Flow123d  release_3.0.0-859-g84487d0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*!
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
6  * the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
12  *
13  *
14  * @file mesh.h
15  * @brief
16  */
18 #ifndef MAKE_MESH_H
19 #define MAKE_MESH_H
21 #include <mpi.h> // for MPI_Comm, MPI_COMM_WORLD
22 #include <boost/exception/info.hpp> // for error_info::~error_info<...
23 //#include <boost/range.hpp>
24 #include <memory> // for shared_ptr
25 #include <string> // for string
26 #include <vector> // for vector, vector<>::iterator
27 #include "input/accessors.hh" // for Record, Array (ptr only)
28 #include "input/accessors_impl.hh" // for Record::val
29 #include "input/storage.hh" // for ExcStorageTypeMismatch
30 #include "input/type_record.hh" // for Record (ptr only), Recor...
31 #include "mesh/long_idx.hh" // for LongIdx
32 #include "mesh/boundaries.h" // for Boundary
33 #include "mesh/edges.h" // for Edge
34 #include "mesh/region.hh" // for RegionDB, RegionDB::MapE...
35 #include "mesh/nodes.hh"
36 #include "mesh/bounding_box.hh" // for BoundingBox
37 #include "mesh/range_wrapper.hh"
40 #include "system/exceptions.hh" // for operator<<, ExcStream, EI
41 #include "system/file_path.hh" // for FilePath
42 #include "system/sys_vector.hh" // for FullIterator, VectorId<>...
44 class BIHTree;
45 class Distribution;
46 class Partitioning;
48 class Neighbour;
49 class SideIter;
50 class BCMesh;
51 class DuplicateNodes;
52 template <class Object> class Range;
53 template <int spacedim> class ElementAccessor;
54 template <int spacedim> class NodeAccessor;
57 #define ELM 0
58 #define BC 1
59 #define NODE 2
61 /**
62  * This parameter limits volume of elements from below.
63  */
64 #define MESH_CRITICAL_VOLUME 1.0E-12
70 public:
72 };
76 //=============================================================================
78 //=============================================================================
80 class Mesh {
81 public:
82  TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO( EI_ElemLast, int);
83  TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO( EI_ElemNew, int);
84  TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO( EI_RegLast, std::string);
85  TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO( EI_RegNew, std::string);
86  DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcDuplicateBoundary,
87  << "Duplicate boundary elements! \n"
88  << "Element id: " << EI_ElemLast::val << " on region name: " << EI_RegLast::val << "\n"
89  << "Element id: " << EI_ElemNew::val << " on region name: " << EI_RegNew::val << "\n");
92  /**
93  * \brief Types of search algorithm for finding intersection candidates.
94  */
95  typedef enum IntersectionSearch {
96  BIHsearch = 1,
97  BIHonly = 2,
98  BBsearch = 3
101  /**
102  * \brief The definition of input record for selection of variant of file format
103  */
104  static const Input::Type::Selection & get_input_intersection_variant();
106  static const unsigned int undef_idx=-1;
107  static const Input::Type::Record & get_input_type();
111  /** Labels for coordinate indexes in arma::vec3 representing vectors and points.*/
112  enum {x_coord=0, y_coord=1, z_coord=2};
114  /**
115  * Empty constructor.
116  *
117  * Use only for unit tests!!!
118  */
119  Mesh();
120  /**
121  * Constructor from an input record.
122  * Do not process input record. That is done in init_from_input.
123  */
124  Mesh(Input::Record in_record, MPI_Comm com = MPI_COMM_WORLD);
125  /**
126  * Common part of both previous constructors and way how to reinitialize a mesh from the given input record.
127  */
128  void reinit(Input::Record in_record);
130  /// Destructor.
