n_dofs_sum += nd;
194  dofs.resize(n_dofs_sum);
195  MPI_Recv(&(dofs[0]), n_dofs_sum, MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
196 }
199 void DOFHandlerMultiDim::send_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc)
200 {
201  // receive number of elements required by the other processor
202  unsigned int n_elems;
203  MPI_Recv(&n_elems, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
205  // receive indices of elements required
206  vector<LongIdx> elems(n_elems);
207  MPI_Recv(&(elems[0]), n_elems, MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
209  // send numbers of dofs on required elements
210  vector<unsigned int> n_dofs;
211  for (LongIdx el : elems)
212  {
213  auto cell = this->cell_accessor_from_element(el);
214  n_dofs.push_back(cell_starts[cell.local_idx()+1] - cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]);
215  }
216  MPI_Send(&(n_dofs[0]), n_elems, MPI_UNSIGNED, proc, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
218  // send dofs on the required elements
219  vector<LongIdx> dofs;
220  for (LongIdx el : elems)
221  {
222  auto cell = this->cell_accessor_from_element(el);
223  for (LongIdx i=cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]; i<cell_starts[cell.local_idx()+1]; i++)
224  dofs.push_back(local_to_global_dof_idx_[dof_indices[i]]);
225  }
226  MPI_Send(&(dofs[0]), dofs.size(), MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
227 }
231  const std::vector<bool> &update_cells,
232  const std::vector<LongIdx> &dofs,
233  const std::vector<LongIdx> &node_dof_starts,
234  std::vector<LongIdx> &node_dofs,
235  const std::vector<LongIdx> &edge_dof_starts,
236  std::vector<LongIdx> &edge_dofs)
237 {
238  // update dof_indices on ghost cells
239  unsigned int dof_offset=0;
240  for (unsigned int gid=0; gid<ghost_proc_el[proc].size(); gid++)
241  {
242  DHCellAccessor dh_cell = this->cell_accessor_from_element( ghost_proc_el[proc][gid] );
244  vector<unsigned int> loc_node_dof_count(dh_cell.elm()->n_nodes(), 0);
245  vector<unsigned int> loc_edge_dof_count(dh_cell.elm()->n_sides(), 0);
246  for (unsigned int idof = 0; idof<dh_cell.n_dofs(); ++idof)
247  {
248  if (dh_cell.cell_dof(idof).dim == 0)
249  { // update nodal dof
250  unsigned int dof_nface_idx = dh_cell.cell_dof(idof).n_face_idx;
251  unsigned int nid = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(dh_cell.dim())[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[dh_cell.elm_idx()]].nodes[dof_nface_idx];
252  unsigned int node_dof_idx = node_dof_starts[nid]+loc_node_dof_count[dof_nface_idx];
254  if (node_dofs[node_dof_idx] == INVALID_DOF)
255  {
256  node_dofs[node_dof_idx] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
257  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(dofs[dof_offset+idof]);
258  }
259  dof_indices[cell_starts[dh_cell.local_idx()]+idof] = node_dofs[node_dof_idx];
261  loc_node_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]++;
262  }
263  else if (dh_cell.cell_dof(idof).dim == dh_cell.dim()-1)
264  { // update edge dof
265  if (!distribute_edge_dofs) break;
267  unsigned int dof_nface_idx = dh_cell.cell_dof(idof).n_face_idx;
268  unsigned int eid = dh_cell.elm().side(dof_nface_idx)->edge_idx();
269  unsigned int edge_dof_idx = edge_dof_starts[eid]+loc_edge_dof_count[dof_nface_idx];
271  if (edge_dofs[edge_dof_idx] == INVALID_DOF)
272  {
273  edge_dofs[edge_dof_idx] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
274  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(dofs[dof_offset+idof]);
275  }
276  dof_indices[cell_starts[dh_cell.local_idx()]+idof] = edge_dofs[edge_dof_idx];
278  loc_edge_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]++;
279  } else if (dh_cell.cell_dof(idof).dim == dh_cell.dim())
280  {
281  dof_indices[cell_starts[dh_cell.local_idx()]+idof] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
282  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(dofs[dof_offset+idof]);
283  }
284  }
286  dof_offset += dh_cell.n_dofs();
287  }
289  // update dof_indices on local elements
290  for (auto cell : this->own_range())
291  {
292  if (!update_cells[cell.local_idx()]) continue;
294  // loop over element dofs
295  vector<unsigned int> loc_node_dof_count(cell.elm()->n_nodes(), 0);
296  vector<unsigned int> loc_edge_dof_count(cell.elm()->n_sides(), 0);
297  for (unsigned int idof = 0; idof<cell.n_dofs(); ++idof)
298  {
299  unsigned int dof_nface_idx = cell.cell_dof(idof).n_face_idx;
300  if (cell.cell_dof(idof).dim == 0)
301  {
302  if (dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] == INVALID_DOF)
303  { // update nodal dof
304  unsigned int nid = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(cell.dim())[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()]].nodes[dof_nface_idx];
305  dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] = node_dofs[node_dof_starts[nid]+loc_node_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]];
306  }
307  loc_node_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]++;
308  } else if (cell.cell_dof(idof).dim == cell.dim()-1)
309  {
310  if (!distribute_edge_dofs) break;
312  if (dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] == INVALID_DOF)
313  { // update edge dof
314  unsigned int eid = cell.elm().side(dof_nface_idx)->edge_idx();
315  dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] = edge_dofs[edge_dof_starts[eid]+loc_edge_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]];
316  }
317  loc_edge_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]++;
318  }
319  }
320  }
321 }
324 void DOFHandlerMultiDim::distribute_dofs(std::shared_ptr<DiscreteSpace> ds)
325 {
326  // First check if dofs are already distributed.
