This is the complete list of members for BCMesh, including all inherited members.
add_element(unsigned int elm_id, unsigned int dim, unsigned int region_id, unsigned int partition_id, std::vector< unsigned int > node_ids) | Mesh | |
add_element_to_vector(int id) | Mesh | protected |
add_node(unsigned int node_id, arma::vec3 coords) | Mesh | |
add_physical_name(unsigned int dim, unsigned int id, std::string name) | Mesh | |
BBsearch enum value | Mesh | |
bc_element_tmp_ | Mesh | protected |
bc_mesh_ | Mesh | private |
BCMesh(Mesh *parent_mesh) | BCMesh | |
bih_tree_ | Mesh | protected |
BIHonly enum value | Mesh | |
BIHsearch enum value | Mesh | |
boundary(uint edge_idx) const | Mesh | |
boundary_ | Mesh | mutable |
boundary_loaded_size_ | Mesh | protected |
bulk_size_ | Mesh | protected |
check_and_finish() | Mesh | |
check_compatible_discont_mesh(Mesh &input_mesh) override | BCMesh | virtual |
check_compatible_mesh(Mesh &input_mesh) override | BCMesh | virtual |
check_element_size(unsigned int elem_idx) const | Mesh | inline |
check_mesh_on_read() | Mesh | protected |
comm_ | Mesh | protected |
count_element_types() | Mesh | protected |
count_side_types() | Mesh | protected |
create_boundary_elements() | Mesh | |
create_node_element_lists() | Mesh | protected |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcDuplicateBoundary,<< "Duplicate boundary elements! \n"<< "Element id: "<< EI_ElemLast::val<< " on region name: "<< EI_RegLast::val<< "\n"<< "Element id: "<< EI_ElemNew::val<< " on region name: "<< EI_RegNew::val<< "\n") | Mesh | |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcElmWrongOrder,<< "Element IDs in non-increasing order, ID: "<< EI_ElemId::val<< "\n") | Mesh | |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcRegionElmDiffDim,<< "User defined region "<< EI_Region::qval<< " (id "<< EI_RegIdx::val<< ") by 'From_Elements' cannot have elements of different dimensions.\n"<< "Thrown due to: dim "<< EI_Dim::val<< " neq dim "<< EI_DimOther::val<< " (ele id "<< EI_ElemId::val<< ").\n"<< "Split elements by dim, create separate regions and then possibly use Union.\n") | Mesh | |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcTooMatchingIds,<< "Mesh: Duplicate dim-join lower dim elements: "<< EI_ElemId::val<< ", "<< EI_ElemIdOther::val<< ".\n") | Mesh | |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcBdrElemMatchRegular,<< "Boundary element (id: "<< EI_ElemId::val<< ") match a regular element (id: "<< EI_ElemIdOther::val<< ") of lower dimension.\n") | Mesh | |
distribute_nodes() | Mesh | private |
edge(uint edge_idx) const | Mesh | |
edge_range() const | Mesh | |
edges | Mesh | protected |
el_4_loc | Mesh | private |
el_ds | Mesh | private |
elem_index(int elem_id) const | Mesh | inline |
elem_permutation_ | Mesh | protected |
element_accessor(unsigned int idx) const override | BCMesh | virtual |
element_ids_ | Mesh | protected |
element_permutations() const | Mesh | inline |
element_to_neigh_vb() | Mesh | protected |
element_vec_ | Mesh | protected |
elements_id_maps(vector< LongIdx > &bulk_elements_id, vector< LongIdx > &boundary_elements_id) const | Mesh | |
elements_range() const override | BCMesh | virtual |
find_elem_id(unsigned int pos) const | Mesh | inline |
find_lower_dim_element(vector< unsigned int > &element_list, unsigned int dim, unsigned int &element_idx) | Mesh | protected |
find_node_id(unsigned int pos) const | Mesh | inline |
get_bc_mesh() | Mesh | |
get_bih_tree() | Mesh | |
get_comm() const | Mesh | inline |
get_el_4_loc() const | Mesh | inline |
get_el_ds() const | Mesh | inline |
get_element_boxes() | Mesh | |
get_input_intersection_variant() | Mesh | static |
get_input_type() | Mesh | static |
get_intersection_search() | Mesh | |
get_local_part() override | BCMesh | virtual |
get_node_4_loc() const | Mesh | inline |
