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che_semchem.h File Reference
#include <dirent.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
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struct  S_glp
struct  S_melm
struct  S_elm
struct  S_muzl
struct  S_uzl
struct  S_smume
struct  S_vod
struct  S_pvr
struct  S_rpo
struct  S_hpo
struct  S_sez
struct  S_oke
struct  S_matr
struct  S_dpor
struct  S_ctr
struct  TS_prm
struct  TS_lat
struct  TS_che


#define DOS   /* Prepinac DOS X UNIX */
#define VERB   /* Upovidany vystup */
#define S_BOOL   int
#define EX   extern
#define MAXPATH   2048
#define MAX_POC_LATEK   200
#define ACCURACY   1e-12
#define fnsplit   _splitpath
#define fnmerge   _makepath
#define EX   extern
#define MAXK1LM1   2 /* Max. pocet koeficientu v MELM */
#define MAXELKOEF   10 /* Max. pocet koeficientu v ELM */
#define MAXMATRKOEF   7 /* Max. pocet koef. v matr. */
#define MAXDPORKOEF   3 /* Max. pocet koef. v DUAL POROSITY */
#define NLENSPO   16 /* Pocet znaku popisu slozky R + H */
#define NLENPVR   5 /* Maximalni delka popisu vrstev */
#define RUN_OK   0
#define RUN_ERROR   1
#define PRG_NAME   "tran"


void ctimmf (void)
void ctiuzl (void)
void ctielm (void)
void ctistu (void)
void ctiste (void)
void ctistm (void)
void smume (void)
void ctihdm (int, int)
void nastav_slozky (void)
void uvolni_slozky (void)
void ctipop (int)
void inicializace_S_vod (void)
void uvolneni_S_vod (void)
void sumace (double)
void init_DP_mater (void)
void pis_TS2 (double)
int pisTS34 (int, int, double)
int pisDF0 (double, double, int)
int pisDF1 (double, double, int)
int pisDF2 (double, double, int)
int pisDF3 (double, double, int)
void otevri_bin (int)
void pis_bin (int, float *)
void zavri_bin (void)
int pisPOP (char *)
void * seznam_sten (int)
int uzl_pro_elm (int, int)
int iuzl_pro_elm (int, int)
void buble_sort (int *, int)
void vypocet (void)
void sestmat (void)
void objemy (void)
void nej_spolky (int, int, int, int *, int *)
int caskrok (double)
char * fjmeno (char *, char *)
FILE * fotevri (char *, const char *)
int aktualnejsi_soubor (char *, char *)
void Start_programu (char *)
void Konec_programu (char *)
void Prerus_program (char *, int)
char * mezi_cas (int)
void malo_pameti (char *, char *, int)
void pole_je_male (int, char *, int, char *)
void smazlog (void)
void pislog (char *,...)
void pisscr (char *,...)
void win_tran_START (char *)
void win_tran_STOP (void)
void pis_Tran (char *fmt,...)
void cesta_k_souboru_sestav (char *, char *, char *)
void che_nactenichemie (void)
void ctiich (void)
float che_poradi (int param1, double param2, double param3)
void ctiich_obecne (void)
void ctiich_latkyvefazi (void)
void ctiich_dalsilatky (void)
void ctiich_reakce (void)
void che_pocitej_soubor (char *soubor, int *poc_krok)
void che_presun_poc_p_ (void)
void che_outpocp_soubor (FILE *fw)
void che_vypis_soubor (char *soubor)
void che_vypis__soubor (char *soubor)


EX int G_argc
EX char ** G_argv
EX char * G_Program_name
EX time_t G_start_time
EX char * G_mezi_cas
EX int G_exit_code
EX int G_cas_resice
EX int G_cas_rozhrani
EX int * P_Steny
EX int * P_i
EX int * P_j
EX double * P_MM
EX double * P_MR
EX double * P_MX
EX double * P_rslo
EX double * P_rslo_new
EX double * P_rslo_por
EX double * P_sod
EX struct S_glp G_glp
EX struct S_melmP_melm
EX struct S_elmP_elm
EX struct S_muzlP_muzl
EX struct S_uzlP_uzl
EX struct S_smumeP_smume
EX struct S_vodP_vod
EX struct S_pvrP_pvr
EX struct S_rpoP_rpo
EX struct S_sezP_sez
EX struct S_okeP_oke
EX struct S_matrP_matr
EX struct S_dporP_dpor

Detailed Description

 * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Definition in file che_semchem.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define ACCURACY   1e-12

Definition at line 38 of file che_semchem.h.

#define DOS   /* Prepinac DOS X UNIX */

Definition at line 23 of file che_semchem.h.

#define EX   extern

Definition at line 52 of file che_semchem.h.

#define EX   extern

Definition at line 52 of file che_semchem.h.

#define fnmerge   _makepath

Definition at line 41 of file che_semchem.h.

#define fnsplit   _splitpath

Definition at line 40 of file che_semchem.h.

#define MAX_POC_LATEK   200

Definition at line 36 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 37 of file che_semchem.h.

#define MAXDPORKOEF   3 /* Max. pocet koef. v DUAL POROSITY */

Definition at line 100 of file che_semchem.h.

#define MAXELKOEF   10 /* Max. pocet koeficientu v ELM */

Definition at line 98 of file che_semchem.h.

#define MAXK1LM1   2 /* Max. pocet koeficientu v MELM */

Definition at line 97 of file che_semchem.h.

#define MAXMATRKOEF   7 /* Max. pocet koef. v matr. */

Definition at line 99 of file che_semchem.h.

#define MAXPATH   2048

Definition at line 34 of file che_semchem.h.

