Flow123d  JS_before_hm-978-gf0793cd
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*!
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  *
14  * @file sys_profiler.hh
15  * @brief
16  * @todo
17  * - START_GLOBAL_TIMER(tag) - this calls the start_timer, which creates local timer on the correct place in the hierarchy,
18  * further this timer is added to the list of global timers, this contains groups of timers with same tag, and
19  * collect/sum data from these timers in the report.
20  *
21  * - Allow output even during calculation (not complete, but at least some thing)
22  * Report should contain time of start as well as time of creation of the report or time from start of the program.
23  *
24  * - When generating report we has to deal with possibly different trees at every MPI process.
25  *
26  * - test memory profiling
27  * in our own new and xmalloc functions - register allocatied and deallocated memory to active Profiler frame.
28  *
29  * - test in parallel
30  * - extended output:
31  * cas na jedno volani (jina redukce nez pro kumulativni cas, pokud je pocet volani ruzny)
32  * procenta vuci predkovi
33  * code point (az nekde na konci radky)
34  *
35  *
36  * !!! Unfortunately using constexpr is worse (without optimization).
37  * This is probably due to use of static variable for
38  * CodePoint, the access could be slow, and computation of hash is done only once. Actually timing results
39  * are:
40  *
41  * OPTIONS OVERHEAD (compared to call 2x clock())
42  * -g, no c++11 : 18%
43  * -g, c++11 : 60%
44  * -O3,no c++11 : 6%
45  * -O3, c++11 : 6%
46  */
48 #ifndef PROFILER_H
49 #define PROFILER_H
51 #include "global_defs.h"
53 #include <mpi.h>
54 #include <ostream>
55 #include <unordered_map>
57 namespace boost { template <class T> struct hash; }
58 #include <boost/functional/hash/hash.hpp> // for hash
59 #include <boost/ref.hpp>
60 #include <boost/tuple/detail/tuple_basic.hpp> // for get
62 #include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
64 #include "time_point.hh"
65 #include "petscsys.h"
66 #include "simple_allocator.hh"
68 //instead of #include "mpi.h"
69 //mpi declarations follows:
71 public:
72  static int sum(int* val, MPI_Comm comm);
73  static double sum(double* val, MPI_Comm comm);
74  static long sum(long* val, MPI_Comm comm);
76  static int min(int* val, MPI_Comm comm);
77  static double min(double* val, MPI_Comm comm);
78  static long min(long* val, MPI_Comm comm);
80  static int max(int* val, MPI_Comm comm);
81  static double max(double* val, MPI_Comm comm);
82  static long max(long* val, MPI_Comm comm);
83 };
85 // Assuming all compilers support constexpr
86 #define CONSTEXPR_ constexpr
88 using namespace std;
91 // These helper macros are necessary due to use of _LINE_ variable in START_TIMER macro.
92 #define _PASTE(a,b) a ## b
93 #define PASTE(a,b) _PASTE(a, b)
97 /**
98  * \def START_TIMER(tag)
99  *
100  * @brief Starts a timer with specified tag.
101  *
102  * In fact it creates an static constant expression that identifies the point in the code and
103  * contains tag of the involved timer and its hash. Then it creates local variable that
104  * calls @p Profiler::start_timer() in constructor and @p Profiler::stop_timer() in destructor.
105  * This way the timer is automatically closed at the end of current block.
106  *
107  * ATTENTION: This macro expands to two statements so following code is illegal:
108  * @code
109  * if (some_condition) START_TIMER(tag);
110  * @endcode
111  */
113 #define START_TIMER(tag) static CONSTEXPR_ CodePoint PASTE(cp_,__LINE__) = CODE_POINT(tag); TimerFrame PASTE(timer_,__LINE__) = TimerFrame( PASTE(cp_,__LINE__) )
114 #else
115 #define START_TIMER(tag)
116 #endif
118 /**
119  * \def START_TIMER_EXT (tag, subtag)
120  *
121  * @brief Starts a timer with specified tag and subtag.
122  *
123  * In fact it creates an static constant expression that identifies the point in the code and
124  * contains tag and subtag of the involved timer and its hash. Then it creates local variable that
125  * calls @p Profiler::start_timer() in constructor and @p Profiler::stop_timer() in destructor.