131  virtual ~Mesh();
133  virtual inline unsigned int n_nodes() const {
134  return node_vec_.size();
135  }
137  inline unsigned int n_boundaries() const {
138  return boundary_.size();
139  }
141  inline unsigned int n_edges() const {
142  return edges.size();
143  }
145  unsigned int n_corners();
147  inline const RegionDB &region_db() const {
148  return region_db_;
149  }
151 // /// Reserve size of node vector
152 // inline void reserve_node_size(unsigned int n_nodes) {
153 // node_vector.reserve(n_nodes);
154 // }
155 //
156 // /// Reserve size of element vector
157 // inline void reserve_element_size(unsigned int n_elements) {
158 // element.reserve(n_elements);
159 // }
161  /**
162  * Returns pointer to partitioning object. Partitioning is created during setup_topology.
163  */
164  virtual Partitioning *get_part();
166  virtual const LongIdx *get_local_part();
169  { return el_ds; }
172  { return row_4_el; }
175  { return el_4_loc; }
178  { return node_ds_; }
181  { return node_4_loc_; }
183  unsigned int n_local_nodes() const
184  { return n_local_nodes_; }
186  /**
187  * Returns MPI communicator of the mesh.
188  */
189  inline MPI_Comm get_comm() const { return comm_; }
192  MixedMeshIntersections &mixed_intersections();
194  unsigned int n_sides() const;
196  unsigned int n_vb_neighbours() const;
198  /**
199  * Returns maximal number of sides of one edge, which connects elements of dimension @p dim.
200  * @param dim Dimension of elements sharing the edge.
201  */
202  unsigned int max_edge_sides(unsigned int dim) const { return max_edge_sides_[dim-1]; }
204  /**
205  * Reads mesh from stream.
206  *
207  * Method is especially used in unit tests.
208  */
209  void read_gmsh_from_stream(istream &in);
210  /**
211  * Reads input record, creates regions, read the mesh, setup topology. creates region sets.
212  */
213  void init_from_input();
216  /**
217  * Initialize all mesh structures from raw information about nodes and elements (including boundary elements).
218  * Namely: create remaining boundary elements and Boundary objects, find edges and compatible neighborings.
219  */
220  void setup_topology();
222  /**
223  * Returns vector of ID numbers of elements, either bulk or bc elemnts.
224  */
225  void elements_id_maps( vector<LongIdx> & bulk_elements_id, vector<LongIdx> & boundary_elements_id) const;
227  /*
228  * Check if nodes and elements are compatible with \p mesh.
229  */
230  virtual bool check_compatible_mesh( Mesh & mesh, vector<LongIdx> & bulk_elements_id, vector<LongIdx> & boundary_elements_id );
232  /// Create and return ElementAccessor to element of given idx
233  virtual ElementAccessor<3> element_accessor(unsigned int idx) const;
235  /// Create and return NodeAccessor to node of given idx
236  NodeAccessor<3> node_accessor(unsigned int idx) const;
238  /**
239  * Reads elements and their affiliation to regions and region sets defined by user in input file
240  * Format of input record is defined in method RegionSetBase::get_input_type()
241  *
242  * @param region_list Array input AbstractRecords which define regions, region sets and elements
243  */
244  void read_regions_from_input(Input::Array region_list);
246  /**
247  * Returns nodes_elements vector, if doesn't exist creates its.
248  */
249  vector<vector<unsigned int> > const & node_elements();
251 // /// Vector of nodes of the mesh.
252 // NodeVector node_vector;
253 // /// Vector of elements of the mesh.
254 // ElementVector element;
256  /// Vector of boundary sides where is prescribed boundary condition.
257  /// TODO: apply all boundary conditions in the main assembling cycle over elements and remove this Vector.
260  /// Vector of MH edges, this should not be part of the geometrical mesh
263  //flow::VectorId<int> bcd_group_id; // gives a index of group for an id
265  /**
266  * Vector of individual intersections of two elements.
267  * This is enough for local mortar.
268  */
269  std::shared_ptr<MixedMeshIntersections> intersections;
271  /**
272  * For every element El we have vector of indices into @var intersections array for every intersection in which El is master element.
273  * This is necessary for true mortar.
274  */
279  /**
280  * Vector of compatible neighbourings.