327  ASSERT_PERMANENT(ds_ == nullptr).error("Attempt to distribute DOFs multiple times!");
329  ds_ = ds;
331  std::vector<LongIdx> node_dofs, node_dof_starts, edge_dofs, edge_dof_starts;
333  edge_status(mesh_->n_edges(), INVALID_NFACE);
334  std::vector<bool> update_cells(el_ds_->lsize(), false);
335  unsigned int next_free_dof = 0;
338  init_dof_starts(node_dof_starts, edge_dof_starts);
339  node_dofs.resize(node_dof_starts[node_dof_starts.size()-1], (LongIdx)INVALID_DOF);
340  edge_dofs.resize(edge_dof_starts[edge_dof_starts.size()-1], (LongIdx)INVALID_DOF);
341  init_status(node_status, edge_status);
343  // Distribute dofs on local elements.
344  dof_indices.resize(cell_starts[cell_starts.size()-1]);
345  local_to_global_dof_idx_.reserve(dof_indices.size());
346  for (auto cell : this->own_range())
347  {
349  // loop over element dofs
350  vector<unsigned int> loc_node_dof_count(cell.elm()->n_nodes(), 0);
351  vector<unsigned int> loc_edge_dof_count(cell.elm()->dim()+1, 0);
352  for (unsigned int idof = 0; idof<cell.n_dofs(); ++idof)
353  {
354  unsigned int dof_dim = cell.cell_dof(idof).dim;
355  unsigned int dof_nface_idx = cell.cell_dof(idof).n_face_idx;
357  if (dof_dim == 0)
358  { // add dofs shared by nodes
359  unsigned int nid = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(cell.dim())[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()]].nodes[dof_nface_idx];
360  unsigned int node_dof_idx = node_dof_starts[nid]+loc_node_dof_count[dof_nface_idx];
362  switch (node_status[nid])
363  {
364  case VALID_NFACE:
365  for (int i=0; i<node_dof_starts[nid+1] - node_dof_starts[nid]; i++)
366  {
367  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(next_free_dof);
368  node_dofs[node_dof_starts[nid]+i] = next_free_dof++;
369  }
370  node_status[nid] = ASSIGNED_NFACE;
371  break;
372  case INVALID_NFACE:
373  node_dofs[node_dof_idx] = INVALID_DOF;
374  update_cells[cell.local_idx()] = true;
375  break;
376  }
377  dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] = node_dofs[node_dof_idx];
378  loc_node_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]++;
379  }
380  else if (dof_dim == cell.dim()-1)
381  { // add dofs shared by edges
382  if (!distribute_edge_dofs) break;
384  unsigned int eid = cell.elm().side(dof_nface_idx)->edge_idx();
385  unsigned int edge_dof_idx = edge_dof_starts[eid]+loc_edge_dof_count[dof_nface_idx];
386  switch (edge_status[eid])
387  {
388  case VALID_NFACE:
389  for (int i=0; i<edge_dof_starts[eid+1] - edge_dof_starts[eid]; i++)
390  {
391  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(next_free_dof);
392  edge_dofs[edge_dof_starts[eid]+i] = next_free_dof++;
393  }
394  edge_status[eid] = ASSIGNED_NFACE;
395  break;
396  case INVALID_NFACE:
397  edge_dofs[edge_dof_idx] = INVALID_DOF;
398  update_cells[cell.local_idx()] = true;
399  break;
400  }
401  dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] = edge_dofs[edge_dof_idx];
402  loc_edge_dof_count[dof_nface_idx]++;
403  }
404  else if (dof_dim == cell.dim())
405  { // add dofs owned only by the element
406  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(next_free_dof);
407  dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof] = next_free_dof++;
408  }
409  else
410  ASSERT_PERMANENT(false).error("Unsupported dof n_face.");
411  }
412  }
413  node_status.clear();
414  edge_status.clear();
416  lsize_ = next_free_dof;
418  // communicate n_dofs across all processes
419  dof_ds_ = std::make_shared<Distribution>(lsize_, PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
420  n_global_dofs_ = dof_ds_->size();
422  // shift dof indices
423  loffset_ = dof_ds_->get_starts_array()[dof_ds_->myp()];
424  if (loffset_ > 0)
425  {
426  for (auto &i : local_to_global_dof_idx_)
427  i += loffset_;
428  }
430  // communicate dofs from ghost cells
431  // first propagate from lower procs to higher procs and then vice versa
432  for (unsigned int from_higher = 0; from_higher < 2; from_higher++)
433  {
434  for (unsigned int proc : ghost_proc)
435  {
436  if ((proc > el_ds_->myp()) == from_higher)
437  { // receive dofs from master processor
438  vector<LongIdx> dofs;
439  receive_ghost_dofs(proc, dofs);
441  // update dof_indices and node_dofs on ghost elements
442  update_local_dofs(proc,
443  update_cells,
444  dofs,
445  node_dof_starts,
446  node_dofs,
447  edge_dof_starts,
448  edge_dofs
449  );
451  }
452  else
453  send_ghost_dofs(proc);
454  }
455  }
456  update_cells.clear();
457  node_dofs.clear();
458  node_dof_starts.clear();
459  edge_dofs.clear();
460  edge_dof_starts.clear();
461 }
465 {
466  if (dh_seq_ != nullptr) return;
468  if ( !is_parallel_ )
469  {
470  dh_seq_ = std::make_shared<DOFHandlerMultiDim>(*this);
471  return;
472  }
474  dh_seq_ = std::make_shared<DOFHandlerMultiDim>(*mesh_);
476  dh_seq_->n_global_dofs_ = n_global_dofs_;
477  dh_seq_->lsize_ = n_global_dofs_;
478  dh_seq_->loffset_ = 0;
479  dh_seq_->mesh_ = mesh_;
480  dh_seq_->dof_ds_ = dof_ds_; // should be sequential distribution
481  dh_seq_->ds_ = ds_;
482  dh_seq_->is_parallel_ = false;
483  for (unsigned int i=0; i<n_global_dofs_; i++) dh_seq_->local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(i);
487  &dh_seq_->max_elem_dofs_,
488  1,
490  MPI_MAX,
493  for (unsigned int i=0; i<mesh_->n_elements(); i++) dh_seq_->global_to_local_el_idx_[i] = mesh_->get_row_4_el()[i];
495  // Auxiliary vectors cell_starts_loc and dof_indices_loc contain
496  // only local element data (without ghost elements).