126  * This way the timer is automatically closed at the end of current block.
127  *
128  * ATTENTION: This macro expands to two statements so following code is illegal:
129  * @code
130  * if (some_condition) START_TIMER_EXT(tag, subtag);
131  * @endcode
132  */
134 #define START_TIMER_EXT(tag, subtag) static CONSTEXPR_ CodePoint PASTE(cp_,__LINE__) = CODE_POINT_EXT(tag, subtag); TimerFrame PASTE(timer_,__LINE__) = TimerFrame( PASTE(cp_,__LINE__) )
135 #else
136 #define START_TIMER_EXT(tag, subtag)
137 #endif
139 /**
140  * \def END_TIMER(tag)
141  *
142  * @brief Ends a timer with specified tag.
143  *
144  * Use only if you want to end timer before the end of block. Again this expands into two lines, see ATTENTION in previous macro.
145  */
147 #define END_TIMER(tag) static CONSTEXPR_ CodePoint PASTE(cp_,__LINE__) = CODE_POINT(tag); Profiler::instance()->stop_timer( PASTE(cp_,__LINE__) )
148 #else
149 #define END_TIMER(tag)
150 #endif
152 /**
153  * \def END_START_TIMER(tag)
154  *
155  * Ends current timer and starts the new one with given tag. Again this expands into two lines, see ATTENTION in previous macro.
156  */
158 #define END_START_TIMER(tag) Profiler::instance()->stop_timer(); START_TIMER(tag);
159 #else
160 #define END_START_TIMER(tag)
161 #endif
164 /**
165  * \def ADD_CALLS(n_calls)
166  *
167  * @brief Increase number of calls in actual timer.
168  *
169  * Some time you want to measure a performance of a cycle with body that is below resolution of the Timer implementation.
170  * If you know number of cycles, you can use this macro in following way:
171  *
172  * @code
173  * START_TIMER("cycle");
174  * unsigned int i;
175  * for(i =0; i<1000000; i++) i*i*i;
176  * ADD_CALLS(i);
177  * END_TIMER("cycle");
178  * @endcode
179  *
180  * In the profiler report you get the total time spent in the cycle, and time per one call which will be average
181  * time spent in the body of the cycle.
182  */
184 #define ADD_CALLS(n_calls) Profiler::instance()->add_calls(n_calls)
185 #else
186 #define ADD_CALLS(n_calls)
187 #endif
192 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
195 /**
196  * Variable which represents value when no subtag was specified in CodePoint class
197  */
200 /**
201  * Variable used for default value in hash process
202  */
205 /**
206  * @brief Function for compile-time hash computation. (Needs C++x11 standard.)
207  * Input, @p str, is constant null terminated string, result is unsigned int (usually 4 bytes).
208  * Function has to be recursive, since standard requires that the body consists only from the return statement.
209  *
210  * SALT is hash for the empty string. Currently zero for simpler testing.
211  */
212 inline CONSTEXPR_ unsigned int str_hash(const char * str, unsigned int default_value) {
213  #define SALT 0 //0xef50e38f
214  return (*str == 0 ? SALT : default_value + str_hash(str+1, PROFILER_HASH_DEFAULT) * 101 + (unsigned int)(*str) );
215 }
217 /**
218  * Macro to generate constexpr CodePoint object.
219  */
220 #define CODE_POINT(tag) CodePoint(tag, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
222 /**
223  * Macro to generate constexpr CodePoint object.
224  */
225 #define CODE_POINT_EXT(tag, subtag) CodePoint(tag, subtag, __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__)
230 /**
231  * @brief Class that represents point in the code.
232  *
233  * This class allow construction at compile time. And includes the information about the code point as well
234  * as the 'tag' of the timer and cimpile-time computed hashes of this 'tag'. The @p hash_ is long one with
235  * very small probability of collisions - this we use for comparison of tags. The @p hash_idx_ is the long hash modulo
236  * length of the array of Timer's children, this is used for fast loop up into this array that servers as a simple hash table.
