[K] Input field: Initial temperature.
[−] Input field: Porosity.
[−] Input field:
[m−3kg] Input field: Density of fluid.
[m2s−2K−1] Input field: Heat capacity of fluid.
[mkgs−3K−1] Input field: Heat conductivity of fluid.
[m−3kg] Input field: Density of solid (rock).
[m2s−2K−1] Input field: Heat capacity of solid (rock).
[mkgs−3K−1] Input field: Heat conductivity of solid (rock).
[m] Input field: Longitudal heat dispersivity in fluid.
[m] Input field: Transversal heat dispersivity in fluid.
[m−1kgs−3] Input field: Density of thermal source in fluid.
[m−1kgs−3] Input field: Density of thermal source in solid.
[s−1] Input field: Heat exchange rate of source in fluid.
[s−1] Input field: Heat exchange rate of source in solid.
[K] Input field: Reference temperature of source in fluid.
[K] Input field: Reference temperature in solid.
[−] Input field: Coefficient of diffusive transfer through fractures (for each substance).
[−] Input field: Penalty parameter influencing the discontinuity of the solution (for each substance). Its default value 1 is sufficient in most cases. Higher value diminishes the inter-element jumps.
[−] Input field:
[−] Input field: