▼ doc | |
► doxy | |
► headers | |
assembly_process.h | |
exceptions.h | |
input.h | |
input_accessors.h | |
input_types.h | |
main_doc.hh | |
▼ src | |
► coupling | |
assembly_base.hh | |
assembly_hm.hh | |
balance.cc | Mass balance |
balance.hh |
equation.cc | Abstract base class for equation clasess |
equation.hh | Abstract base class for equation clasess |
generic_assembly.hh | |
hc_explicit_sequential.cc |
hc_explicit_sequential.hh |
hm_iterative.cc |
hm_iterative.hh |
► fem | |
dh_cell_accessor.hh | |
discrete_space.cc | Implementation of class which provides the finite element for every mesh cell |
discrete_space.hh | Declaration of class which provides the finite element for every mesh cell |
dofhandler.cc | Declaration of class which handles the ordering of degrees of freedom (dof) and mappings between local and global dofs |
dofhandler.hh | Declaration of class which handles the ordering of degrees of freedom (dof) and mappings between local and global dofs |
element_values.cc | |
element_values.hh | Class ElementValues calculates data related to transformation of reference cell to actual cell (Jacobian, inverse Jacobian, determinant, point coordinates etc.) |
fe_p.cc |
fe_p.hh | Definitions of basic Lagrangean finite elements with polynomial shape functions |
fe_rt.cc | Definitions of Raviart-Thomas finite elements |
fe_rt.hh | Definitions of Raviart-Thomas finite elements |
fe_system.cc | Class FESystem for compound finite elements |
fe_system.hh | Class FESystem for compound finite elements |
fe_values.cc | Class ElementValues calculates data related to transformation of reference cell to actual cell (Jacobian, inverse Jacobian, determinant, point coordinates etc.) |
fe_values.hh | Class FEValues calculates finite element data on the actual cells such as shape function values, gradients, Jacobian of the mapping from the reference cell etc |
fe_values_map.hh | |
fe_values_views.cc | |
fe_values_views.hh | |
finite_element.cc | Abstract class for description of finite elements |
finite_element.hh | Abstract class for description of finite elements |
mapping.hh | Class Mapping calculates data related to the mapping of the reference cell to the actual cell, such as Jacobian and normal vectors |
mapping_p1.cc | Class MappingP1 implements the affine transformation of the unit cell onto the actual cell |
mapping_p1.hh | Class MappingP1 implements the affine transformation of the unit cell onto the actual cell |
update_flags.hh | Enum type UpdateFlags indicates which quantities are to be recomputed on each finite element cell |
► fields | |
assembly_output.hh | |
bc_field.cc |
bc_field.hh |
bc_multi_field.cc |
bc_multi_field.hh |
equation_output.cc | |
equation_output.hh | |
eval_points.cc | |
eval_points.hh | |
eval_subset.cc | |
eval_subset.hh | |
fe_value_handler.cc | |
fe_value_handler.hh | |
field.cc |
field.hh |
field.impl.hh |
field_add_potential.hh |
field_add_potential.impl.hh |
field_algo_base.cc |
field_algo_base.hh |
field_algo_base.impl.hh |
field_common.cc |
field_common.hh |
field_constant.cc |
field_constant.hh |
field_coords.hh | |
field_depth.hh | |
field_fe.cc |
field_fe.hh |
field_flag.cc |
field_flag.hh |
field_formula.cc |
field_formula.hh |
field_instances.hh | |
field_model.hh | |
field_python.hh |
field_python.impl.hh |
field_set.cc |
field_set.hh |
field_time_function.cc | |
field_time_function.hh | |
field_value_cache.cc | |
field_value_cache.hh | |
field_values.cc |
field_values.hh |
generic_field.cc |
generic_field.hh |
generic_field.impl.hh |
multi_field.cc |
multi_field.hh |
multi_field.impl.hh |
surface_depth.cc | |
surface_depth.hh | |
table_function.cc | |
table_function.hh | |
► flow | |
assembly_lmh.hh | |
assembly_mh_old.hh | |
assembly_models.hh | Functors of FieldModels used in Darcy flow module |
assembly_richards.hh | |
assembly_theory.hh | |
darcy_flow_interface.hh | |
darcy_flow_lmh.cc | Setup and solve linear system of mixed-hybrid discretization of the linear porous media flow with possible preferential flow in fractures and chanels |
darcy_flow_lmh.hh | Lumped mixed-hybrid model of linear Darcy flow, possibly unsteady |
darcy_flow_mh.cc | Setup and solve linear system of mixed-hybrid discretization of the linear porous media flow with possible preferential flow in fractures and chanels |
darcy_flow_mh.hh | Mixed-hybrid model of linear Darcy flow, possibly unsteady |
darcy_flow_mh_output.cc | Output class for darcy_flow_mh model |
darcy_flow_mh_output.hh | Output class for darcy_flow_mh model |
mh_dofhandler.cc |
mh_dofhandler.hh |
mortar_assembly.cc | |
mortar_assembly.hh | |