281  */
284  int n_insides; // # of internal sides
285  int n_exsides; // # of external sides
286  mutable int n_sides_; // total number of sides (should be easy to count when we have separated dimensions
288  int n_lines; // Number of line elements
289  int n_triangles; // Number of triangle elements
290  int n_tetrahedras; // Number of tetrahedra elements
292  // Temporary solution for numbering of nodes on sides.
293  // The data are defined in RefElement<dim>::side_nodes,
294  // Mesh::side_nodes can be removed as soon as Element
295  // is templated by dimension.
296  //
297  // for every side dimension D = 0 .. 2
298  // for every element side 0 .. D+1
299  // for every side node 0 .. D
300  // index into element node array
303  /**
304  * Check usage of regions, set regions to elements defined by user, close RegionDB
305  */
306  void check_and_finish();
308  /// Compute bounding boxes of elements contained in mesh.
309  std::vector<BoundingBox> get_element_boxes();
311  /// Getter for BIH. Creates and compute BIH at first call.
312  const BIHTree &get_bih_tree();\
314  /**
315  * Find intersection of element lists given by Mesh::node_elements_ for elements givne by @p nodes_list parameter.
316  * The result is placed into vector @p intersection_element_list. If the @p node_list is empty, and empty intersection is
317  * returned.
318  */
319  void intersect_element_lists(vector<unsigned int> const &nodes_list, vector<unsigned int> &intersection_element_list);
321  /// Add new node of given id and coordinates to mesh
322  void add_node(unsigned int node_id, arma::vec3 coords);
324  /// Add new element of given id to mesh
325  void add_element(unsigned int elm_id, unsigned int dim, unsigned int region_id, unsigned int partition_id,
326  std::vector<unsigned int> node_ids);
328  /// Add new node of given id and coordinates to mesh
329  void add_physical_name(unsigned int dim, unsigned int id, std::string name);
331  /// Return FilePath object representing "mesh_file" input key
332  inline FilePath mesh_file() {
333  return in_record_.val<FilePath>("mesh_file");
334  }
336  /// Getter for input type selection for intersection search algorithm.
337  IntersectionSearch get_intersection_search();
339  /// Maximal distance of observe point from Mesh relative to its size
340  double global_snap_radius() const;
342  /// Initialize element_vec_, set size and reset counters of boundary and bulk elements.
343  void init_element_vector(unsigned int size);
345  /// Initialize node_vec_, set size
346  void init_node_vector(unsigned int size);
348  /// Returns range of bulk elements
349  virtual Range<ElementAccessor<3>> elements_range() const;
351  /// Returns range of nodes
352  Range<NodeAccessor<3>> node_range() const;
354  /// Returns count of boundary or bulk elements
355  virtual unsigned int n_elements(bool boundary=false) const {
356  if (boundary) return element_ids_.size()-bulk_size_;
357  else return bulk_size_;
358  }
360  /// For each node the vector contains a list of elements that use this node
363  /// For element of given elem_id returns index in element_vec_ or (-1) if element doesn't exist.
364  inline int elem_index(int elem_id) const
365  {
366  return element_ids_.get_position(elem_id);
367  }
369  /// Return element id (in GMSH file) of element of given position in element vector.
370  inline int find_elem_id(unsigned int pos) const
371  {
372  return element_ids_[pos];
373  }
375  /// For node of given node_id returns index in element_vec_ or (-1) if node doesn't exist.
376  inline int node_index(int node_id) const
377  {
378  return node_ids_.get_position(node_id);
379  }
381  /// Return node id (in GMSH file) of node of given position in node vector.
382  inline int find_node_id(unsigned int pos) const
383  {
384  return node_ids_[pos];
385  }
387  /// Check if given index is in element_vec_
388  void check_element_size(unsigned int elem_idx) const;
390  /// Create boundary elements from data of temporary structure, this method MUST be call after read mesh from
391  void create_boundary_elements();
393  /// Permute nodes of 3D elements of given elm_idx
394  void permute_tetrahedron(unsigned int elm_idx, std::vector<unsigned int> permutation_vec);
396  /// Permute nodes of 2D elements of given elm_idx
397  void permute_triangle(unsigned int elm_idx, std::vector<unsigned int> permutation_vec);
399  /// Create boundary mesh if doesn't exist and return it.
