This is the complete list of members for Field< spacedim, Value >, including all inherited members.
add_factory(std::shared_ptr< FactoryBase > factory) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
cache_reallocate(const ElementCacheMap &cache_map, unsigned int region_idx) const override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
cache_update(ElementCacheMap &cache_map, unsigned int region_patch_idx) const override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
changed() const | FieldCommon | inline |
check_initialized_region_fields_() | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
component_index_ | FieldCommon | protected |
compute_field_data(OutputTime::DiscreteSpace space_type, std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
ControlField typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
copy_from(const FieldCommon &other) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
data_ | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcFieldMeshDifference,<< "Two copies of the field "<< EI_Field::qval<< "call set_mesh with different arguments.\n") | FieldCommon | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcNonascendingTime,<< "Non-ascending time: "<< EI_Time::val<< " for field "<< EI_Field::qval<< ".\n") | FieldCommon | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcMissingDomain,<< "Missing domain specification (region or r_id) in the field descriptor:") | FieldCommon | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcMissingFieldValue,<< "Missing value of the input field "<< EI_FieldInputName::qval<< " ("<< EI_FieldName::qval<< ") on region ID: "<< EI_RegId::val<< " label: "<< EI_RegLabel::qval<< ".\n") | FieldCommon | |
default_output_data_ | FieldCommon | protected |
description(const string &description) | FieldCommon | inline |
description() const | FieldCommon | inline |
detail::model_cache_item | Field< spacedim, Value > | friend |
disable_where(const Field< spacedim, typename FieldValue< spacedim >::Enum > &control_field, const vector< FieldEnum > &value_list) -> Field & | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
factories_ | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
Field() | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
Field(const string &name, bool bc=false) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
Field(unsigned int component_index, string input_name, string name="", bool bc=false) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
Field(const Field &other) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
field_descriptor_record(const string &record_name) | FieldCommon | static |
field_descriptor_record_description(const string &record_name) | FieldCommon | static |
field_output(std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream, OutputTime::DiscreteSpace type) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
field_result(RegionSet region_set) const override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
FieldBasePtr typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
FieldBaseType typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
FieldCommon() | FieldCommon | protected |
FieldCommon(const FieldCommon &other) | FieldCommon | protected |
fill_data_value(const std::vector< int > &offsets) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
FieldCommon::fill_data_value(FMT_UNUSED const std::vector< int > &offsets) | FieldCommon | inlinevirtual |
flags(FieldFlag::Flags::Mask mask) | FieldCommon | inline |
flags() | FieldCommon | inline |
flags_ | FieldCommon | protected |
flags_add(FieldFlag::Flags::Mask mask) | FieldCommon | inline |
full_comp_name(unsigned int i_comp) const | FieldCommon | inline |
get_component(FMT_UNUSED unsigned int idx) | FieldCommon | inlinevirtual |
get_field_fe() | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
get_flags() const | FieldCommon | inline |
get_input_type() override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
get_multifield_input_type() override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
get_output_type() const | FieldCommon | inline |
get_value_attribute() const override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
history_length_limit_ | FieldCommon | protectedstatic |
HistoryPoint typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
input_default(const string &input_default) | FieldCommon | inline |
input_default() const | FieldCommon | inline |
input_list_size() const | FieldCommon | inline |
input_name() const | FieldCommon | inline |
input_selection(Input::Type::Selection element_selection) | FieldCommon | inline |
is_bc() const | FieldCommon | inline |
is_constant(Region reg) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
is_jump_time() | FieldCommon | inline |
is_jump_time_ | FieldCommon | protected |
is_multifield() const | FieldCommon | inline |
last_limit_side_ | FieldCommon | protected |
last_time_ | FieldCommon | protected |
limits() const | FieldCommon | inline |
mark_input_times(const TimeGovernor &tg) | FieldCommon | |
mesh() const | FieldCommon | inline |
messages_data_ | FieldCommon | protectedstatic |
MultiField class | Field< spacedim, Value > | friend |
multifield_ | FieldCommon | protected |
n_comp() const | FieldCommon | inline |
name(const string &name) | FieldCommon | inline |
name() const | FieldCommon | inline |
name_ | FieldCommon | protected |
no_check_control_field_ | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
observe_output(std::shared_ptr< Observe > observe) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
operator()(BulkPoint &p) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
operator()(SidePoint &p) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
operator=(const Field &other) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
operator[](unsigned int i_cache_point) const | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
output_data_cache_ | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
output_type(OutputTime::DiscreteSpace rt) | FieldCommon | inline |
Point typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
print_message_table(ostream &stream, std::string equation_name) | FieldCommon | static |
region_fields_ | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
RegionHistory typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
set(FieldBasePtr field, double time, std::vector< std::string > region_set_names={"ALL"}) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
set(const Input::AbstractRecord &a_rec, double time, std::vector< std::string > region_set_names={"ALL"}) | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
set_component_index(unsigned int idx) | FieldCommon | inline |
set_components(const std::vector< string > &names) | FieldCommon | inline |
set_dependency(FieldSet &field_set, unsigned int i_reg) const override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
set_history_changed() | FieldCommon | inlineprotected |
set_input_list(const Input::Array &list, const TimeGovernor &tg) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
set_limits(double min, double max=std::numeric_limits< double >::max()) | FieldCommon | inline |
set_mesh(const Mesh &mesh) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
set_output_data_cache(OutputTime::DiscreteSpace space_type, std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
FieldCommon::set_output_data_cache(FMT_UNUSED OutputTime::DiscreteSpace space_type, FMT_UNUSED std::shared_ptr< OutputTime > stream) | FieldCommon | inlinevirtual |
set_shape(uint n_rows, uint n_cols) | FieldCommon | inlineprotected |
set_time(const TimeStep &time, LimitSide limit_side) override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
set_time_result_ | FieldCommon | protected |
set_time_result_changed() | FieldCommon | inline |
shape_ | FieldCommon | |
shared_ | FieldCommon | protected |
space_dim | Field< spacedim, Value > | static |
time() const | FieldCommon | inline |
TimeStatus enum name | FieldCommon | protected |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_Time, double) | FieldCommon | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_Field, std::string) | FieldCommon | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_FieldInputName, std::string) | FieldCommon | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_FieldName, std::string) | FieldCommon | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_RegId, unsigned int) | FieldCommon | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_RegLabel, std::string) | FieldCommon | |
units(const UnitSI &units) | FieldCommon | inline |
units() const | FieldCommon | inline |
update_history(const TimeStep &time) | Field< spacedim, Value > | protected |
value(const Point &p, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &elm) const | Field< spacedim, Value > | inlinevirtual |
value_cache() override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
value_cache() const override | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
value_cache() | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
value_cache() | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
value_cache() const | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
value_cache() const | Field< spacedim, Value > | virtual |
value_cache_ | Field< spacedim, Value > | mutableprotected |
value_list(const Armor::array &point_list, const ElementAccessor< spacedim > &elm, std::vector< typename Value::return_type > &value_list) const | Field< spacedim, Value > | inlinevirtual |
ValueType typedef | Field< spacedim, Value > | |
~FieldCommon() | FieldCommon | virtual |