richards_lmh.cc | |
richards_lmh.hh | |
soil_models.cc | |
soil_models.hh | |
► input | |
► json_spirit | |
json_spirit.h | |
json_spirit_error_position.h | |
json_spirit_reader.cpp | |
json_spirit_reader.h | |
json_spirit_reader_template.h | |
json_spirit_stream_reader.h | |
json_spirit_utils.h | |
json_spirit_value.cpp | |
json_spirit_value.h | |
json_spirit_writer.cpp | |
json_spirit_writer.h | |
json_spirit_writer_options.h | |
json_spirit_writer_template.h | |
accessors.cc |
accessors.hh |
accessors_forward.hh | |
accessors_impl.hh |
attribute_lib.hh | |
comment_filter.hh |
const_hashes.h | |
csv_tokenizer.cc | |
csv_tokenizer.hh | |
factory.hh |
factory_impl.hh |
finite_state_filter.hpp | |
flow_attribute_lib.hh | |
input_exception.hh |
input_type.hh |
input_type_forward.hh | |
path_base.cc |
path_base.hh |
path_json.cc |
path_json.hh |
path_yaml.cc |
path_yaml.hh |
reader_internal.cc | |
reader_internal.hh | |
reader_internal_base.cc | |
reader_internal_base.hh | |
reader_internal_csv.cc | |
reader_internal_csv.hh | |
reader_internal_transpose.cc | |
reader_internal_transpose.hh | |
reader_to_storage.cc |
reader_to_storage.hh |
storage.cc |
storage.hh |
type_abstract.cc | |
type_abstract.hh | |
type_base.cc |
type_base.hh |
type_generic.cc |
type_generic.hh |
type_output.cc |
type_output.hh |
type_record.cc |
type_record.hh |
type_repository.hh |
type_selection.cc |
type_selection.hh |
type_tuple.cc | |
type_tuple.hh | |
► intersection | |
compute_intersection.cc | |
compute_intersection.hh | Fundamental simplicial intersections |
inspect_elements_algorithm.cc | |
inspect_elements_algorithm.hh | |
intersection_aux.cc | |
intersection_aux.hh | Internal class representing intersection object |
intersection_local.cc | |
intersection_local.hh | Classes with algorithms for computation of intersections of meshes |
intersection_point_aux.cc | |
intersection_point_aux.hh | Internal class representing intersection point |
mixed_mesh_intersections.cc | |
mixed_mesh_intersections.hh | |
plucker.cc | |
plucker.hh | Plucker coordinates class |
► io | |
element_data_cache.cc | |
element_data_cache.hh |
element_data_cache_base.hh | |
msh_basereader.cc | |
msh_basereader.hh | |
msh_gmshreader.cc |
msh_gmshreader.h |
msh_pvdreader.cc | |
msh_pvdreader.hh | |
msh_vtkreader.cc | |
msh_vtkreader.hh | |
observe.cc | |
observe.hh | |
output_element.hh | Class OutputElement and its iterator OutputElementIterator on the output mesh |
output_mesh.cc | Classes for auxiliary output mesh |
output_mesh.hh | Classes for auxiliary output mesh |
output_msh.cc | The functions for outputs to GMSH files |
output_msh.hh | |
output_time.cc | |
output_time.hh |
output_time.impl.hh | |
output_time_set.cc | |
output_time_set.hh | |
output_vtk.cc | The functions for outputs to VTK files |
output_vtk.hh | |
reader_cache.cc |
reader_cache.hh |
► la | |
bddcml_wrapper.cc | |
bddcml_wrapper.hh | |
distribution.cc | Objects and functions for mesh partitioning |
distribution.hh | Support classes for parallel programing |
la_linsys_new.hh |
linsys.cc | Wrappers for linear systems based on MPIAIJ and MATIS format |
linsys.hh | Wrappers for linear systems based on MPIAIJ and MATIS format |
linsys_BDDC.cc | Solver based on Multilevel BDDC - using corresponding class of OpenFTL package |
linsys_BDDC.hh | Solver based on Multilevel BDDC - using corresponding class of OpenFTL package |
linsys_PETSC.cc | Solver based on the original PETSc solver using MPIAIJ matrix and succesive Schur complement construction |
linsys_PETSC.hh | Solver based on the original PETSc solver using MPIAIJ matrix and succesive Schur complement construction |
local_constraint.hh | |
local_system.cc | |
local_system.hh | |
local_to_global_map.cc |
local_to_global_map.hh |
matrix_coo.hpp |
schur.cc | Assembly explicit Schur complement for the given linear system. Provides method for resolution of the full original vector of unknowns |
schur.hh | Assembly explicit Schur complement for the given linear system. Provides method for resolution of the full original vector of unknowns |
sparse_graph.cc | Construction and partitioning of a sparse graph |
sparse_graph.hh | Distributed sparse graphs, partitioning |
vector_mpi.cc | |
vector_mpi.hh | |
► mechanics | |
assembly_elasticity.hh | |
elasticity.cc | |
elasticity.hh | FEM for linear elasticity |
► mesh | |
accessors.cc | Implementation of other functions of the mesh accessors |
accessors.hh |
accessors_impl.hh | Implementation of the inline functions of the mesh accessors |
bc_mesh.cc | Mesh construction |
bc_mesh.hh | |
bih_node.hh |
bih_tree.cc |
bih_tree.hh |