497  // Then it is possible to create sequential vectors by simple reduce/gather operation.
498  vector<LongIdx> cell_starts_loc(mesh_->n_elements()+1, 0);
499  vector<LongIdx> dof_indices_loc;
501  // construct cell_starts_loc
502  for (auto cell : this->own_range())
503  {
504  cell_starts_loc[mesh_->get_row_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()]+1] = cell.n_dofs();
505  }
506  for (unsigned int i=0; i<mesh_->n_elements(); ++i)
507  cell_starts_loc[i+1] += cell_starts_loc[i];
509  // construct dof_indices_loc
510  dof_indices_loc.resize(cell_starts_loc[mesh_->n_elements()]);
511  for (auto cell : this->own_range())
512  {
513  for (unsigned int idof=0; idof<cell.n_dofs(); idof++)
514  dof_indices_loc[cell_starts_loc[mesh_->get_row_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()]]+idof] = local_to_global_dof_idx_[dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof]];
515  }
517  Distribution distr(dof_indices_loc.size(), PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
518  dh_seq_->cell_starts.resize(mesh_->n_elements()+1);
519  dh_seq_->dof_indices.resize(distr.size());
521  MPI_Allreduce( cell_starts_loc.data(),
522  dh_seq_->cell_starts.data(),
523  cell_starts_loc.size(),
525  MPI_SUM,
528  MPI_Allgatherv( dof_indices_loc.data(),
529  dof_indices_loc.size(),
531  dh_seq_->dof_indices.data(),
532  (const int *)distr.get_lsizes_array(),
533  (const int *)distr.get_starts_array(),
537  // create scatter from parallel to sequential vector
538  Vec v_from;
539  VecCreateMPI(PETSC_COMM_WORLD, lsize_, PETSC_DETERMINE, &v_from);
540  scatter_to_seq_ = std::make_shared<VecScatter>();
541  VecScatterCreateToAll(v_from, scatter_to_seq_.get(), NULL);
542  VecDestroy(&v_from);
544  // create scatter for sequential dof handler (Warning: not tested)
545  Vec v_seq;
546  VecCreateSeq(PETSC_COMM_SELF, n_global_dofs_, &v_seq);
547  dh_seq_->scatter_to_seq_ = std::make_shared<VecScatter>();
548  VecScatterCreateToAll(v_seq, dh_seq_->scatter_to_seq_.get(), NULL);
549  VecDestroy(&v_seq);
550 }
554 {
555  if (is_parallel_ && el_ds_->np() > 1)
556  { // for parallel DH create vector with ghost values
558  VectorMPI vec(lsize_, ghost_dofs);
559  return vec;
560  } else {
561  VectorMPI vec(lsize_, PETSC_COMM_SELF);
562  return vec;
563  }
564 }
568 {
569  unsigned int ndofs = 0;
570  ndofs = cell_starts[cell.local_idx()+1]-cell_starts[cell.local_idx()];
571  indices.resize(ndofs);
572  for (unsigned int k=0; k<ndofs; k++)
575  return ndofs;
576 }
580 {}
585 {
586  // create local arrays of elements
587  el_ds_ = mesh_->get_el_ds();
589  // create local array of edges
590  for (auto edge : mesh_->edge_range())
591  {
592  bool is_edge_local = false;
593  for (uint sid=0; sid<edge.n_sides(); sid++)
594  if ( el_is_local(edge.side(sid)->element().idx()) )
595  {
596  is_edge_local = true;
597  break;
598  }
599  if (is_edge_local)
600  edg_4_loc.push_back(edge.idx());
601  }
603  // create local array of neighbours
604  for (unsigned int inb=0; inb<mesh_->n_vb_neighbours(); inb++)
605  {
606  const Neighbour *nb = &mesh_->vb_neighbour(inb);
607  if ( el_is_local(nb->element().idx())
608  || el_is_local(nb->side()->element().idx()) )
609  nb_4_loc.push_back(inb);
610  }
612  // init global to local element map with locally owned elements (later add ghost elements)
613  for ( unsigned int iel = 0; iel < el_ds_->lsize(); iel++ )
616  // create array of local nodes
617  std::vector<bool> node_is_local(mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->n_nodes(), false);
618  for (auto cell : this->own_range())
619  {
620  unsigned int obj_idx = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[cell.elm_idx()];
621  for (unsigned int nid=0; nid<cell.elm()->n_nodes(); nid++)
622  node_is_local[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(cell.dim())[obj_idx].nodes[nid]] = true;
623  }
625  // create array of local ghost cells
626  for ( auto cell : mesh_->elements_range() )
627  {
628  if (cell.proc() != el_ds_->myp())
629  {
630  bool has_local_node = false;
631  unsigned int obj_idx = mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->obj_4_el()[cell.idx()];
632  for (unsigned int nid=0; nid<cell->n_nodes(); nid++)
633  if (node_is_local[mesh_->duplicate_nodes()->objects(cell->dim())[obj_idx].nodes[nid]])
634  {
635  has_local_node = true;