400  BCMesh *get_bc_mesh();
402 protected:
404  /**
405  * Allow store boundary element data to temporary structure.
406  *
407  * We need this structure to preserve correct order of boundary elements.
408  */
409  struct ElementTmpData {
410  /// Constructor
411  ElementTmpData(unsigned int e_id, unsigned int dm, RegionIdx reg_idx, unsigned int part_id, std::vector<unsigned int> nodes)
412  : elm_id(e_id), dim(dm), region_idx(reg_idx), partition_id(part_id), node_ids(nodes) {}
414  unsigned int elm_id;
415  unsigned int dim;
417  unsigned int partition_id;
419  };
421  /**
422  * This replaces read_neighbours() in order to avoid using NGH preprocessor.
423  *
424  * TODO:
425  * - Avoid maps:
426  *
427  * 5) need not to have temporary array for Edges, only postpone setting pointers in elements and set them
428  * after edges are found; we can temporary save Edge index instead of pointer in Neigbours and elements
429  *
430  * 6) Try replace Edge * by indexes in Neigbours and elements (anyway we have mesh pointer in elements so it is accessible also from Neigbours)
431  *
432  */
433  void make_neighbours_and_edges();
435  /**
436  * On edges sharing sides of many elements it may happen that each side has its nodes ordered in a different way.
437  * This method finds the permutation for each side so as to obtain the ordering of side 0.
438  */
439  void make_edge_permutations();
440  /**
441  * Create element lists for nodes in Mesh::nodes_elements.
442  */
443  void create_node_element_lists();
444  /**
445  * Remove elements with dimension not equal to @p dim from @p element_list. Index of the first element of dimension @p dim-1,
446  * is returned in @p element_idx. If no such element is found the method returns false, if one such element is found the method returns true,
447  * if more elements are found we report an user input error.
448  */
449  bool find_lower_dim_element(vector<unsigned int> &element_list, unsigned int dim, unsigned int &element_idx);
451  /**
452  * Returns true if side @p si has same nodes as in the list @p side_nodes.
453  */
454  bool same_sides(const SideIter &si, vector<unsigned int> &side_nodes);
457  void element_to_neigh_vb();
459  void count_element_types();
460  void count_side_types();
462  /**
463  * Possibly modify region id of elements sets by user in "regions" part of input file.
464  *
465  * TODO: This method needs check in issue 'Review mesh setting'.
466  * Changes have been done during generalized region key and may be causing problems
467  * during the further development.
468  */
469  void modify_element_ids(const RegionDB::MapElementIDToRegionID &map);
471  /// Adds element to mesh data structures (element_vec_, element_ids_), returns pointer to this element.
472  Element * add_element_to_vector(int id, bool boundary=false);
474  /// Initialize element
475  void init_element(Element *ele, unsigned int elm_id, unsigned int dim, RegionIdx region_idx, unsigned int partition_id,
476  std::vector<unsigned int> node_ids);
478  unsigned int n_bb_neigh, n_vb_neigh;
480  /// Maximal number of sides per one edge in the actual mesh (set in make_neighbours_and_edges()).
481  unsigned int max_edge_sides_[3];
483  /// Output of neighboring data into raw output.
484  void output_internal_ngh_data();
486  /**
487  * Database of regions (both bulk and boundary) of the mesh. Regions are logical parts of the
488  * domain that allows setting of different data and boundary conditions on them.
489  */
491  /**
492  * Mesh partitioning. Created in setup_topology.
493  */
494  std::shared_ptr<Partitioning> part_;
496  /**
497  * BIH Tree for intersection and observe points lookup.
498  */
499  std::shared_ptr<BIHTree> bih_tree_;
502  /**
503  * Accessor to the input record for the mesh.
504  */
507  /**
508  * MPI communicator used for partitioning and ...
509  */
512  /**
513  * Vector of elements of the mesh.
