Flow123d  JS_before_hm-979-g397e552
input_type.hh File Reference
#include "type_base.hh"
#include "input/attribute_lib.hh"
#include "type_selection.hh"
#include "type_record.hh"
#include "type_abstract.hh"
#include "type_generic.hh"
#include "type_tuple.hh"

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Detailed Description

 * Copyright (C) 2015 Technical University of Liberec. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation. (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

  • explicit instantiation of templates in accessors - not so easy
- TYPE is obligatory key of descendants of an Abstract, for consistent documentation it should be reported as
  a obligatory key in these Records, however it is quite complicated to have it there , and it is not necessary for
  check of the input since we shall look for it explicitely.

- Documentation of Abstract should contain TYPE and common keys, descendants should report only nonderived keys.

- better Doxygen doc

- detailni popis pouziti deklaraci typu na systemu trid (v TypeBase)

- Implementovat selection tak, aby typem Enum byla templatovana jen vnitrni datova struktura ( a pochopitelne access metody, ktere potrebuji
  presny typ, tj

- have global list of Record and selection names and guarantee the they are unique, otherwise == can be incorrect.

- when creating a "unique instance" of a lazy type we should check that its name is unique (in derived records we should
  distinguish short_name used in Abstract TYPE selection, and full_name that includes name of the parent Abstract.
  This is important to prevent Record derive from different local instances of Abstract.

When C++11 specification become more supported, we can introduce class Key  that should be constructed form
constant string during compilation, in particular it should check validity of the key string and compute the hash.
This can provide some speedup for reading if it will be needed (probably not).

- under C++11 we can also construct Selection s from the enum type

- Question: allow implicit value of the TYPE key (and selection the descendant) depending on the keys that appears on the input.
- Question: Support keys with multiple possible types:
  we declare more keys like: region_set_INTEGER, region_set_STRING, region_set_ARRAY, but user specify just
  region_set=..., and appropriate key is used.

- non-polymorph inheritance of Records, in fact just copy of keys of one record to another + posibility to extend them

- copy constructors and usage of Pimpl idiom for more complex types is necessary due to usage of shared pointers - to create them we need copies

Definition in file input_type.hh.