636  break;
637  }
638  if (has_local_node)
639  {
640  ghost_4_loc.push_back(cell.idx());
641  ghost_proc.insert(cell.proc());
642  ghost_proc_el[cell.proc()].push_back(cell.idx());
643  global_to_local_el_idx_[cell.idx()] = el_ds_->lsize() - 1 + ghost_4_loc.size();
644  }
645  }
646  }
647  for (auto nb : nb_4_loc)
648  {
649  auto cell = mesh_->vb_neighbour(nb).element();
650  if (!el_is_local(cell.idx()) && find(ghost_4_loc.begin(), ghost_4_loc.end(), cell.idx()) == ghost_4_loc.end())
651  {
652  ghost_4_loc.push_back(cell.idx());
653  ghost_proc.insert(cell.proc());
654  ghost_proc_el[cell.proc()].push_back(cell.idx());
655  global_to_local_el_idx_[cell.idx()] = el_ds_->lsize() - 1 + ghost_4_loc.size();
656  }
657  cell = mesh_->vb_neighbour(nb).side()->element();
658  if (!el_is_local(cell.idx()) && find(ghost_4_loc.begin(), ghost_4_loc.end(), cell.idx()) == ghost_4_loc.end())
659  {
660  ghost_4_loc.push_back(cell.idx());
661  ghost_proc.insert(cell.proc());
662  ghost_proc_el[cell.proc()].push_back(cell.idx());
663  global_to_local_el_idx_[cell.idx()] = el_ds_->lsize() - 1 + ghost_4_loc.size();
664  }
665  }
666 }
669 bool DOFHandlerMultiDim::el_is_local(int index) const
670 {
671  return el_ds_->is_local(mesh_->get_row_4_el()[index]);
672 }
675 std::size_t DOFHandlerMultiDim::hash() const {
676  return this->n_global_dofs_;
677 }
681  auto bgn_it = make_iter<DHCellAccessor>( DHCellAccessor(this, 0) );
682  auto end_it = make_iter<DHCellAccessor>( DHCellAccessor(this, el_ds_->lsize()) );
683  return Range<DHCellAccessor>(bgn_it, end_it);
684 }
688  auto bgn_it = make_iter<DHCellAccessor>( DHCellAccessor(this, 0) );
689  auto end_it = make_iter<DHCellAccessor>( DHCellAccessor(this, el_ds_->lsize()+ghost_4_loc.size()) );
690  return Range<DHCellAccessor>(bgn_it, end_it);
691 }
695  auto bgn_it = make_iter<DHCellAccessor>( DHCellAccessor(this, el_ds_->lsize()) );
696  auto end_it = make_iter<DHCellAccessor>( DHCellAccessor(this, el_ds_->lsize()+ghost_4_loc.size()) );
697  return Range<DHCellAccessor>(bgn_it, end_it);
698 }
702  auto map_it = global_to_local_el_idx_.find((LongIdx)elm_idx); // find in global to local map
703  ASSERT( map_it != global_to_local_el_idx_.end() )(elm_idx).error("DH accessor can be create only for own or ghost elements!\n");
704  return DHCellAccessor(this, map_it->second);
705 }
707 void DOFHandlerMultiDim::print_cell_dofs(stringstream &s, DHCellAccessor cell) const
708 {
709  static std::vector<int> dofs(max_elem_dofs_);
710  auto ndofs = cell.get_dof_indices(dofs);
711  s << "-- cell " << cell.elm().input_id() << ": ";
712  for (unsigned int idof=0; idof<ndofs; idof++)
713  {
714  s << dofs[idof] << " ";
715  if (cell.cell_dof(idof).dim == 0) s << "(node " << cell.elm().node(cell.cell_dof(idof).n_face_idx).index() << ")";
716  s << ", ";
717  }
718  s << endl;
719 }
726  stringstream s;
728  s << "DOFHandlerMultiDim structure:" << endl;
729  s << "- is parallel: " << (is_parallel_?"true":"false") << endl;
730  s << "- proc id: " << el_ds_->myp() << endl;
731  s << "- global number of dofs: " << n_global_dofs_ << endl;
732  s << "- number of locally owned cells: " << el_ds_->lsize() << endl;
733  s << "- number of ghost cells: " << ghost_4_loc.size() << endl;
735  s << "- dofs on locally owned cells:" << endl;
736  for (auto cell : own_range()) print_cell_dofs(s, cell);
738  s << "- dofs on ghost cells:" << endl;
739  for (auto cell : ghost_range()) print_cell_dofs(s, cell);
741  s << "- locally owned dofs (" << lsize_ << "): ";
742  for (unsigned int i=0; i<lsize_; i++) s << local_to_global_dof_idx_[i] << " "; s << endl;
743  s << "- ghost dofs (" << local_to_global_dof_idx_.size() - lsize_ << "): ";
744  for (unsigned int i=lsize_; i<local_to_global_dof_idx_.size(); i++) s << local_to_global_dof_idx_[i] << " "; s << endl;
745  s << "- global-to-local-cell map:" << endl;
746  for (auto cell : global_to_local_el_idx_) s << "-- " << cell.first << " -> " << cell.second << " " << endl;
747  s << endl;
749  printf("%s", s.str().c_str());
751 #endif
753 }
763 SubDOFHandlerMultiDim::SubDOFHandlerMultiDim(std::shared_ptr<DOFHandlerMultiDim> dh, unsigned int component_idx)
764 : DOFHandlerMultiDim(*dh->mesh()),
765  parent_(dh),
766  fe_idx_(component_idx)
767 {
768  // create discrete space, we assume equal type of FE on each cell.