#define NLENPVR   5 /* Maximalni delka popisu vrstev */

Definition at line 103 of file che_semchem.h.

#define NLENSPO   16 /* Pocet znaku popisu slozky R + H */

Definition at line 102 of file che_semchem.h.

#define PRG_NAME   "tran"

Definition at line 109 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 58 of file che_semchem.h.

#define RUN_ERROR   1

Definition at line 106 of file che_semchem.h.

#define RUN_OK   0

Definition at line 105 of file che_semchem.h.

#define S_BOOL   int

Definition at line 25 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 88 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 94 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 78 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 68 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 73 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 83 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 63 of file che_semchem.h.

#define VERB   /* Upovidany vystup */

Definition at line 24 of file che_semchem.h.

Function Documentation

int aktualnejsi_soubor ( char *  ,
char *   
void buble_sort ( int *  ,
int caskrok ( double  )
void cesta_k_souboru_sestav ( char *  ,
char *  ,
char *   
void che_nactenichemie ( void  )

Definition at line 1981 of file che_semchem.cc.

void che_outpocp_soubor ( FILE *  fw)

Definition at line 65 of file che_semchem.cc.

void che_pocitej_soubor ( char *  soubor,
int *  poc_krok 

Definition at line 1965 of file che_semchem.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

float che_poradi ( int  param1,
double  param2,
double  param3 

Definition at line 2040 of file che_semchem.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void che_presun_poc_p_ ( void  )

Definition at line 1278 of file che_semchem.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void che_vypis__soubor ( char *  soubor)

Definition at line 52 of file che_semchem.cc.

void che_vypis_soubor ( char *  soubor)

Definition at line 40 of file che_semchem.cc.

void ctielm ( void  )
void ctihdm ( int  ,
void ctiich ( void  )

Definition at line 577 of file che_read.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ctiich_dalsilatky ( void  )

Definition at line 285 of file che_read.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ctiich_latkyvefazi ( void  )

Definition at line 161 of file che_read.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ctiich_obecne ( void  )

Definition at line 27 of file che_read.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ctiich_reakce ( void  )

Definition at line 420 of file che_read.cc.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void ctimmf ( void  )
void ctipop ( int  )
void ctiste ( void  )
void ctistm ( void  )
void ctistu ( void  )
void ctiuzl ( void  )
char* fjmeno ( char *  ,
char *   
FILE* fotevri ( char *  ,
const char *   
void inicializace_S_vod ( void  )
void init_DP_mater ( void  )
int iuzl_pro_elm ( int  ,
void Konec_programu ( char *  )
void malo_pameti ( char *  ,
char *  ,
char* mezi_cas ( int  )
void nastav_slozky ( void  )
void nej_spolky ( int  ,
int  ,
int  ,
int *  ,
int *   
void objemy ( void  )
void otevri_bin ( int  )
void pis_bin ( int  ,
float *   
void pis_Tran ( char *  fmt,
void pis_TS2 ( double  )
int pisDF0 ( double  ,
double  ,
int pisDF1 ( double  ,
double  ,
int pisDF2 ( double  ,
double  ,
int pisDF3 ( double  ,
double  ,
void pislog ( char *  ,
int pisPOP ( char *  )
void pisscr ( char *  ,
int pisTS34 ( int  ,
int  ,
void pole_je_male ( int  ,
char *  ,
int  ,
char *   
void Prerus_program ( char *  ,
void sestmat ( void  )
void* seznam_sten ( int  )
void smazlog ( void  )
void smume ( void  )
void Start_programu ( char *  )
void sumace ( double  )
void uvolneni_S_vod ( void  )
void uvolni_slozky ( void  )
int uzl_pro_elm ( int  ,
void vypocet ( void  )
void win_tran_START ( char *  )
void win_tran_STOP ( void  )
void zavri_bin ( void  )

Variable Documentation

EX int G_argc

Definition at line 116 of file che_semchem.h.

EX char** G_argv

Definition at line 117 of file che_semchem.h.

EX int G_cas_resice

Definition at line 125 of file che_semchem.h.

EX int G_cas_rozhrani

Definition at line 125 of file che_semchem.h.

EX int G_exit_code

Definition at line 122 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_glp G_glp

Definition at line 246 of file che_semchem.h.

EX char* G_mezi_cas

Definition at line 120 of file che_semchem.h.

EX char* G_Program_name

Definition at line 118 of file che_semchem.h.

EX time_t G_start_time

Definition at line 119 of file che_semchem.h.


Definition at line 121 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_dpor* P_dpor

Definition at line 507 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_elm* P_elm

Definition at line 325 of file che_semchem.h.

EX int* P_i

Definition at line 141 of file che_semchem.h.

EX int * P_j

Definition at line 141 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_matr* P_matr

Definition at line 494 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_melm* P_melm

Definition at line 264 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double* P_MM

Definition at line 142 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double * P_MR

Definition at line 142 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_muzl* P_muzl

Definition at line 341 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double * P_MX

Definition at line 142 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_oke* P_oke

Definition at line 479 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_pvr* P_pvr

Definition at line 402 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_rpo* P_rpo

Definition at line 419 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double* P_rslo

Definition at line 148 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double* P_rslo_new

Definition at line 149 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double* P_rslo_por

Definition at line 151 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_sez* P_sez

Definition at line 460 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_smume* P_smume

Definition at line 357 of file che_semchem.h.

EX double* P_sod

Definition at line 153 of file che_semchem.h.

EX int* P_Steny

Definition at line 135 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_uzl* P_uzl

Definition at line 348 of file che_semchem.h.

EX struct S_vod* P_vod

Definition at line 392 of file che_semchem.h.