This is the complete list of members for RegionDB, including all inherited members.
add_region(unsigned int id, const std::string &label, unsigned int dim, const std::string &address="implicit") | RegionDB | |
add_set(const std::string &set_name, const RegionSet &set) | RegionDB | |
add_to_set(const std::string &set_name, Region region) | RegionDB | |
all | RegionDB | private |
boundary | RegionDB | private |
boundary_size() const | RegionDB | |
bulk | RegionDB | private |
bulk_size() const | RegionDB | |
check_regions() | RegionDB | private |
close() | RegionDB | |
closed_ | RegionDB | private |
create_label_from_id(unsigned int id) const | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcNonuniqueID,<< "Non-unique ID during add of elementary region id: "<< EI_ID::val<< ", label: "<< EI_Label::qval<< "\n"<< "other elementary region with same ID but different label: "<< EI_LabelOfOtherID::qval<< " already exists\n") | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_EXCEPTION(ExcInconsistentBoundary,<< "Inconsistent add of elementary region with id: "<< EI_ID::val<< ", label: "<< EI_Label::qval<< "\n"<< "both ID and label match an existing elementary region with different boundary flag.") | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcAddingIntoClosed,<< "Can not add label="<< EI_Label::qval<< " into closed MaterialDispatch.\n") | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcNonuniqueLabel,<< "Non-unique label during add of elementary region id: "<< EI_ID::val<< ", label: "<< EI_Label::qval<< "\n"<< "other elementary region with same label but different ID: "<< EI_IDOfOtherLabel::val<< " already exists\n") | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcCantAdd,<< "Can not add new elementary region into DB, id: "<< EI_ID::val<<", label: "<< EI_Label::qval) | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcUnknownRegion,<< "Unknown region with id: "<< EI_ID::val) | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcUnknownSet,<< "Operation with unknown region set: "<< EI_Label::qval) | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcUnknownSetOperand,<< "Operation with unknown region set: "<< EI_Label::qval) | RegionDB | |
DECLARE_INPUT_EXCEPTION(ExcUniqueRegionId,<< "Id of elementary region must be unique, id: "<< EI_ID::val) | RegionDB | |
DimID typedef | RegionDB | private |
DimIDIter typedef | RegionDB | private |
el_to_reg_map_ | RegionDB | private |
erase_from_set(const std::string &set_name, Region region) | RegionDB | private |
find_by_dimid(DimIDIter it_id, unsigned int id, const std::string &label, bool boundary) | RegionDB | private |
find_id(unsigned int id, unsigned int dim) const | RegionDB | |
find_id(unsigned int id) const | RegionDB | |
find_label(const std::string &label) const | RegionDB | |
get_and_check_operands(const Input::Array &operands) const | RegionDB | |
get_dim(unsigned int idx) const | RegionDB | |
get_id(unsigned int idx) const | RegionDB | |
get_label(unsigned int idx) const | RegionDB | |
get_region(unsigned int id, unsigned int dim) | RegionDB | |
get_region_address(unsigned int idx) const | RegionDB | |
get_region_set(const std::string &set_name) const | RegionDB | |
implicit_boundary_ | RegionDB | private |
implicit_boundary_region() | RegionDB | |
implicit_bulk_ | RegionDB | private |
insert_region(unsigned int id, const std::string &label, unsigned int dim, bool boundary, const std::string &address) | RegionDB | private |
is_boundary(const std::string &label) | RegionDB | inlineprivate |
LabelIter typedef | RegionDB | private |
MapElementIDToRegionID typedef | RegionDB | |
mark_used_region(unsigned int idx) | RegionDB | |
max_id_ | RegionDB | private |
max_n_regions | RegionDB | static |
Mesh class | RegionDB | friend |
n_boundary_ | RegionDB | private |
n_bulk_ | RegionDB | private |
OnlyIDIter typedef | RegionDB | private |
print_region_table(std::ostream &stream) const | RegionDB | |
region_table_ | RegionDB | private |
RegionDB() | RegionDB | |
RegionSetBase class | RegionDB | friend |
RegionTable typedef | RegionDB | private |
rename_region(Region reg, const std::string &new_label) | RegionDB | |
replace_region_dim(DimIDIter it_undef_dim, unsigned int dim, bool boundary) | RegionDB | private |
sets_ | RegionDB | private |
size() const | RegionDB | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_Label, const std::string) | RegionDB | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_ID, unsigned int) | RegionDB | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_IDOfOtherLabel, unsigned int) | RegionDB | |
TYPEDEF_ERR_INFO(EI_LabelOfOtherID, const std::string) | RegionDB | |
undefined_dim | RegionDB | static |
union_set(std::vector< std::string > set_names) const | RegionDB |