514  *
515  * Store all elements of the mesh in order bulk elements - boundary elements
516  */
519  /// Hold data of boundary elements during reading mesh (allow to preserve correct order during reading of mix bulk-boundary element)
522  /// Count of bulk elements
523  unsigned int bulk_size_;
525  /// Count of boundary elements loaded from mesh file
526  unsigned int boundary_loaded_size_;
528  /// Maps element ids to indexes into vector element_vec_
531  /**
532  * Vector of nodes of the mesh.
533  */
536  /// Maps node ids to indexes into vector node_vec_
542  friend class RegionSetBase;
543  friend class Element;
544  friend class BIHTree;
545  friend class Boundary;
546  friend class BCMesh;
547  template <int spacedim> friend class ElementAccessor;
548  template <int spacedim> friend class NodeAccessor;
552 private:
554  /// Fill array node_4_loc_ and create object node_ds_ according to element distribution.
555  void distribute_nodes();
557  /// Index set assigning to global element index the local index used in parallel vectors.
559  /// Index set assigning to local element index its global index.
561  /// Parallel distribution of elements.
563  /// Index set assigning to local node index its global index.
565  /// Parallel distribution of nodes. Depends on elements distribution.
567  /// Hold number of local nodes (own + ghost), value is equal with size of node_4_loc array.
568  unsigned int n_local_nodes_;
569  /// Boundary mesh, object is created only if it's necessary
573 };
575 #endif
576 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
577 // vim: set cindent:
int n_triangles
Definition: mesh.h:289
Distribution * el_ds
Parallel distribution of elements.
Definition: mesh.h:562
int LongIdx
Define type that represents indices of large arrays (elements, nodes, dofs etc.)
Definition: long_idx.hh:22
Class for the mesh partitioning. This should provide:
Definition: partitioning.hh:52
vector< Element > element_vec_
Definition: mesh.h:517
ElementTmpData(unsigned int e_id, unsigned int dm, RegionIdx reg_idx, unsigned int part_id, std::vector< unsigned int > nodes)
Definition: mesh.h:411
BidirectionalMap< int > node_ids_
Maps node ids to indexes into vector node_vec_.
Definition: mesh.h:537
Accessor to input data conforming to declared Array.
Definition: accessors.hh:567
unsigned int n_local_nodes_
Hold number of local nodes (own + ghost), value is equal with size of node_4_loc array.
Definition: mesh.h:568
LongIdx * get_row_4_el() const
Definition: mesh.h:171
int MPI_Comm
Definition: mpi.h:141
unsigned int partition_id
Definition: mesh.h:417
BCMesh * bc_mesh_
Boundary mesh, object is created only if it&#39;s necessary.
Definition: mesh.h:570
Nodes of a mesh.
Iter< ElementAccessor< 3 > > ElementIter
Definition: mesh.h:66
LongIdx * get_node_4_loc() const
Definition: mesh.h:180
BidirectionalMap< int > element_ids_
Maps element ids to indexes into vector element_vec_.
Definition: mesh.h:529
static Input::Type::Record input_type
Definition: mesh.h:71
LongIdx * node_4_loc_
Index set assigning to local node index its global index.
Definition: mesh.h:564
DuplicateNodes * tree
Definition: mesh.h:277
int n_lines
Definition: mesh.h:288
Implementation of bidirectional map.
#define DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcName, Format)
Macro for simple definition of exceptions.
Definition: exceptions.hh:158
ofstream raw_ngh_output_file
Definition: mesh.h:572
Range helper class.
Definition: mesh.h:52
Iter< NodeAccessor< 3 > > NodeIter
Definition: mesh.h:67
int elem_index(int elem_id) const
For element of given elem_id returns index in element_vec_ or (-1) if element doesn&#39;t exist...
Definition: mesh.h:364
std::shared_ptr< MixedMeshIntersections > intersections
Definition: mesh.h:269
Definition: mesh.h:80
Template Iter serves as general template for internal iterators.
unsigned int n_local_nodes() const
Definition: mesh.h:183
std::vector< unsigned int > node_ids
Definition: mesh.h:418
Input::Record in_record_
Definition: mesh.h:505
vector< vector< vector< unsigned int > > > side_nodes
Definition: mesh.h:301
int n_tetrahedras
Definition: mesh.h:290
const RegionDB & region_db() const
Definition: mesh.h:147
virtual unsigned int n_nodes() const
Definition: mesh.h:133
vector< Boundary > boundary_
Definition: mesh.h:258
int node_index(int node_id) const
For node of given node_id returns index in element_vec_ or (-1) if node doesn&#39;t exist.