769  ASSERT( dynamic_cast<EqualOrderDiscreteSpace *>(dh->ds().get()) != nullptr )
770  .error("sub_handler can be used only with dof handler using EqualOrderDiscreteSpace!");
771  FESystem<0> *fe_sys0 = dynamic_cast<FESystem<0>*>( dh->ds()->fe()[0_d].get() );
772  FESystem<1> *fe_sys1 = dynamic_cast<FESystem<1>*>( dh->ds()->fe()[1_d].get() );
773  FESystem<2> *fe_sys2 = dynamic_cast<FESystem<2>*>( dh->ds()->fe()[2_d].get() );
774  FESystem<3> *fe_sys3 = dynamic_cast<FESystem<3>*>( dh->ds()->fe()[3_d].get() );
775  ASSERT( fe_sys0 != nullptr ).error("sub_handler assumes that dof handler uses FESystem<0>!");
776  ASSERT( fe_sys1 != nullptr ).error("sub_handler assumes that dof handler uses FESystem<1>!");
777  ASSERT( fe_sys2 != nullptr ).error("sub_handler assumes that dof handler uses FESystem<2>!");
778  ASSERT( fe_sys3 != nullptr ).error("sub_handler assumes that dof handler uses FESystem<3>!");
779  MixedPtr<FiniteElement> sub_mixed(fe_sys0->fe()[component_idx],
780  fe_sys1->fe()[component_idx],
781  fe_sys2->fe()[component_idx],
782  fe_sys3->fe()[component_idx]);
783  ds_ = std::make_shared<EqualOrderDiscreteSpace>( mesh_, sub_mixed);
785  is_parallel_ = dh->is_parallel_;
787  // create list of dofs for sub_dh on one cell
788  FESystemFunctionSpace *fs[4] = {
789  dynamic_cast<FESystemFunctionSpace*>( fe_sys0->function_space_.get() ),
790  dynamic_cast<FESystemFunctionSpace*>( fe_sys1->function_space_.get() ),
791  dynamic_cast<FESystemFunctionSpace*>( fe_sys2->function_space_.get() ),
792  dynamic_cast<FESystemFunctionSpace*>( fe_sys3->function_space_.get() ) };
793  for (unsigned int d=0; d<=3; d++)
794  ASSERT( fs[d] != nullptr ).error("Function space must be of type FESystemFunctionSpace!" );
795  vector<unsigned int> sub_fe_dofs[4];
796  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe_sys0->n_dofs(); i++)
797  if (fs[0]->dof_indices()[i].fe_index == component_idx) sub_fe_dofs[0].push_back(i);
798  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe_sys1->n_dofs(); i++)
799  if (fs[1]->dof_indices()[i].fe_index == component_idx) sub_fe_dofs[1].push_back(i);
800  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe_sys2->n_dofs(); i++)
801  if (fs[2]->dof_indices()[i].fe_index == component_idx) sub_fe_dofs[2].push_back(i);
802  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe_sys3->n_dofs(); i++)
803  if (fs[3]->dof_indices()[i].fe_index == component_idx) sub_fe_dofs[3].push_back(i);
806  dof_indices.resize(cell_starts[cell_starts.size()-1]);
807  // sub_local_indices maps local dofs of parent handler to local dofs of sub-handler
808  vector<LongIdx> sub_local_indices(dh->local_to_global_dof_idx_.size(), INVALID_DOF);
809  map<LongIdx,LongIdx> global_to_local_dof_idx;
810  vector<unsigned int> ghost_dof_proc; // vector of proc ids for ghost dofs
811  // first add owned dofs to local_to_global_dof_idx_ and sub_local_indices
812  for (auto cell : dh->local_range())
813  {
814  LocDofVec cell_dof_indices = cell.get_loc_dof_indices();
815  for (auto sub_dof : sub_fe_dofs[cell.dim()])
816  {
817  if (cell_dof_indices[sub_dof] < static_cast<int>(dh->lsize_) &&
818  sub_local_indices[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]] == INVALID_DOF)
819  {
820  sub_local_indices[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
821  parent_dof_idx_.push_back(cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]);
822  global_to_local_dof_idx[parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]]] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
824  }
825  }
826  }
828  // then do the same for ghost dofs
829  for (auto cell : dh->ghost_range())
830  {
831  LocDofVec cell_dof_indices = cell.get_loc_dof_indices();
832  for (auto sub_dof : sub_fe_dofs[cell.dim()])
833  {
834  if (sub_local_indices[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]] == INVALID_DOF)
835  {
836  sub_local_indices[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
837  parent_dof_idx_.push_back(cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]);
838  // temporarily we keep the global dof idx of parent dh, we replace it later from the owning processor
839  global_to_local_dof_idx[parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]]] = local_to_global_dof_idx_.size();