237  */
238 class CodePoint {
239 public:
240  CONSTEXPR_ CodePoint(const char *tag, const char * file, const char * func, const unsigned int line)
241  : tag_(tag), subtag_(PROFILER_EMPTY_SUBTAG), file_(file), func_(func), line_(line),
242  hash_(str_hash(tag, PROFILER_HASH_DEFAULT)),
243  hash_idx_( str_hash(tag, PROFILER_HASH_DEFAULT)%max_n_timer_childs )
244  {};
245  CONSTEXPR_ CodePoint(const char *tag, const char *subtag, const char * file, const char * func, const unsigned int line)
246  : tag_(tag), subtag_(subtag), file_(file), func_(func), line_(line),
247  hash_(str_hash(subtag, str_hash(tag, PROFILER_HASH_DEFAULT))),
248  hash_idx_( str_hash(subtag, str_hash(tag, PROFILER_HASH_DEFAULT))%max_n_timer_childs )
249  {};
251  /// Size of child arrays in timer nodes.
252  static const unsigned int max_n_timer_childs=13;
254  /// Tag of the code point.
255  const char * const tag_;
257  /// Subtag of the code point.
258  const char * const subtag_;
260  /// file name of the code point
261  const char * const file_;
263  /// file name of the code point
264  const char * const func_;
266  /// file name of the code point
267  const unsigned int line_;
269  /// Full 32-bit hash of the tag ( practically no chance of collision)
270  unsigned int hash_;
272  /// Hash modulo size of array of timer childs ( we have to check full hash to prevent collision)
273  unsigned int hash_idx_;
274 };
278 /**
279  * @brief Class for profiling tree nodes.
280  *
281  * One Timer represents one particular time frame in the execution tree.
282  * It collects information about total time, number of calls, allocated and deallocated memory.
283  *
284  * It should be accessed only through Profiler, which is its friend class.
285  *
286  * TODO: for better performance: move copy hash_ and hash_idx_ into Timer since CodePoint are in static
287  * variables, that may be slower to acces.
288  *
289  */
290 class Timer {
293 public:
294  /// Size of array @p child_timers, the hash table containing descendants in the call tree.
295  static const unsigned int max_n_childs=CodePoint::max_n_timer_childs;
297  /**
298  * Creates the timer node object. Should not be called directly, but through the START_TIMER macro.
299  */
300  Timer(const CodePoint &cp, int parent);
303  /**
304  * Start the timer. If it is already started, just increase number of starts (recursions) and calls.
305  */
306  void start();
308  /**
309  * If number of starts (recursions) drop back to zero, we stop the timer and add the period to the cumulative time.
310  * This method do not take care of its childs (it has no access to the other timers).
311  * When the parameter 2p forced is 'true', we stop the timer immediately regardless the number of recursions.
312  * Returns true if the timer is not closed (recursions didn't drop to zero yet).
313  */
314  bool stop(bool forced = false);
317  /// Getter for the 'tag'.
318  inline string tag() const {
319  string buf(code_point_->tag_);
320  buf.append(code_point_->subtag_);
321  return buf;
322  }
324  /// Returns true if the timer is open, number of starts (recursions) is nonzero.
325  inline bool running() const
326  { return start_count >0; }
328  /// Returns string with description of the code point where the timer was first started.
329  std::string code_point_str() const;
331  /**
332  * Returns cumulative time of the timer in seconds.
333  */
334  double cumulative_time() const;
336  /*
337  * Adds given index @p child_index of the timer @p child to the correct place in the hash table.
338  */
339  void add_child(int child_index, const Timer &child);
342 protected:
344  /**
345  * Pauses current timer, save measured petsc memory information util resume.
346  * We get Petsc maximum memory usage via PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage call
347  * and save this value into temp value. (we override local maximum if temp
348  * value is greater)
349  */
350  void pause();
351  /**
352  * Resume current timer. e tell Petsc to monitor the maximum memory
353  * usage once again. We call PetscMemorySetGetMaximumUsage so later in
354  * resume() method will PetscMemoryGetMaximumUsage method work.
355  */
356  void resume();
358  /**
359  * Start time when frame opens.
360  */
361  TimePoint start_time;
362  /**
363  * Cumulative time spent in the frame.
364  */
365  double cumul_time;
366  /**
367  * Total number of opening of the frame.
368  */
369  unsigned int call_count;
370  /**
371  * Number of recursive openings.