bounding_box.cc |
bounding_box.hh |
duplicate_nodes.cc | Construction of mesh structure with nodes duplicated at fractures |
duplicate_nodes.h |
elements.cc | Various element oriented stuff, should be restricted to purely geometric functions |
elements.h |
intersectionquadrature.cc | |
intersectionquadrature.hh | ??? |
mesh.cc | Mesh construction |
mesh.h |
mesh_data.hh | Internal mesh data classes |
mesh_optimizer.hh | |
neighbours.cc | Initialize neighbouring |
neighbours.h |
node_accessor.hh | |
partitioning.cc |
partitioning.hh |
point.hh |
range_wrapper.hh | Implementation of range helper class |
ref_element.cc | Class RefElement defines numbering of vertices, sides, calculation of normal vectors etc |
ref_element.hh | Class RefElement defines numbering of vertices, sides, calculation of normal vectors etc |
region.cc |
region.hh |
region_set.cc | |
region_set.hh | |
► python | |
► benchmarks | |
► src | |
► libs | |
json.hpp | |
memory.cc | |
► quadrature | |
intersection_quadrature.cc | |
intersection_quadrature.hh | ??? |
qmidpoint.hh | Midpoint rule qudrature |
quad.c | |
quad.h | |
quadrature.cc | |
quadrature.hh | Basic definitions of numerical quadrature rules |
quadrature_lib.cc | Definitions of particular quadrature rules on simplices |
quadrature_lib.hh | Definitions of particular quadrature rules on simplices |
► reaction | |
assembly_reaction.hh | |
dual_porosity.cc |
dual_porosity.hh | Class Dual_por_exchange implements the model of dual porosity |
first_order_reaction.cc |
first_order_reaction.hh |
first_order_reaction_base.cc |
first_order_reaction_base.hh |
isotherm.cc |
isotherm.hh |
linear_ode_solver.cc |
linear_ode_solver.hh |
radioactive_decay.cc |
radioactive_decay.hh |
reaction_term.cc |
reaction_term.hh | Class ReactionTerm is an abstract class representing reaction term in transport |
sorption.cc |
sorption.hh | This file contains classes representing sorption model. Sorption model can be computed both in case the dual porosity is considered or not |
sorption_base.cc |
sorption_base.hh | Class SorptionBase is abstract class representing model of sorption in transport |
► system | |
► fmt | |
format.cc | |
format.h | |
ostream.cc | |
ostream.h | |
posix.cc | |
posix.h | |
printf.h | |
string.h | |
► mpiuni | |
mpi.c | |
mpi.h | |
application_base.cc |
application_base.hh |
armadillo_tools.cc | |
armadillo_tools.hh | |
armor.hh | |
asserts.cc | Definitions of ASSERTS |
asserts.hh | Definitions of ASSERTS |
exc_common.hh |
exceptions.cc |
exceptions.hh |
file_path.cc |
file_path.hh |
flag_array.hh |
global_defs.h | Global macros to enhance readability and debugging, general constants |
index_types.hh |
lazy_dependecy.hh |
logger.cc | |
logger.hh | |
logger_options.cc | |
logger_options.hh | |
math_fce.cc | Auxiliary math functions |
math_fce.h |
python_loader.cc |
python_loader.hh |
simple_allocator.hh | |
stack_trace.cc | |
stack_trace.hh | |
sys_profiler.cc | Profiler |
sys_profiler.hh |
system.cc | Various system-wide functions |
system.hh |
time_point.cc |
time_point.hh |
tokenizer.cc |
tokenizer.hh |
► tools | |
adaptivesimpson.cc |
adaptivesimpson.hh |
bidirectional_map.hh | Implementation of bidirectional map |
functors.hh |
functors_impl.hh |
general_iterator.hh | Template Iter serves as general template for internal iterators |
include_fadbad.hh | |
interpolant.cc |
interpolant.hh |
interpolant_impl.hh |
mixed.hh | |
revertable_list.hh | |
time_governor.cc | Basic time management class |
time_governor.hh | Basic time management class |
time_marks.cc |
time_marks.hh |
unit_converter.cc | |
unit_converter.hh | |
unit_converter_template.hh | |
unit_si.cc |
unit_si.hh |
► transport | |
advection_diffusion_model.hh | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
advection_process_base.hh | |
assembly_convection.hh | |
assembly_dg.hh | |
concentration_model.cc | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
concentration_model.hh | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
heat_model.cc | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
heat_model.hh | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
substance.cc | Classes for storing substance data |
substance.hh | Classes for storing substance data |
transport.cc | Transport |
transport.h |
transport_dg.cc | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
transport_dg.hh | Discontinuous Galerkin method for equation of transport with dispersion |
transport_operator_splitting.cc |
transport_operator_splitting.hh |
doxy_dummy_defs.hh | |
main.cc | This file should contain only creation of Application object |
main.h |