This is the complete list of members for Partitioning, including all inherited members.
any_neighboring enum value | Partitioning | private |
any_weight_lower_dim_cuts enum value | Partitioning | private |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcDecomposeMesh,<< "Number of processors "<< EI_NProcs::val<< " greater then number of elements "<< EI_NElems::val<< ". Can not make partitioning of the mesh "<< EI_MeshFile::qval<< ".\n") | Partitioning | |
get_graph_type_sel() | Partitioning | static |
get_init_distr() const | Partitioning | |
get_input_type() | Partitioning | static |
get_loc_part() const | Partitioning | |
get_tool_sel() | Partitioning | static |
graph_ | Partitioning | private |
id_maps(int n_ids, LongIdx *id_4_old, Distribution *&new_ds, LongIdx *&id_4_loc, LongIdx *&new_4_id) | Partitioning | |
id_maps(int n_ids, LongIdx *id_4_old, const Distribution &old_ds, LongIdx *loc_part, Distribution *&new_ds, LongIdx *&id_4_loc, LongIdx *&new_4_id) | Partitioning | static |
in_ | Partitioning | private |
init_el_ds_ | Partitioning | private |
loc_part_ | Partitioning | private |
make_element_connection_graph() | Partitioning | private |
make_partition() | Partitioning | private |
mesh_ | Partitioning | private |
METIS enum value | Partitioning | private |
PartitionGraphType enum name | Partitioning | private |
Partitioning(Mesh *mesh, Input::Record in) | Partitioning | |
PartitionTool enum name | Partitioning | private |
PETSc enum value | Partitioning | private |
same_dimension_neighboring enum value | Partitioning | private |
seq_part_ | Partitioning | private |
subdomain_id_field_data() | Partitioning | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_MeshFile, std::string) | Partitioning | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_NElems, unsigned int) | Partitioning | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_NProcs, unsigned int) | Partitioning | |
~Partitioning() | Partitioning |