840  local_to_global_dof_idx_.push_back(parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]]);
841  ghost_dof_proc.push_back(cell.elm().proc());
842  }
843  }
844  }
845  // set dof_indices
846  for (auto cell : dh->local_range())
847  {
848  LocDofVec cell_dof_indices = cell.get_loc_dof_indices();
849  unsigned int idof = 0;
850  for (auto sub_dof : sub_fe_dofs[cell.dim()])
851  dof_indices[cell_starts[cell.local_idx()]+idof++] = sub_local_indices[cell_dof_indices[sub_dof]];
852  }
854  dof_ds_ = std::make_shared<Distribution>(lsize_, PETSC_COMM_WORLD);
855  n_global_dofs_ = dof_ds_->size();
856  loffset_ = dof_ds_->get_starts_array()[dof_ds_->myp()];
858  // shift dof indices
859  if (loffset_ > 0)
860  for (unsigned int i=0; i<lsize_; i++)
863  // communicate ghost values
864  // first propagate from lower procs to higher procs and then vice versa
865  for (unsigned int from_higher = 0; from_higher < 2; from_higher++)
866  {
867  for (unsigned int proc : ghost_proc)
868  {
869  if ((proc > el_ds_->myp()) == from_higher)
870  { // receive dofs from master processor
871  receive_sub_ghost_dofs(proc, ghost_dof_proc, global_to_local_dof_idx);
872  }
873  else
874  send_sub_ghost_dofs(proc, global_to_local_dof_idx);
875  }
876  }
877 }
880 void SubDOFHandlerMultiDim::receive_sub_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc, vector<unsigned int> &ghost_dof_proc, map<LongIdx,LongIdx> &global_to_local_dof_idx)
881 {
882  // send number of ghost dofs required from the other processor
884  vector<LongIdx> dofs;
885  for (unsigned int i=lsize_; i<local_to_global_dof_idx_.size(); i++)
886  if (ghost_dof_proc[i-lsize_] == proc)
887  dof_indices.push_back(parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_[parent_dof_idx_[i]]);
888  unsigned int n_ghosts = dof_indices.size();
889  MPI_Send(&n_ghosts, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
891  // send indices of dofs required
892  MPI_Send(dof_indices.data(), n_ghosts, MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
894  // receive dofs
895  dofs.resize(n_ghosts);
896  MPI_Recv(dofs.data(), n_ghosts, MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
898  // update ghost dofs
899  unsigned int idof = 0;
900  for (unsigned int i=lsize_; i<local_to_global_dof_idx_.size(); i++)
901  if (ghost_dof_proc[i-lsize_] == proc)
902  {
903  local_to_global_dof_idx_[i] = dofs[idof];
904  global_to_local_dof_idx[parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_[parent_dof_idx_[i]]] = dofs[idof] - loffset_;
905  idof++;
906  }
907 }
910 void SubDOFHandlerMultiDim::send_sub_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc, const map<LongIdx,LongIdx> &global_to_local_dof_idx)
911 {
912  // receive number of dofs required by the other processor
913  unsigned int n_ghosts;
914  MPI_Recv(&n_ghosts, 1, MPI_UNSIGNED, proc, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
916  // receive global indices of dofs required
917  vector<LongIdx> dof_indices(n_ghosts);
920  // send global dof indices relative to the sub-handler
921  vector<LongIdx> dofs;
922  for (auto global_dof : dof_indices)
923  dofs.push_back(global_to_local_dof_idx.at(global_dof) + dof_ds_->begin());
924  MPI_Send(dofs.data(), dofs.size(), MPI_LONG_IDX, proc, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
925 }
929 {
930  ASSERT( vec.size() == parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_.size() ).error("Incompatible parent vector in update_subvector()!");
931  ASSERT( subvec.size() == local_to_global_dof_idx_.size() ).error("Incompatible subvector in update_subvector()!");
933  for (unsigned int i=0; i<parent_dof_idx_.size(); i++)
934  subvec.set( i, vec.get(parent_dof_idx_[i]) );
935 }
939 {
940  ASSERT( vec.size() == parent_->local_to_global_dof_idx_.size() ).error("Incompatible parent vector in update_subvector()!");
941  ASSERT( subvec.size() == local_to_global_dof_idx_.size() ).error("Incompatible subvector in update_subvector()!");
943  for (unsigned int i=0; i<parent_dof_idx_.size(); i++)
944  vec.set( parent_dof_idx_[i], subvec.get(i) );
945 }
#define ASSERT(expr)
Definition: asserts.hh:351
#define ASSERT_PERMANENT(expr)
Allow use shorter versions of macro names if these names is not used with external library.
