Select the partitioning tool to use.
Use PETSc interface to various partitioning tools.
Use direct interface to Metis.
Select the partitioning tool to use.
Use PETSc interface to various partitioning tools.
Use direct interface to Metis.
Different algorithms to make the sparse graph with weighted edges\nfrom the multidimensional mesh. Main difference is dealing with \nneighborings of elements of different dimension.
Add edge for any pair of neighboring elements.
Same as before and assign higher weight to cuts of lower dimension in order to make them stick to one face.
Add edge for any pair of neighboring elements of same dimension (bad for matrix multiply).
Use BIH for finding initial candidates, then continue by prolongation.
Use BIH for finding all candidates.
Use bounding boxes for finding initial candidates, then continue by prolongation.
Specify the section in mesh input file where field data is listed.\nSome sections are specific to file format.
point_data (VTK) / node_data (GMSH)
cell_data (VTK) / element_data (GMSH)
element_node_data (only for GMSH)
native_data (only for VTK)
Homogeneous Neumann boundary condition. Zero flux
Dirichlet boundary condition. Specify the pressure head through the ''bc_pressure'' field or the piezometric head through the ''bc_piezo_head'' field.
Flux boundary condition (combines Neumann and Robin type). Water inflow equal to δd(qdN+σd(hdR−hd)). Specify the water inflow by the 'bc_flux' field, the transition coefficient by 'bc_robin_sigma' and the reference pressure head or pieozmetric head through ''bc_pressure'' or ''bc_piezo_head'' respectively.
Seepage face boundary condition. Pressure and inflow bounded from above. Boundary with potential seepage flow is described by the pair of inequalities: hd≤hdD and , where the equality holds in at least one of them. Caution. Setting qdN strictly negative may lead to an ill posed problem since a positive outflow is enforced. Parameters hdD and qdN are given by fields bc_switch_pressure
(or bc_switch_piezo_head
) and bc_flux
River boundary condition. For the water level above the bedrock, Hd>HdS, the Robin boundary condition is used with the inflow given by: δd(qdN+σd(HdD−Hd)). For the water level under the bedrock, constant infiltration is used: δd(qdN+σd(HdD−HdS)). Parameters: bc_pressure
, bc_switch_pressure
, bc_sigma,
ASCII variant of VTK file format
Uncompressed appended binary XML VTK format without usage of base64 encoding of appended data.
Appended binary XML VTK format without usage of base64 encoding of appended data. Compressed with ZLib.
Discrete type of output. Determines type of output data (element, node, native etc).
Node data / point data.
Corner data.
Element data / cell data.
Native data (Flow123D data).
Selection of output fields for the Flow_Darcy_MH model.\n
[m] Input field:
[m] Input field:
[m] Input field:
[ms−1] Input field:
[−] Input field:
[−] Input field:
[−] Input field: Anisotropy of the conductivity tensor.
[m3−d] Input field: Complement dimension parameter (cross section for 1D, thickness for 2D).
[ms−1] Input field: Isotropic conductivity scalar.
[−] Input field: Transition coefficient between dimensions.
[s−1] Input field: Water source density.
[m] Input field: Initial condition for pressure
[m−1] Input field: Storativity.
Selection of output fields for the Flow_Darcy_MH_specific model.\n
[m] Input field:
[ms−1] Input field:
[s−1] Input field:
Format of output file for balance.
Legacy format used by previous program versions.
Excel format with tab delimiter.
Format compatible with GnuPlot datafile with fixed column width.
Mortar space: P0 on elements of lower dimension.
Mortar space: P0 on elements of lower dimension.
Mortar space: P1 on intersections, using non-conforming pressures.
Van Genuchten soil model with cutting near zero.
Irmay model for conductivity, Van Genuchten model for the water content. Suitable for bentonite.
Selection of output fields for the Solute_Advection_FV model.\n
[−] Input field: Mobile porosity
[−] Input field: INTERNAL - water content passed from unsaturated Darcy
[m−3kgs−1] Input field: Density of concentration sources.
[s−1] Input field: Concentration flux.
[m−3kg] Input field: Concentration sources threshold.
[m−3kg] Input field: Initial concentrations.
[−] Input field:
[−] Input field:
Types of boundary conditions for advection-diffusion solute transport model.
Default transport boundary condition.\nOn water inflow (qw≤0), total flux is given by the reference concentration 'bc_conc'. On water outflow we prescribe zero diffusive flux, i.e. the mass flows out only due to advection.
Dirichlet boundary condition c=cD.\nThe prescribed concentration cD is specified by the field 'bc_conc'.
Total mass flux boundary condition.\nThe prescribed total incoming flux can have the general form δ(fN+σR(cR−c)), where the absolute flux fN is specified by the field 'bc_flux', the transition parameter σR by 'bc_robin_sigma', and the reference concentration cR by 'bc_conc'.
Diffusive flux boundary condition.\nThe prescribed incoming mass flux due to diffusion can have the general form δ(fN+σR(cR−c)), where the absolute flux fN is specified by the field 'bc_flux', the transition parameter σR by 'bc_robin_sigma', and the reference concentration cR by 'bc_conc'.
Type of penalty term.
non-symmetric weighted interior penalty DG method
incomplete weighted interior penalty DG method
symmetric weighted interior penalty DG method
Selection of output fields for the Solute_AdvectionDiffusion_DG model.\n
[−] Input field: Mobile porosity
[−] Input field: INTERNAL - water content passed from unsaturated Darcy
[m−3kgs−1] Input field: Density of concentration sources.
[s−1] Input field: Concentration flux.
