Flow123d  3.9.1-c3f8cb5
Classes | Enumerations | Functions
Input::Type Namespace Reference


class  Abstract
 Class for declaration of polymorphic Record. More...
class  AdHocAbstract
 Class for declaration of polymorphic Record. More...
class  Array
 Class for declaration of inputs sequences. More...
class  Attribute
 Class with static methods provided common attributes of Input::Type objects. More...
class  Bool
 Class for declaration of the input of type Bool. More...
class  Default
 Class Input::Type::Default specifies default value of keys of a Input::Type::Record. More...
class  Double
 Class for declaration of the input data that are floating point numbers. More...
class  FileName
 Class for declaration of the input data that are file names. More...
class  Instance
 Helper class that stores data of generic types. More...
class  Integer
 Class for declaration of the integral input data. More...
class  OutputBase
 Base abstract class for output description of the Input::Type tree. More...
class  OutputJSONMachine
 Class for create JSON machine readable documentation. More...
class  OutputText
 Class for create text documentation. More...
class  Parameter
 Class for representing parametric types in IST. More...
class  Record
 Record type proxy class. More...
struct  RevNumData
 Stores version of program and other base data of application. More...
class  Scalar
 Base of all scalar types. More...
class  Selection
 Template for classes storing finite set of named values. More...
class  String
 Class for declaration of the input data that are in string format. More...
class  Tuple
 Tuple type proxy class. More...
class  TypeBase
 Base of classes for declaring structure of the input data. More...


enum  FinishStatus {
  none_, in_perform_, regular_, generic_,


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const TypeBase &type)
 For convenience we provide also redirection operator for output documentation of Input:Type classes. More...
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_KeyName, const string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_DefaultStr, const string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_TypeName, const string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_Desc, const string)
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcWrongDefaultJSON,<< "Consistency Error: Not valid JSON of Default value "<< EI_DefaultStr::qval<< " of type "<< EI_TypeName::qval<< ";\n"<< "During declaration of the key: "<< EI_KeyName::qval)
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcWrongDefault,<< "Consistency Error: "<< EI_Desc::val<< "Default value "<< EI_DefaultStr::qval<< " do not match type: "<< EI_TypeName::qval<< ";\n"<< "During declaration of the key: "<< EI_KeyName::qval)
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcUnknownDescendant,<< "Unknown descendant of TypeBase class, name: "<< EI_TypeName::qval)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_Object, std::string)
 TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO (EI_ParameterList, std::string)
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcParamaterNotSubsituted,<< "No input type substitution for input type parameter "<< EI_Object::qval<< " found during creation of instance with parameter list: "<< EI_ParameterList::val<< ".")
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcParamaterInIst,<< "Parameter "<< EI_Object::qval<< " appears in the IST. Check where Instance is missing.")
 DECLARE_EXCEPTION (ExcGenericWithoutInstance,<< "Root of generic subtree "<< EI_Object::qval<< " used without Instance.\n Used in type: "<< EI_TypeName::qval)
std::string print_attributes (TypeBase::attribute_map attribute_map)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, OutputText type_output)
 Redirect text output to stream. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, OutputJSONMachine type_output)
 Redirect machine readable output to stream. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FinishStatus

FinishStatus manages finish of elements in IST.


  • finish status of IST elements
  • type of executing finish

Definition at line 74 of file type_base.hh.

Function Documentation


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Abstract  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Array  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Bool  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Double  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( FileName  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Instance  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Integer  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Parameter  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Record  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Selection  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( String  )


Input::Type::ARRAY_CONSTRUCT ( Tuple  )


Input::Type::DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( ExcGenericWithoutInstance  ,
<< "Root of generic subtree "<< EI_Object::qval<< " used without Instance.\n Used in type: "<< EI_TypeName::qval   


Input::Type::DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( ExcParamaterInIst  ,
<< "Parameter "<< EI_Object::qval<< " appears in the IST. Check where Instance is missing."   


Input::Type::DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( ExcParamaterNotSubsituted  ,
<< "No input type substitution for input type parameter "<< EI_Object::qval<< " found during creation of instance with parameter list: "<< EI_ParameterList::val<< "."   


Input::Type::DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( ExcUnknownDescendant  ,
<< "Unknown descendant of TypeBase  class,
name:"<< EI_TypeName::qval   


Input::Type::DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( ExcWrongDefault  ,
<< "Consistency Error: "<< EI_Desc::val<< "Default value "<< EI_DefaultStr::qval<< " do not match type: "<< EI_TypeName::qval<< ";\n"<< "During declaration of the key: "<< EI_KeyName::qval   


Input::Type::DECLARE_EXCEPTION ( ExcWrongDefaultJSON  ,
<< "Consistency Error: Not valid JSON of Default value "<< EI_DefaultStr::qval<< " of type "<< EI_TypeName::qval<< ";\n"<< "During declaration of the key: "<< EI_KeyName::qval   

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

std::ostream & Input::Type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const TypeBase type 

For convenience we provide also redirection operator for output documentation of Input:Type classes.

Definition at line 239 of file type_base.cc.

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

std::ostream & Input::Type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
OutputJSONMachine  type_output 

Redirect machine readable output to stream.

Definition at line 872 of file type_output.cc.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

std::ostream & Input::Type::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
OutputText  type_output 

Redirect text output to stream.

Definition at line 867 of file type_output.cc.

◆ print_attributes()

std::string Input::Type::print_attributes ( TypeBase::attribute_map  attribute_map)

Definition at line 527 of file type_output.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Abstract  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( AdHocAbstract  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Array  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Bool  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Double  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( FileName  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Instance  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Integer  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Parameter  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Record  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Selection  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( String  )


Input::Type::RECORD_DECLARE_KEY ( Tuple  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Abstract  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( AdHocAbstract  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Array  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Bool  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Double  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( FileName  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Instance  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Integer  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Parameter  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Record  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Selection  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( String  )


Input::Type::TUPLE_DECLARE_KEY ( Tuple  )


Input::Type::TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO ( EI_DefaultStr  ,
const  string 


Input::Type::TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO ( EI_Desc  ,
const  string 


Input::Type::TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO ( EI_KeyName  ,
const  string 

Declaration of common exceptions and error info types.


Input::Type::TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO ( EI_Object  ,


Input::Type::TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO ( EI_ParameterList  ,


Input::Type::TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO ( EI_TypeName  ,
const  string 