372  */
373  unsigned int start_count;
376  /**
377  * Code point of the first START_TIMER for the particular tag. The 'tag' identifies timer
378  * and is used in reported profiler table.
379  */
380  const CodePoint *code_point_;
381  /// Full tag hash. Copy from code_point_.
382  unsigned int full_hash_;
383  /// Hash modulo size of array of timer childs. Copy from code_point_.
384  unsigned int hash_idx_;
386  /**
387  * Index of the parent timer node in the tree. Negative value means 'not set'.
388  */
389  int parent_timer;
390  /**
391  * Indices of the child timers in the Profiler::timers_ vector. Negative values means 'not set'.
392  */
393  int child_timers[max_n_childs];
395  /**
396  * Total number of bytes allocated in this frame. After
397  * Profiler::propagate_timers call will also contain values from children.
398  */
399  size_t total_allocated_;
400  /**
401  * Total number of bytes deallocated in this frame. After
402  * Profiler::propagate_timers call, will also contain values from children.
403  */
404  size_t total_deallocated_;
405  /**
406  * Maximum number of bytes allocated at one time in this frame. After
407  * Profiler::propagate_timers call, maximum value will be taken from this
408  * Timer and also from all children Timers.
409  */
410  size_t max_allocated_;
411  /**
412  * Current number of bytes allocated in this frame at the same time.
413  * This value is used to monitor maximum bytes allocated. When notify_free
414  * and notify_malloc is called this values is changed and new maximum
415  * is tested.
416  */
417  size_t current_allocated_;
419  /**
420  * Number of times new/new[] operator was used in this scope
421  */
422  int alloc_called;
423  /**
424  * Number of times delete/delete[] operator was used in this scope
425  */
426  int dealloc_called;
428  #ifdef FLOW123D_HAVE_PETSC
429  /**
430  * Number of bytes used by Petsc at the start of time-frame
431  */
432  PetscLogDouble petsc_start_memory;
433  /**
434  * Number of bytes used by Petsc at the end of time-frame
435  */
436  PetscLogDouble petsc_end_memory;
437  /**
438  * Difference between start and end of a petsc memory usage
439  */
440  PetscLogDouble petsc_memory_difference;
441  /**
442  * Maximum amount of memory used that was PetscMalloc()ed at any time
443  * during this run.
444  *
445  * The memory usage reported here includes all Fortran arrays (that may be
446  * used in application-defined sections of code).
447  */
448  PetscLogDouble petsc_peak_memory;
449  /**
450  * Local maximum amount of memory used that was PetscMalloc()ed
451  * used during time-frame pause/resume. Auxilary variable for storing
452  * local memory used when pause is called.
453  */
454  PetscLogDouble petsc_local_peak_memory;
455  #endif // FLOW123D_HAVE_PETSC
457  friend class Profiler;
458  friend std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream&, const Timer&);
460  /**
461  * if under unit testing, specify friend so protected members can be tested
462  */
463  #ifdef __UNIT_TEST__
464  friend ProfilerTest;
465  #endif /* __UNIT_TEST__ */
467 };
469 /*
470 struct SimpleTranslator {
471  typedef std::string internal_type;
472  typedef int external_type;
474  // Converts a string to int
475  boost::optional<external_type> get_value(const internal_type& str) {
476  return boost::optional<external_type>(std::stoi(str));
477  }
479  // Converts a bool to string
480  boost::optional<internal_type> put_value(const external_type& i){
481  return boost::optional<internal_type>(std::to_string(i));
482  }
483 };
485 namespace boost {
486 namespace property_tree {
488 template<typename Ch, typename Traits, typename Alloc>
489 struct translator_between<std::basic_string< Ch, Traits, Alloc >, int> {
490  typedef SimpleTranslator type;
491 };
494 } // namespace property_tree
495 } // namespace boost
496 */
497 /**
498  *
499  * @brief Main class for profiling by measuring time intervals.
500  *
501  * These time intervals form a tree structure where each interval is represented
502  * by a Timer object. The root node of the tree is automatically created and
503  * started after creating the Profiler object and cannot be stopped manually.
504  *
505  * The class implements a singleton pattern and all the functions are accessible trough
506  * Profiler::instance(), but in most cases the programmer will access the profiler
507  * functions via the #START_TIMER and #END_TIMER macros. The #START_TIMER macro
508  * is responsible for the fact that we don't have to call #END_TIMER macro to stop the timer and
509  * the timer will be stopped at the end of the block in which #START_TIMER was used.
