This is the complete list of members for Balance, including all inherited members.
add_cumulative_source(unsigned int quantity_idx, double source) | Balance | |
add_flux_values(unsigned int quantity_idx, const DHCellSide &side, const LocDofVec &loc_dof_indices, const std::vector< double > &mat_values, double vec_value) | Balance | |
add_mass_values(unsigned int quantity_idx, const DHCellAccessor &dh_cell, const LocDofVec &loc_dof_indices, const std::vector< double > &mat_values, double vec_value) | Balance | |
add_output_times_ | Balance | private |
add_quantities(const std::vector< string > &names) | Balance | |
add_quantity(const string &name) | Balance | |
add_source_values(unsigned int quantity_idx, unsigned int region_idx, const LocDofVec &loc_dof_indices, const std::vector< double > &mult_mat_values, const std::vector< double > &add_mat_values) | Balance | |
allocate(const std::shared_ptr< DOFHandlerMultiDim > &dh, unsigned int max_dofs_per_boundary) | Balance | |
allocate(unsigned int n_loc_dofs, unsigned int max_dofs_per_boundary) | Balance | |
allocation_done_ | Balance | private |
Balance(const std::string &file_prefix, const Mesh *mesh) | Balance | |
balance_on_ | Balance | private |
balance_output_file_ | Balance | private |
balance_output_type_ | Balance | private |
be_flux_matrix_ | Balance | private |
be_flux_vec_ | Balance | private |
be_id_map_ | Balance | private |
be_offset_ | Balance | private |
be_regions_ | Balance | private |
calculate_cumulative(unsigned int quantity_idx, const Vec &solution) | Balance | |
calculate_instant(unsigned int quantity_idx, const Vec &solution) | Balance | |
calculate_mass(unsigned int quantity_idx, const Vec &solution, vector< double > &output_array) | Balance | |
csv_zero_vals(unsigned int cnt, char delimiter) | Balance | private |
cumulative() const | Balance | inline |
cumulative_ | Balance | private |
do_yaml_output_ | Balance | privatestatic |
file_prefix_ | Balance | private |
finish_flux_assembly(unsigned int quantity_idx) | Balance | |
finish_flux_assembly(std::vector< unsigned int > q_idx_vec) | Balance | inline |
finish_mass_assembly(unsigned int quantity_idx) | Balance | |
finish_mass_assembly(std::vector< unsigned int > q_idx_vec) | Balance | inline |
finish_source_assembly(unsigned int quantity_idx) | Balance | |
finish_source_assembly(std::vector< unsigned int > q_idx_vec) | Balance | inline |
fluxes_ | Balance | private |
fluxes_in_ | Balance | private |
fluxes_out_ | Balance | private |
format_csv_output_header(char delimiter, const std::string &comment_string) | Balance | private |
format_csv_val(std::string val, char delimiter, bool initial=false) | Balance | private |
format_csv_val(double val, char delimiter, bool initial=false) | Balance | private |
get_boundary_edge_uid(SideIter side) | Balance | inlineprivate |
get_format_selection_input_type() | Balance | static |
get_input_type() | Balance | static |
gnuplot enum value | Balance | |
increment_fluxes_ | Balance | private |
increment_sources_ | Balance | private |
init_from_input(const Input::Record &in_rec, TimeGovernor &tg) | Balance | |
initial_ | Balance | private |
initial_mass_ | Balance | private |
input_record_ | Balance | private |
integrated_fluxes_ | Balance | private |
integrated_sources_ | Balance | private |
is_current() | Balance | |
last_time_ | Balance | private |
lazy_initialize() | Balance | private |
legacy enum value | Balance | |
masses_ | Balance | private |
max_dofs_per_boundary_ | Balance | private |
mesh_ | Balance | private |
n_loc_dofs_par_ | Balance | private |
n_loc_dofs_seq_ | Balance | private |
output() | Balance | |
output_ | Balance | private |
output_column_width | Balance | privatestatic |
output_csv(double time, char delimiter, const std::string &comment_string, unsigned int repeat=0) | Balance | private |
output_format_ | Balance | private |
output_legacy(double time) | Balance | private |
output_line_counter_ | Balance | private |
output_mark_type_ | Balance | private |
output_yaml(double time) | Balance | private |
output_yaml_ | Balance | private |
output_yaml_header_ | Balance | private |
OutputFormat enum name | Balance | |
quantities_ | Balance | private |
rank_ | Balance | private |
region_mass_matrix_ | Balance | private |
region_mass_vec_ | Balance | private |
region_source_matrix_ | Balance | private |
region_source_rhs_ | Balance | private |
set_yaml_output() | Balance | static |
sources_in_ | Balance | private |
sources_out_ | Balance | private |
start_flux_assembly(unsigned int quantity_idx) | Balance | |
start_flux_assembly(std::vector< unsigned int > q_idx_vec) | Balance | inline |
start_mass_assembly(unsigned int quantity_idx) | Balance | |
start_mass_assembly(std::vector< unsigned int > q_idx_vec) | Balance | inline |
start_source_assembly(unsigned int quantity_idx) | Balance | |
start_source_assembly(std::vector< unsigned int > q_idx_vec) | Balance | inline |
sum_fluxes_ | Balance | private |
sum_fluxes_in_ | Balance | private |
sum_fluxes_out_ | Balance | private |
sum_masses_ | Balance | private |
sum_sources_ | Balance | private |
sum_sources_in_ | Balance | private |
sum_sources_out_ | Balance | private |
time_ | Balance | private |
txt enum value | Balance | |
units(const UnitSI &unit) | Balance | |
units_ | Balance | private |
~Balance() | Balance |