Definition: mesh.h:376
int n_exsides
Definition: mesh.h:285
unsigned int boundary_loaded_size_
Count of boundary elements loaded from mesh file.
Definition: mesh.h:526
int find_elem_id(unsigned int pos) const
Return element id (in GMSH file) of element of given position in element vector.
Definition: mesh.h:370
MPI_Comm get_comm() const
Definition: mesh.h:189
LongIdx * el_4_loc
Index set assigning to local element index its global index.
Definition: mesh.h:560
unsigned int n_boundaries() const
Definition: mesh.h:137
Accessor to the data with type Type::Record.
Definition: accessors.hh:292
Class for O(log N) lookup for intersections with a set of bounding boxes.
Definition: bih_tree.hh:38
LongIdx * row_4_el
Index set assigning to global element index the local index used in parallel vectors.
Definition: mesh.h:558
vector< Node > node_vec_
Definition: mesh.h:534
#define TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_Type, Type)
Macro to simplify declaration of error_info types.
Definition: exceptions.hh:194
std::shared_ptr< BIHTree > bih_tree_
Definition: mesh.h:499
Distribution * get_el_ds() const
Definition: mesh.h:168
vector< vector< unsigned int > > node_elements_
For each node the vector contains a list of elements that use this node.
Definition: mesh.h:361
unsigned int dim
Definition: mesh.h:415
General iterator template. Provides iterator over objects in some container.
Dedicated class for storing path to input and output files.
Definition: file_path.hh:54
vector< vector< unsigned int > > master_elements
Definition: mesh.h:275
vector< Neighbour > vb_neighbours_
Definition: mesh.h:282
unsigned int n_vb_neigh
Definition: mesh.h:478
Distribution * node_ds_
Parallel distribution of nodes. Depends on elements distribution.
Definition: mesh.h:566
virtual unsigned int n_elements(bool boundary=false) const
Returns count of boundary or bulk elements.
Definition: mesh.h:355
int n_sides_
Definition: mesh.h:286
unsigned int max_edge_sides(unsigned int dim) const
Definition: mesh.h:202
FilePath mesh_file()
Return FilePath object representing "mesh_file" input key.
Definition: mesh.h:332
Class represents boundary part of mesh.
Definition: bc_mesh.hh:35
Vector classes to support both Iterator, index and Id access and creating co-located vectors...
RegionDB region_db_
Definition: mesh.h:490
std::vector< Edge > edges
Vector of MH edges, this should not be part of the geometrical mesh.
Definition: mesh.h:261
MPI_Comm comm_
Definition: mesh.h:510
int n_insides
Definition: mesh.h:284
Definition: mpi.h:123
Record type proxy class.
Definition: type_record.hh:182
Types of search algorithm for finding intersection candidates.
Definition: mesh.h:95
unsigned int n_edges() const
Definition: mesh.h:141
Distribution * get_node_ds() const
Definition: mesh.h:177
LongIdx * get_el_4_loc() const
Definition: mesh.h:174
Template for classes storing finite set of named values.
Implementation of range helper class.
unsigned int bulk_size_
Count of bulk elements.
Definition: mesh.h:523
std::shared_ptr< Partitioning > part_
Definition: mesh.h:494
vector< ElementTmpData > bc_element_tmp_
Hold data of boundary elements during reading mesh (allow to preserve correct order during reading of...
Definition: mesh.h:520
Main class for computation of intersection of meshes of combined dimensions.
int find_node_id(unsigned int pos) const
Return node id (in GMSH file) of node of given position in node vector.
Definition: mesh.h:382
RegionIdx region_idx
Definition: mesh.h:416
unsigned int elm_id
Definition: mesh.h:414