Jan Březina - coordinator, Fields, Mesh, Richards
Jan Stebel - DG transport, Mechanics, HM coupling, fracture contacts
David Flanderka - new assembly algorithm, bug fixes, technical improvements
Pavel Exner - mesh intersections, tests, bug fixes
Otto Severýn - first versions of multidimensional flow
Milan Hokr - density driven flow
Jan Hybš - profiler, Python formaters, infrastructure
Jiří Kopal - FV transport
Jiří Hnídek - GMESH and VTK output classes, infrastructure
Jiří Jeníček - JSON reader
Lukáš Zedek - projection algorithm for fast non-linear sorption, linear reactions
Jakub Šístek - two level domain decomposition method without overlap
Dalibor Frydrich
Jan Lisal
Tomáš Bambuch - profiler class