Definition: asserts.hh:348
Cell accessor allow iterate over DOF handler cells.
const ElementAccessor< 3 > elm() const
Return ElementAccessor to element of loc_ele_idx_.
unsigned int n_dofs() const
Return number of dofs on given cell.
const Dof & cell_dof(unsigned int idof) const
Return dof on a given cell.
unsigned int get_dof_indices(std::vector< LongIdx > &indices) const
Fill vector of the global indices of dofs associated to the cell.
unsigned int dim() const
Return dimension of element appropriate to cell.
unsigned int elm_idx() const
Return serial idx to element of loc_ele_idx_.
unsigned int local_idx() const
Return local index to element (index of DOF handler).
unsigned int max_elem_dofs_
Max. number of dofs per element.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:121
MeshBase * mesh_
Pointer to the mesh to which the dof handler is associated.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:126
unsigned int lsize_
Number of dofs associated to local process.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:113
unsigned int n_global_dofs_
Number of global dofs assigned by the handler.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:108
unsigned int loffset_
Index of the first dof on the local process.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:118
std::shared_ptr< Distribution > dof_ds_
Distribution of dofs associated to local process.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:131
virtual ~DOFHandlerBase()
Definition: dofhandler.cc:41
std::shared_ptr< Distribution > distr() const
Definition: dofhandler.hh:73
Provides the numbering of the finite element degrees of freedom on the computational mesh.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:151
static const int ASSIGNED_NFACE
Definition: dofhandler.hh:393
static const int INVALID_NFACE
Definition: dofhandler.hh:391
vector< LongIdx > nb_4_loc
Local neighbour index -> global neighbour index.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:454
Distribution * el_ds_
Distribution of elements.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:448
std::shared_ptr< DiscreteSpace > ds_
Pointer to the discrete space for which the handler distributes dofs.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:398
std::shared_ptr< VecScatter > scatter_to_seq_
Scatter context for parallel to sequential vectors.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:407
unsigned int get_dof_indices(const DHCellAccessor &cell, std::vector< LongIdx > &indices) const override
Returns the global indices of dofs associated to the cell.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:567
Range< DHCellAccessor > own_range() const
Returns range of DOF handler cells (only range of own without ghost cells)
Definition: dofhandler.cc:680
void make_elem_partitioning()
Prepare parallel distribution of elements, edges and neighbours.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:584
void update_local_dofs(unsigned int proc, const std::vector< bool > &update_cells, const std::vector< LongIdx > &dofs, const std::vector< LongIdx > &node_dof_starts, std::vector< LongIdx > &node_dofs, const std::vector< LongIdx > &edge_dof_starts, std::vector< LongIdx > &edge_dofs)
Update dofs on local elements from ghost element dofs.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:230
vector< LongIdx > ghost_4_loc
Indices of ghost cells (neighbouring with local elements).
Definition: dofhandler.hh:457
bool distribute_edge_dofs
Temporary flag which prevents using dof handler on meshes where edges are not allocated (currently BC...
Definition: dofhandler.hh:466
std::vector< LongIdx > cell_starts
Starting indices for local (owned+ghost) element dofs.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:424
friend class SubDOFHandlerMultiDim
Definition: dofhandler.hh:268
std::size_t hash() const override
Definition: dofhandler.cc:675
bool el_is_local(int index) const
Definition: dofhandler.cc:669
friend class DHCellAccessor
Definition: dofhandler.hh:265
vector< LongIdx > edg_4_loc
Local edge index -> global edge index.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:451
bool is_parallel_
Indicator for parallel/sequential dof handler.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:401
static const int INVALID_DOF
Definition: dofhandler.hh:394
set< unsigned int > ghost_proc
Processors of ghost elements.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:460
void distribute_dofs(std::shared_ptr< DiscreteSpace > ds)
Distributes degrees of freedom on the mesh needed for the given discrete space.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:324
std::vector< IntIdx > dof_indices
Dof numbers on local and ghost elements.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:432
std::shared_ptr< DOFHandlerMultiDim > sequential()
Returns sequential version of the current dof handler.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:69
static const int VALID_NFACE
Definition: dofhandler.hh:392
std::shared_ptr< DOFHandlerMultiDim > dh_seq_
Sequential dof handler associated to the current (parallel) one.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:404
void print_cell_dofs(stringstream &s, DHCellAccessor cell) const
Auxiliary function for output of information about dofs in a cell.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:707
virtual VectorMPI create_vector()
Allocates PETSc vector according to the dof distribution.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:553
void init_cell_starts()
Initialize vector of starting indices for elements.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:83
DOFHandlerMultiDim(MeshBase &_mesh, bool make_elem_part=true)
Definition: dofhandler.cc:49
~DOFHandlerMultiDim() override
Definition: dofhandler.cc:579
void create_sequential()
Communicate local dof indices to all processors and create new sequential dof handler.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:464
const DHCellAccessor cell_accessor_from_element(unsigned int elm_idx) const
Return DHCellAccessor appropriate to ElementAccessor of given idx.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:701
void print() const
Output structure of dof handler.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:722
Range< DHCellAccessor > local_range() const
Returns range over own and ghost cells of DOF handler.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:687
Range< DHCellAccessor > ghost_range() const
Returns range over ghosts DOF handler cells.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:694
void init_status(std::vector< short int > &node_status, std::vector< short int > &edge_status)
Initialize node_status and edge_status.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:123
void init_dof_starts(std::vector< LongIdx > &node_dof_starts, std::vector< LongIdx > &edge_dof_starts)
Initialize auxiliary vector of starting indices of nodal/edge dofs.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:97
std::vector< LongIdx > local_to_global_dof_idx_
Maps local and ghost dof indices to global ones.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:440
void send_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc)
Send dof numbers to other processor.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:199
std::shared_ptr< DiscreteSpace > ds() const
Return pointer to discrete space for which the handler distributes dofs.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:255
std::unordered_map< LongIdx, LongIdx > global_to_local_el_idx_
Maps global element index into local/ghost index (obsolete).