510  * These macros internally use the TimerFrame objects and the programmer should
511  * not use the TimerFrame objects directly.
512  *
513  * By using #SET_TIMER_SUBFRAMES macro, the programmer can specify the number of subframes (eg. iterations)
514  * for the currently active timer.
515  *
516  *
517  * Currently the Profiler system is not thread safe. No idea how to do this.
518  *
519  */
520 class Profiler {
521 public:
522  /**
523  * Returns unique Profiler object.
524  * if clear flag is set, will delete profiiler isntance
525  */
526  static Profiler* instance(bool clear = false);
527  /**
528  * Sets task specific information. The string @p description with textual description of the task and the
529  * number of elements of the mesh (parameter @p size). This is used for weak scaling graphs so it should
530  * measure size of the task of the same type (same description).
531  *
532  */
533  void set_task_info(string description, int size);
534  /**
535  * Sets informations about program version. This consists of @p program_version (includes program name), @p branch in the repository or rather full URL of the branch,
536  * and SVN @p revision (or hash for GIT).
537  *
538  */
539  void set_program_info(string program_name, string program_version, string branch, string revision, string build);
542  /**
543  * Starts a timer with code point, tag and hashes specified by CodePoint object @p cp.
544  * If the timer is not already created, it creates a new one. It returns index of
545  * the actual timer.
546  */
547  int start_timer(const CodePoint &cp);
548  /**
549  * Stops actual timer. It check if the hash of given code point match hash of the
550  * tag of actual timer node. If not we print out warning and try to find the correct tag
551  * towards the tree root closing all nodes we pass through.
552  *
553  * If FLOW123D_DEBUG is set, we check that all children are closed.
554  */
555  void stop_timer(const CodePoint &cp);
557  /**
558  * Stop timer with index given by @p timer_index. If this is not equal to @p actual_node, we
559  * traverse the tree towards root while force closing nodes by the way.
560  *
561  * Negative @p timer_index means close @p actual_node
562  */
563  void stop_timer(int timer_index = -1);
565  /**
566  * Adds @p n_calls - 1 to the total number of calls of the current timer. Minus one, since one call is counted when
567  * timer was started. You should use macro ADD_CALLS above.
568  */
569  void add_calls(unsigned int n_calls);
570  /**
571  * Notification about allocation of given size.
572  * Increase total allocated memory in current profiler frame.
573  */
574  void notify_malloc(const size_t size, const long p);
575  /**
576  * Notification about freeing memory of given size.
577  * Increase total deallocated memory in current profiler frame.
578  */
579  void notify_free(const long p);
581  /**
582  * Return average profiler timer resolution in seconds
583  * based on 100 measurements
584  */
585  static double get_resolution ();
588 #ifdef FLOW123D_HAVE_MPI
589  /**
590  * @brief Output current timing information into the given stream.
591  *
592  * COLECTIVE - all processes in the communicator have to call this
593  * method. All timers are finished, all processes are synchronized, collect
594  * profiling informations are collected and written to the given stream.
595  *
596  * Pass through the profiling tree (collective over processors)
597  * Print cumulative times average, balance (max/min), count (denote differences)
598  *
599  */
600  void output(MPI_Comm comm, std::ostream &os);
602  /**
603  * Same as previous, but output to the file with default name: "profiler_info_YYMMDD_HH::MM:SS.log".
604  * Empty body if macro FLOW123D_DEBUG_PROFILER is not defined.
605  */
606  void output(MPI_Comm comm, string profiler_path = "");
608 #endif /* FLOW123D_HAVE_MPI */
609  /**
610  * @brief Output current timing information into the given stream.
611  *
612  * It temporally stops all timers, synchronize all processes, collect
613  * profiling informations and write it to the given stream.
614  *
615  * Pass through the profiling tree (collective over processors)
616  * Print cumulative times average, balance (max/min), count (denote differences)
617  *
618  */
619  void output(std::ostream &os);
621  /**
622  * Same as previous, but output to the file with default name: "profiler_info_YYMMDD_HH::MM:SS.log".
