Flow123d  JS_before_hm-1711-g43b724b37
la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT > Member List

This is the complete list of members for la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >, including all inherited members.

clear()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
combineTriples_(typename MatrixCooVec_::const_iterator itb, typename MatrixCooVec_::const_iterator ite)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inlineprivate
deduceNumRows_()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inlineprivate
erase()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
extractArrays(std::vector< IndexType > &rowIndices, std::vector< IndexType > &colIndices, std::vector< ValueType > &values, bool onlyUpperTriangle=false)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
finishAssembly()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
frobeniusNorm()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
getDiagScalar()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
getEntry(IndexType index, IndexType &row, IndexType &col, ValueType &val)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
getIntervalCounts(IndexType low, IndexType high, std::vector< IndexType > &nnzRowsIn, std::vector< IndexType > &nnzRowsOut)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
IndexPair_ typedefla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
IndexType typedefla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >
infNorm()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
insert(const IndexType i, const IndexType j, const ValueType value)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
MatrixCoo(unsigned nRows=0, unsigned nCols=0)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
MatrixCooVec_ typedefla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
matrixCooVec_la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
nCols_la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
nnz() constla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
nRows_la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
prepareAssembly(const IndexType length)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
setCompressedRowArrays(std::vector< IndexType > &colIndices, std::vector< IndexType > &rowPtrs, std::vector< ValueType > &values)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
sorted_la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
sortedSize_la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
Triple_ typedefla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >private
ValueType typedefla::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >
write(std::ostream &out)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
zeroRow(const IndexType row, const ValueType factor)la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline
~MatrixCoo()la::MatrixCoo< INDT, VALT >inline