[m−3kg] Input field: Concentration sources threshold.
[m−3kg] Input field: Initial concentrations.
[m] Input field: Longitudal dispersivity in the liquid (for each substance).
[m] Input field: Transversal dispersivity in the liquid (for each substance).
[m2s−1] Input field: Molecular diffusivity in the liquid (for each substance).
[m−3kg] Input field: Rock matrix density.
[m3kg−1] Input field: Coefficient of linear sorption.
[−] Input field: Coefficient of diffusive transfer through fractures (for each substance).
[−] Input field: Penalty parameter influencing the discontinuity of the solution (for each substance). Its default value 1 is sufficient in most cases. Higher value diminishes the inter-element jumps.
[−] Input field:
[−] Input field:
No sorption considered.
Linear isotherm runs the concentration exchange between liquid and solid.
Langmuir isotherm runs the concentration exchange between liquid and solid.
Freundlich isotherm runs the concentration exchange between liquid and solid.
Selection of output fields for the Sorption model.\n
[m−3kg] Input field: Rock matrix density.
[−] Input field: Considered sorption is described by selected isotherm. If porosity on an element is equal or even higher than 1.0 (meaning no sorbing surface), then type 'none' will be selected automatically.
[m3kg−1] Input field: Multiplication parameters (k, omega) in either Langmuir c_s = omega * (alphac_a)/(1- alphac_a) or in linear c_s = k * c_a isothermal description.
[−] Input field: Second parameters (alpha, ...) defining isotherm c_s = omega * (alphac_a)/(1- alphac_a).
[kg−1mol] Input field: Initial solid concentration of substances. Vector, one value for every substance.
Selection of output fields for the SorptionMobile model.\n
[m−3kg] Input field: Rock matrix density.
[−] Input field: Considered sorption is described by selected isotherm. If porosity on an element is equal or even higher than 1.0 (meaning no sorbing surface), then type 'none' will be selected automatically.
[m3kg−1] Input field: Multiplication parameters (k, omega) in either Langmuir c_s = omega * (alphac_a)/(1- alphac_a) or in linear c_s = k * c_a isothermal description.
[−] Input field: Second parameters (alpha, ...) defining isotherm c_s = omega * (alphac_a)/(1- alphac_a).
[kg−1mol] Input field: Initial solid concentration of substances. Vector, one value for every substance.
Selection of output fields for the SorptionImmobile model.\n
[m−3kg] Input field: Rock matrix density.
[−] Input field: Considered sorption is described by selected isotherm. If porosity on an element is equal or even higher than 1.0 (meaning no sorbing surface), then type 'none' will be selected automatically.
[m3kg−1] Input field: Multiplication parameters (k, omega) in either Langmuir c_s = omega * (alphac_a)/(1- alphac_a) or in linear c_s = k * c_a isothermal description.
[−] Input field: Second parameters (alpha, ...) defining isotherm c_s = omega * (alphac_a)/(1- alphac_a).
[kg−1mol] Input field: Initial solid concentration of substances. Vector, one value for every substance.
Selection of output fields for the DualPorosity model.\n
[s−1] Input field: Diffusion coefficient of non-equilibrium linear exchange between mobile and immobile zone.
[−] Input field: Porosity of the immobile zone.
[m−3kg] Input field: Initial concentration of substances in the immobile zone.
Types of boundary conditions for heat transfer model.
Default heat transfer boundary condition.\nOn water inflow (qw≤0), total energy flux is given by the reference temperature 'bc_temperature'. On water outflow we prescribe zero diffusive flux, i.e. the energy flows out only due to advection.
Dirichlet boundary condition T=TD.\nThe prescribed temperature TD is specified by the field 'bc_temperature'.
Total energy flux boundary condition.\nThe prescribed incoming total flux can have the general form δ(fN+σR(TR−T)), where the absolute flux fN is specified by the field 'bc_flux', the transition parameter σR by 'bc_robin_sigma', and the reference temperature TR by 'bc_temperature'.
Diffusive flux boundary condition.\nThe prescribed incoming energy flux due to diffusion can have the general form δ(fN+σR(TR−T)), where the absolute flux fN is specified by the field 'bc_flux', the transition parameter σR by 'bc_robin_sigma', and the reference temperature TR by 'bc_temperature'.
Selection of output fields for the Heat_AdvectionDiffusion_DG model.\n
[K] Input field: Initial temperature.
[−] Input field: Porosity.
[−] Input field:
[m−3kg] Input field: Density of fluid.
[m2s−2K−1] Input field: Heat capacity of fluid.
[mkgs−3K−1] Input field: Heat conductivity of fluid.
[m−3kg] Input field: Density of solid (rock).
[m2s−2K−1] Input field: Heat capacity of solid (rock).
[mkgs−3K−1] Input field: Heat conductivity of solid (rock).
[m] Input field: Longitudal heat dispersivity in fluid.
[m] Input field: Transversal heat dispersivity in fluid.
[m−1kgs−3] Input field: Density of thermal source in fluid.
[m−1kgs−3] Input field: Density of thermal source in solid.
[s−1] Input field: Heat exchange rate of source in fluid.
[s−1] Input field: Heat exchange rate of source in solid.
[K] Input field: Reference temperature of source in fluid.
[K] Input field: Reference temperature in solid.
[−] Input field: Coefficient of diffusive transfer through fractures (for each substance).
[−] Input field: Penalty parameter influencing the discontinuity of the solution (for each substance). Its default value 1 is sufficient in most cases. Higher value diminishes the inter-element jumps.
[−] Input field:
[−] Input field: