Flow123d  DF_patch_fe_data_tables-398e8e7
Armor::Array< Type > Member List

This is the complete list of members for Armor::Array< Type >, including all inherited members.

add_comp(uint i_row, uint i_col, uint i_row_b, uint i_col_b, const Array &B)Armor::Array< Type >inline
append(const ArmaMat< Type, nr, nc > &item)Armor::Array< Type >inline
append(const ArmaVec< Type, nr > &item)Armor::Array< Type >inline
arma_mat(uint i) constArmor::Array< Type >inline
arma_vec(uint i) constArmor::Array< Type >inline
Array(uint nr, uint nc=1, uint size=0)Armor::Array< Type >inline
Array(const Array &other)Armor::Array< Type >inline
data_Armor::Array< Type >
mat(uint mat_index) constArmor::Array< Type >inline
multiply_comp(uint i_row, uint i_col, Type multi)Armor::Array< Type >inline
n_cols() constArmor::Array< Type >inline
n_cols_Armor::Array< Type >private
n_rows() constArmor::Array< Type >inline
n_rows_Armor::Array< Type >private
operator()(uint i_row, uint i_col) constArmor::Array< Type >inline
operator=(const Array &other)Armor::Array< Type >inline
reinit(uint size)Armor::Array< Type >inline
reserved_Armor::Array< Type >private
resize(uint size)Armor::Array< Type >inline
scalar(uint mat_index) constArmor::Array< Type >inline
set(uint index)Armor::Array< Type >inline
size() constArmor::Array< Type >inline
size_Armor::Array< Type >private
space_()Armor::Array< Type >inlineprivate
vec(uint mat_index) constArmor::Array< Type >inline
~Array()Armor::Array< Type >inline