Definition: dofhandler.hh:445
std::shared_ptr< VecScatter > sequential_scatter()
Returns scatter context from parallel to sequential vectors.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:76
void receive_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc, std::vector< LongIdx > &dofs)
Obtain dof numbers on ghost elements from other processor.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:178
map< unsigned int, vector< LongIdx > > ghost_proc_el
Arrays of ghost cells for each neighbouring processor.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:463
bool is_local(unsigned int idx) const
identify local index
unsigned int myp() const
get my processor
unsigned int lsize(int proc) const
get local size
unsigned int np() const
get num of processors
unsigned int n_face_idx
Index of n-face to which the dof is associated.
unsigned int dim
Association to n-face of given dimension (point, line, triangle, tetrahedron.
unsigned int n_nodes() const
const std::vector< MeshObject > & objects(unsigned int dim) const
const std::vector< unsigned int > & obj_4_el() const
unsigned int input_id() const
Return the element ID in the input mesh. Should be only used for special output.
Definition: accessors.hh:220
NodeAccessor< 3 > node(unsigned int ni) const
Definition: accessors.hh:230
SideIter side(const unsigned int loc_index)
unsigned int idx() const
We need this method after replacing Region by RegionIdx, and movinf RegionDB instance into particular...
Definition: accessors.hh:215
unsigned int n_sides() const
Definition: elements.h:131
unsigned int n_nodes() const
Definition: elements.h:125
Compound finite element on dim dimensional simplex.
Definition: fe_system.hh:102
const std::vector< std::shared_ptr< FiniteElement< dim > > > & fe() const
Definition: fe_system.hh:147
std::shared_ptr< FunctionSpace > function_space_
Function space defining the FE.
unsigned int n_dofs() const
Returns the number of degrees of freedom needed by the finite element.
Base class for Mesh and BCMesh.
Definition: mesh.h:96
LongIdx * get_el_4_loc() const
Definition: mesh.h:122
Range< Edge > edge_range() const
Return range of edges.
Definition: mesh.cc:125
unsigned int n_edges() const
Definition: mesh.h:114
LongIdx * get_row_4_el() const
Definition: mesh.h:125
const Neighbour & vb_neighbour(unsigned int nb) const
Return neighbour with given index.
Definition: mesh.cc:1362
Distribution * get_el_ds() const
Definition: mesh.h:119
unsigned int n_elements() const
Definition: mesh.h:111
Range< ElementAccessor< 3 > > elements_range() const
Returns range of mesh elements.
Definition: mesh.cc:1174
unsigned int n_vb_neighbours() const
Definition: mesh.cc:137
const DuplicateNodes * duplicate_nodes() const
Definition: mesh.h:147
Definition: mesh.h:362
ElementAccessor< 3 > element() const
Definition: neighbours.h:163
SideIter side() const
Definition: neighbours.h:147
Range helper class.
ElementAccessor< 3 > element() const
Returns iterator to the element of the side.
unsigned int edge_idx() const
Returns global index of the edge connected to the side.
std::vector< LongIdx > parent_dof_idx_
Local indices in the parent handler.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:517
void update_parent_vector(VectorMPI &vec, const VectorMPI &subvec)
Update values in parent vector from values of subvector.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:938
void receive_sub_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc, vector< unsigned int > &ghost_dof_proc, map< LongIdx, LongIdx > &global_to_local_dof_idx)
Get global dof indices of ghost dofs for sub-handler.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:880
void update_subvector(const VectorMPI &vec, VectorMPI &subvec)
Update values in subvector from parent vector.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:928
void send_sub_ghost_dofs(unsigned int proc, const map< LongIdx, LongIdx > &global_to_local_dof_idx)
Send global indices of dofs that are ghost on other processors.
Definition: dofhandler.cc:910
std::shared_ptr< DOFHandlerMultiDim > parent_
Parent dof handler.
Definition: dofhandler.hh:511
double get(unsigned int pos) const
Return value on given position.
Definition: vector_mpi.hh:105
void set(unsigned int pos, double val)
Set value on given position.
Definition: vector_mpi.hh:111
unsigned int size() const
Return size of output data.
Definition: vector_mpi.hh:98
Support classes for parallel programing.
Declaration of class which handles the ordering of degrees of freedom (dof) and mappings between loca...
Class FESystem for compound finite elements.
Abstract class for description of finite elements.
@ edge
arma::Col< IntIdx > LocDofVec
Definition: index_types.hh:28
#define MPI_LONG_IDX
Definition: index_types.hh:30
int LongIdx
Define type that represents indices of large arrays (elements, nodes, dofs etc.)
Definition: index_types.hh:24
unsigned int uint
Definition: mpi.h:123
#define MPI_Allreduce(sendbuf, recvbuf, count, datatype, op, comm)
Definition: mpi.h:612
#define MPI_Send(buf, count, datatype, dest, tag, comm)
Definition: mpi.h:263
Definition: mpi.h:203
#define MPI_MAX
Definition: mpi.h:197
#define MPI_Allgatherv(sendbuf, sendcount, sendtype, recvbuf, recvcounts, displs, recvtype, comm)
Definition: mpi.h:587
#define MPI_SUM
Definition: mpi.h:196
#define MPI_Recv(buf, count, datatype, source, tag, comm, status)
Definition: mpi.h:271
Definition: mpi.h:165
ArmaVec< double, N > vec
Definition: armor.hh:933
void printf(BasicWriter< Char > &w, BasicCStringRef< Char > format, ArgList args)
Definition: printf.h:444
Implementation of range helper class.