623  * Empty body if macro FLOW123D_DEBUG_PROFILER is not defined.
624  */
625  void output(string profiler_path = "");
627  /**
628  * Method will transform last profiler json file to desired format
629  */
630  void transform_profiler_data (const string &output_file_suffix, const string &formatter);
631  /**
632  * Stop all timers and destroys the Profiler object.
633  * If you want some output call @p output method just before.
634  */
635  static void uninitialize();
637  /**
638  * Class-specific allocation function new. Called by the usual
639  * single-object new-expressions if allocating an object of type Profiler.
640  */
641  static void* operator new (size_t sz);
642  /**
643  * Class-specific allocation function delete. Deallocates storage
644  * previously allocated by a matching operator new. These deallocation
645  * functions are called by delete-expressions.
646  */
647  static void operator delete (void* p);
648  /// Sized deallocator, doesthe same as operator delete (void* p)
649  static void operator delete (void* p, std::size_t);
651  /**
652  * Public setter to turn on/off memory monitoring
653  * @param global_monitor whether to turn global monitoring on or off
654  * @param petsc_monitor petsc monitoring
655  */
656  void static set_memory_monitoring(const bool global_monitor, const bool petsc_monitor);
658  /**
659  * Public getter to memory monitoring
660  * @return memory monitoring status
661  */
662  bool static get_global_memory_monitoring();
664  /**
665  * Public getter to petsc memory monitoring
666  * @return memory monitoring status
667  */
668  bool static get_petsc_memory_monitoring();
670  /**
671  * if under unit testing, specify friend so protected members can be tested
672  */
673  #ifdef __UNIT_TEST__
674  friend ProfilerTest;
675  #endif /* __UNIT_TEST__ */
677 protected:
679  /**
680  * Whether to monitor operator 'new/delete'
681  */
682  static bool global_monitor_memory;
684  /**
685  * Whether to monitor petsc memory usage
686  */
687  static bool petsc_monitor_memory;
689  /**
690  * When creating Profiler also reserve some bytes in malloc_map so overhead
691  * of creating single items is lowered. This value is passed as parameter in
692  * map.reserve() method so it indicates how many objects (pointers) are
693  * allocated at first.
694  */
695  static const long malloc_map_reserve;
697  /**
698  * Method will propagate values from children timers to its parents
699  */
700  void propagate_timers ();
702  /**
703  * Method for exchanging metrics from child timer to its parent timer
704  */
705  void accept_from_child (Timer &parent, Timer &child);
707  /**
708  * Try to find timer with tag (in fact only its 32-bit hash) from given code point @p cp.
709  * Returns -1 if it is not found otherwise it returns its index.
710  */
711  int find_child(const CodePoint &cp);
714  /**
715  * Method will prepare construct specific details about the run (time start and time end)
716  * and write them along with basic informations about the run (name, description, ...)
717  * into nlohmann:json object
718  */
719  void output_header (nlohmann::json &root, int mpi_size);
721  /**
722  * Open a new file for profiler output with default name based on the
723  * actual time and date. Returns a pointer to the stream of the output file.
724  */
725  std::shared_ptr<std::ostream> get_default_output_stream();
727  /// Vector of all timers. Whole tree is stored in this array.
730  /// Index of the actual timer node. Negative value means 'unset'.
731  unsigned int actual_node;
733  /// MPI communicator used for final reduce of the timer node tree.
734  //MPI_Comm communicator_;
735  /// MPI_rank
736  //int mpi_rank_;
738  /**
739  * flag indicating that collection of timer details will be
740  * using MPI
741  bool mpi_used;
742  */
743  // header informations
745  /// Some measure of the size of the task in the set of the tasks that differs
746  /// only by size - used for scaling tests.
747  int task_size_;
748  /// Task description and identifier in possible database of all Profiler results.
749  string task_description_;
750  /// Time and date of the start of the task solution. In fact start of the Profiler.
751  time_t start_time;
753  /// Name of the program.
754  string flow_name_;
755  /// Version of the program.
756  string flow_version_;
757  /// Http address of the branch in a repository.
758  string flow_branch_;
759  /// Revision or GIT hash.
760  string flow_revision_;
761  /// Build date and time.
