This is the complete list of members for VectorMPI, including all inherited members.
add(unsigned int pos, double val) | VectorMPI | inline |
add_global(unsigned int pos, double val) | VectorMPI | inline |
communicator_ | VectorMPI | private |
copy_from(const VectorMPI &other) | VectorMPI | |
data_petsc_ | VectorMPI | private |
data_ptr_ | VectorMPI | private |
duplicate_from(VectorMPI other) | VectorMPI | |
get(unsigned int pos) const | VectorMPI | inline |
get_subvec(const LocDofVec &loc_indices) | VectorMPI | |
get_subvec(const LocDofVec &loc_indices) const | VectorMPI | |
ghost_to_local_begin() | VectorMPI | inline |
ghost_to_local_end() | VectorMPI | inline |
local_to_ghost_begin() | VectorMPI | inline |
local_to_ghost_end() | VectorMPI | inline |
normalize(unsigned int pos, double divisor) | VectorMPI | inline |
petsc_vec() | VectorMPI | inline |
resize(unsigned int local_size) | VectorMPI | |
resize(unsigned int local_size, std::vector< LongIdx > &ghost_idx) | VectorMPI | |
sequential(unsigned int size) | VectorMPI | static |
set(unsigned int pos, double val) | VectorMPI | inline |
set_subvec(const LocDofVec &loc_indices, const arma::vec &values) | VectorMPI | |
size() const | VectorMPI | inline |
swap(VectorMPI &other) | VectorMPI | |
VectorData typedef | VectorMPI | |
VectorDataPtr typedef | VectorMPI | |
VectorMPI(MPI_Comm comm=PETSC_COMM_SELF) | VectorMPI | |
VectorMPI(unsigned int local_size, MPI_Comm comm=PETSC_COMM_WORLD) | VectorMPI | |
VectorMPI(unsigned int local_size, std::vector< LongIdx > &ghost_idx) | VectorMPI | |
zero_entries() | VectorMPI | inline |
~VectorMPI() | VectorMPI |