get_node_ds() const | Mesh | inline |
get_part() override | BCMesh | virtual |
get_row_4_el() const | Mesh | inline |
global_snap_radius() const | Mesh | |
in_record_ | Mesh | protected |
init() | Mesh | protected |
init_element(Element *ele, unsigned int elm_id, unsigned int dim, RegionIdx region_idx, unsigned int partition_id, std::vector< unsigned int > node_ids) | Mesh | protected |
init_element_vector(unsigned int size) | Mesh | |
init_from_input() | Mesh | |
init_node_vector(unsigned int size) | Mesh | |
intersect_element_lists(vector< unsigned int > const &nodes_list, vector< unsigned int > &intersection_element_list) | Mesh | |
intersections | Mesh | |
IntersectionSearch enum name | Mesh | |
IntersectionSearch typedef | Mesh | |
local_part_ | BCMesh | private |
make_edge_permutations() | Mesh | protected |
make_neighbours_and_edges() | Mesh | protected |
master_elements | Mesh | |
max_edge_sides(unsigned int dim) const | Mesh | inline |
max_edge_sides_ | Mesh | protected |
Mesh() | Mesh | |
Mesh(Input::Record in_record, MPI_Comm com=MPI_COMM_WORLD) | Mesh | |
mesh_file() | Mesh | inline |
mixed_intersections() | Mesh | |
modify_element_ids(const RegionDB::MapElementIDToRegionID &map) | Mesh | protected |
n_bb_neigh | Mesh | protected |
n_boundaries() const | Mesh | inline |
n_corners() | Mesh | |
n_edges() const | Mesh | inline |
n_elements() const override | BCMesh | virtual |
n_exsides | Mesh | |
n_insides | Mesh | |
n_lines | Mesh | |
n_local_nodes() const | Mesh | inline |
n_local_nodes_ | Mesh | private |
n_nodes() const override | BCMesh | virtual |
n_sides() const | Mesh | |
n_sides_ | Mesh | mutable |
n_tetrahedras | Mesh | |
n_triangles | Mesh | |
n_vb_neigh | Mesh | protected |
n_vb_neighbours() const | Mesh | |
node(unsigned int idx) const | Mesh | |
node_4_loc_ | Mesh | private |
node_ds_ | Mesh | private |
node_elements() | Mesh | |
node_elements_ | Mesh | |
node_ids_ | Mesh | protected |
node_index(int node_id) const | Mesh | inline |
node_permutation_ | Mesh | protected |
node_permutations() const | Mesh | inline |
node_range() const | Mesh | |
nodes_ | Mesh | protected |
optimize() | Mesh | protected |
output_internal_ngh_data() | Mesh | protected |
parent_mesh_ | BCMesh | private |
part_ | Mesh | protected |
permute_tetrahedron(unsigned int elm_idx, std::vector< unsigned int > permutation_vec) | Mesh | |
permute_triangle(unsigned int elm_idx, std::vector< unsigned int > permutation_vec) | Mesh | |
read_gmsh_from_stream(istream &in) | Mesh | |
read_regions_from_input(Input::Array region_list) | Mesh | |
region_db() const | Mesh | inline |
region_db_ | Mesh | protected |
row_4_el | Mesh | private |
same_sides(const SideIter &si, vector< unsigned int > &side_nodes) | Mesh | protected |
setup_topology() | Mesh | |
side_nodes | Mesh | |
sort_permuted_nodes_elements(std::vector< int > new_node_ids, std::vector< int > new_elem_ids) | Mesh | protected |
tree | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_ElemLast, int) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_ElemNew, int) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_RegLast, std::string) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_RegNew, std::string) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_ElemId, int) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_ElemIdOther, int) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_Region, std::string) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_RegIdx, unsigned int) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_Dim, unsigned int) | Mesh | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_DimOther, unsigned int) | Mesh | |
undef_idx | Mesh | static |
vb_neighbours_ | Mesh | |
x_coord enum value | Mesh | |
y_coord enum value | Mesh | |
z_coord enum value | Mesh | |
~BCMesh() | BCMesh | |
~Mesh() | Mesh | virtual |