762  string flow_build_;
763  /// Variable which stores last json log filepath
764  string json_filepath;
767  /**
768  * Use DFS to pass through the tree and collect information about all timers reduced from the processes in the communicator.
769  * For every timer the information strings are stored in the struct TimerInfo in order to pad fields correctly
770  * to have alligned columns on the output. The alligning is performed in the output() method.
771  */
772  template<typename ReduceFunctor>
773  void add_timer_info(ReduceFunctor reduce, nlohmann::json* node, int timer_idx, double parent_time);
775  //Profiler(MPI_Comm comm); // private constructor
776  Profiler(); // private constructor
777  Profiler(Profiler const&); // copy constructor is private
778  Profiler & operator=(Profiler const&); // assignment operator is private
779 };
786 /**
787  *
788  * @brief Class for automatic timer closing. This class is used by #START_TIMER macro
789  * and is responsible for the fact that we don't have to call #END_TIMER macro to stop the timer,
790  * the timer will be stopped at the end of the block in which #START_TIMER was used.
791  *
792  * The main idea of the approach described is that the TimerFrame variable will be destroyed
793  * at the end of the block where #START_TIMER macro was used. In order to work properly
794  * in situations where #END_TIMER was used to stop the timer manually before (but there is still the
795  * variable which will be later destroyed), we have to store references to these variables and
796  * destroy them on-demand.
797  *
798  * TODO:
799  * Should only contain pointer to the Timer. And destructor, that close the timer.
800  */
801 class TimerFrame {
802 private:
803  int const timer_index_;
804 public:
805  inline TimerFrame(const CodePoint &cp)
806  : timer_index_( Profiler::instance()->start_timer(cp) )
807  {}
809  ~TimerFrame() {
810  Profiler::instance()->stop_timer(timer_index_);
811  }
812 };
815 /**
816  * Simple class providing static map variable storing address and alloc size
817  */
818 // gcc version 4.9 and lower has following bug: https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=59751
819 // fix in version 4.9: https://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.9/changes.html#cxx
820 // typedef unordered_map<long, int, hash<long>, equal_to<long>, internal::SimpleAllocator<pair<const long, int>>> unordered_map_with_alloc;
821 typedef std::unordered_map<long, int, boost::hash<long>, equal_to<long>, internal::SimpleAllocator<std::pair<const long, int>>> unordered_map_with_alloc;
822 class MemoryAlloc {
823 public:
824  /**
825  * Create static map containing <allocation address, allocation size> pairs
826  * map is used for storing allocations and deallocations of all object not
827  * related to profiler after profiler initialization phase
828  */
829  static unordered_map_with_alloc & malloc_map();
830 };
835 #else // FLOW123D_DEBUG_PROFILER
838 // dummy declaration of Profiler class
839 class Profiler {
840 public:
841  static Profiler* instance(bool clear = false);
843  void set_task_info(string, int)
844  {}
845  void set_program_info(string, string, string, string, string)
846  {}
847  void notify_malloc(const size_t )
848  {}
849  void notify_free(const size_t )
850  {}
851  void output(MPI_Comm, ostream &)
852  {}
854  {}
855  void transform_profiler_data(const string &, const string &)
856  {}
857  double get_resolution () const
858  { return 0.0; }
859  const char *actual_tag() const
860  { return NULL; }
861  inline unsigned int actual_count() const
862  { return 0; }
863  inline double actual_cumulative_time() const
864  { return 0.0; }
865  static void uninitialize();
866 private:
867  Profiler() {}
868 };
873 #endif
876 #endif
void set_task_info(string, int)
#define CONSTEXPR_
Definition: sys_profiler.hh:86
int MPI_Comm
Definition: mpi.h:141
a class to store JSON values
Definition: json.hpp:173
double get_resolution() const
unsigned int actual_count() const
double actual_cumulative_time() const
void set_program_info(string, string, string, string, string)
void output(MPI_Comm)
Global macros to enhance readability and debugging, general constants.
void output(MPI_Comm, ostream &)
void notify_malloc(const size_t)
STREAM & operator<<(STREAM &s, UpdateFlags u)
void notify_free(const size_t)
static Profiler * instance(bool clear=false)
Definition: memory.cc:33
void transform_profiler_data(const string &, const string &)
const char * actual_tag() const